Chapter 1025 1024: Fiend Of Intemperance

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 1025 Chapter 1024: Fiend Of Intemperance

The voice drifted through the air like a melody, fluttery and gentle noise that caressed the ears and stroked the mind in an attempt to lull you into relaxation and bliss; it evoked a sense of wonder in your mind that made you curious about what else this voice had in store, and that...

That path of questioning led to a rather dangerous locale, since the initial thought was 'what would this voice sound like moaning in pleasure or calling out my name for more?', and even just thinking about that for a fraction of a second made that heat inside of us swell to new heights.

"Why don't you two come on insides, hm~? I feel like the gig is up at this point, no? We all know what is about to happen... or at least, what the most likely outcome of this is. I would appreciate being able to gaze upon the ones capable of resisting my charms in their natural state before... well, we all become animalistic, one way or another~!"

The Fiend giggled, making my heart flutter for a moment thanks to how angelic it sounded, the silkiness of this Fiend's voice stealing away all of your attention and drumming inside your ears pleasantly, though as soon as the Sultana raised her foot and slammed it against the wooden doors, I shook myself free and blanched slightly at the ease of which the Fiend had stunned me.

With just their voice, I had been momentarily halted in any and all functions at all, and that was from a different room with no visual contact between us, something that seemed to bode ill for me in this upcoming fight.

The wood splintered beneath her bare foot, the Sultana sending the 'living' silver door stoppers skittering into the room, causing the Fiend within to giggle again as they lazily said "Feisty~! I like it...", the drawl on the end of their words making me groan as I bit my tongue and focused via the pain.

Walking inside, the Sultana and I stepped over the wooden slivers that had been scattered across the tile and carpets, entering a room filled with a warm, pink haze that trickled into our nostrils and muddled our heads.

"Sweet, isn't it~? My perfume, that is... Y'know, one thing that I dislike of the desert is the heat; some people love the musk of sweat, but me? I much prefer cleanliness during times of idleness and important discussion. Don't you?"

The haze began to recede, revealing the clean, lavish bedroom of the Vizier, but currently the star of this show was lounging on the throne that had been moved to the room's center instead of behind the giant desk, while the real owner of the room was... somewhere.

Long, smooth pink legs swayed over the arm of the throne, each movement allowing the many anklets and beads to clatter together in a soft, low chime that filled the room just like the haze, adding to its charm and not taking away anything at all... besides my attention.

The outside of the Fiend's thighs were covered in a fluffy violet fur that did little to conceal the plumpness of it's body, whilst the wide hips were only 'covered' by another set of golden hoops adorned with more beads.

A toned belly with the slight hint of the Fiend's abdomen led up into fur covered breasts, while two of the Fiend's three arms were crossed just beneath them, giving the twin mountains some satisfying jiggles whilst the third was supporting the Fiend's head.

"More than she could chew... Did she..?"

"Become one with her beloved~? Oh, she did... she most certainly did~! It was her desire, after all, to have her husband be hers, and only hers~!"

The lax Fiend just snickered as she glanced back at the Vizier, her three eyes glowing with a demented, yet calm glow as she watched the woman like one would watch a pet, before she turned back to us to say "You should have been here when I first arrived~! The love they displayed for one another as they mated, taking turns with one another~! But you both are mortals, so you know full well that after a while, one tends to get... peckish, right? So I merely suggested they satisfy their hunger here, in the bedroom~!"

Spreading her hands innocently, the Fiend giggled madly as she crowed "Who would have thought they took that literally~! There was food and wine aplenty on the table, but she was ravenous for something else, it seems~! Took a large bite of her dearest husband right then and there, before tearing into him even as he screamed and pleaded with her~!"

Doubling over, the Fiend cackled as she recalled what happened, while I felt my stomach churn as I looked back at the Vizier, who was moaning to herself as she continued to single-

mindedly pleasure herself, her eyes hollow and empty even as she emitted sounds of glee.

What could have made a woman who loved her husband do something like that?

Surely not even lust could spur on something as twisted and demented as cannibalism, right?

"You mortals... you'll eat anything and everything else in this world, but the idea of partaking in the flesh of your own is disgusting~? You'll fuck anything with legs if you're horny enough, but this is where you draw the line~? That's amusing to me, a reminder of how odd you all are~! So very twisted, yet so 'morally superior' to other beings~! Funny, funny~!"

Clapping, the Fiend giggled for a moment before adding "But, I suppose like my aversion to combat, your aversion to a little snack like that is understandable... and like many things in life, it sometimes just doesn't go your way, right~?"

Her eyes flashed a dazzling, nauseating pink before her body faded away into the pink mist, which began to thicken within the room as the Fiend murmured "I suppose I am a tad peckish as well... and while you're both rather muscular, that has it's own allure too~!", her voice no longer carrying that same angelic charm as before.

No, now it was a sweet as poison and as captivating as a corpses grin, and it made me shudder as I clenched the Gladius in my hand and tapped into my Core, shrouding myself in Light Mana.