Chapter 1023 1022: Sla Hunt (2)

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 1023 1022: Sla Hunt (2)

"So uh... were your clothes under a barrier of some kind as well, or did you destroy them in a lustful craze like I had? Or are you just..."

"If you are trying to insinuate that I am some exhibitionist that wanted an excuse to practice one of my kinks just for the fun of it, please reevaluate your perception of me immediately, Jahi Asmodia. I highly dislike being unclothed unless I am in a bed."

"Alright, alright, I was just asking... any idea on how we are supposed to hunt something that doesn't want to be seen, heard, or otherwise located prematurely? The Lust Mana is rather thick in the air if you tune your senses, but it doesn't fluctuate at all... at least for me, anyways. I don't sense any differences in the Lust Mana in the air, and honestly, whenever I focus too much..."

The Jackalkin beside me nodded and began to look around, the scimitar in her hand tapping against the tile as she searched for something, anything at all to locate this Fiend, and after a few moments she said "Don't focus on it often. If you do, you'll only get yourself aroused and in need of release, and if that happens... I'll either push you into a room and let fate run its course, or I will make you into a eunuch. You can rest easy knowing that Lady D'Arcon can reattach it easily enough."

I just snorted at that and joined her in looking around, focusing on the opposite side of the corridor as I tuned out the moans and smacking of flesh as well as the scent of sex that was thick in the air, trying to pinpoint any fluctuations inside the Lust Mana that permeated the air around us, only to force myself to take a deep breath as my body began to heat up.

"Don't... be stupid, Jahi Asmodia. I would rather not draw your blood, so leave the tracking to me. This Fiend is troublesome, and likely won't be easily found... it might not even be within the capital building, and if it isn't..."

"Sla'Caligo seemed confident it was nearby enough to warrant not aiding me in undoing that barrier for some clothes, and while she is an incredibly annoying, irritating, Gods above I want to rip her throat out most of the time Arch Fiend who deserves to die, I don't think she would be so childish as to let me walk around nude outside of this building where people could see, since that would likely earn Kat's ire..."

Glancing back at the door that led into the room where the Arch Fiend currently resided, I waited a few moments before nodding when no reply came from her, which to me meant she wasn't going to risk that; while she was an Arch Fiend, she seemed to be rather determined to create a harmonious relationship between herself and her contracted partner, so I decided that I might as well trust her for right now.

Even if she was using me as eye candy to get herself off, which made my skin crawl.

"Separating feels stupid in a situation like this. A Fiend that can just blast you with Lust Mana and try and seduce you into having sex with it? I would rather not be looking around on my own; I am also assuming you have something to protect against such an 'attack', so I would rather pick your brain and try to create a defense for myself as well instead of hunting alone."

"I understand, and I wasn't going to suggest splitting up; that would be negligent on my part. Unless I was looking forwards to having that Fiend for myself?"

Even with a veiled face, I could tell she was smirking at me, which made me roll my eyes as I replied "And run the risk of Lady Kio hearing about it someway, somehow? Unless you are into the idea of a tumultuous return home, I would advise against fucking this Fiend. Also... I like my skin where it is, and I feel like your wife - my Mother in law - would take a dagger to us both before she even decided to let us utter a word to defend ourselves."

She snorted again and nodded, tapping the back of the scimitar against her shoulder as she looked between the two halls, her triangular ears twitching as she listened to the sounds of lust around us.

"It's louder that way, but that is also where the servants reside... do you think this Fiend would want quantity over quality? Because the guards are down that side, if this building does indeed follow the same exact floor plan as all of the others..."

"So it is identical and symmetrical too? Perfect. But... no, I was wondering, where does the Vizier reside? They were 'sick', remember? I think that would be a better place to start instead of trying to search randomly. And besides... the strength of the person might have no correlation to the amount of Lust Mana they could produce, right? I feel like I have heard about a few weaklings having a voracious appetite while some stronger people have paltry desires."

Humming, the Sultana nodded and began to walk down the right corridor, leading us further into the building and towards the servant's quarters as she said "That makes a lot of sense, and so does your other point as well. If this Fiend requires some Lust Mana to increase its power even more, then it would look for the sheer quantity of it instead of quality since it can refine whatever it harvests, right? That makes the most sense... faster and easier to go for more instead of searching for finer quality..."

"And we do need to be aware that this Fiend... it is rather adept with its powers, and quite sly too. Maybe it will try to trap us or trick us on the way..?"

The Lust Mana in the air was still as thick as ever, and the plethora of moans around us only made that warm feeling grow even faster as the servants descended into their lusts freely, unaware of the insidious nature of what was happening inside this building.