Chapter 1030 1029: What Happens In Khisba...*

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 1030 Chapter 1029: What Happens In Khisba...*

Kat PoV

I gasped for breath as I pushed Leone off of me, the Vampire still in a state of euphoria as she succumbed to the pleasures of the flesh yet again, unable to help herself even though the faint pink mist within our room had waned completely.

It had been damn near impossible to stop Leone and my mate from doing what they wanted to me, their lust fueled frenzies doing everything to cloud their rationality whilst unleashing the wellsprings of sexual needs that they somehow had somewhat repressed in their minds, allowing them to have no qualms whatsoever to ravaging me like some third rate prostitute they picked up from the corner.

What made me even more angry was how great I had felt the entire time they both ravaged me, how each time they finished inside me I felt my will to escape weaken whilst that brief moment of reprieve slowly slipped through my fingers since I was too focused on how great it felt to be taken like this.

It was one of the few times where I realized just how 'lost' I was as a person since I couldn't even bring myself to fight against my own desires to give aid to my lover and soulmate as she went to save us from whatever was spreading this Lust Mana filled mist.

My own lust was a bane right at this moment, the inability I had to fight against my desires - to drag my lovers free from this blissful mental prison that we were trapped in - making me feel terrible mentally even as physically I reached cloud nine for the umpteenth time today, the lingering heat of Leone's cum trickling out of me pulling me into the insidious embrace of yet another orgasm.

Meanwhile, Anput ran her hands over my body and lapped at my neck as she continued to make love to me like there was nothing else to do in life, her knot pumping her semen into my ass for who knows how many times its been since she began.

However, even though I wanted to pull away, it was physically impossible to do so since she was so deep inside me, and even if I could try, it would just end with one of us getting hurt for nothing, since I could feel the Lust Mana in the air gradually dissipating, and since the Arch Fiend who had been watching me get plowed the entire time was now grinning lazily at me as she said "Seems like your lovely muscle mommy Demoness managed to get it done~!"

Seeing the Arch Fiend stroking her cock to the sight of me getting knotted was rather... odd; on one hand, being watched was all the more arousing, especially since she got a clear view of my pussy dripping with Leone's cum, but that was exactly what made this awkward and embarrassing to have happen to me.

This was a good supply of Lust 'energy' for me to play around with in the near future, and it would help me maybe grow a resistance to the Lust Mana if I was actually able to control it somewhat and understand it just a bit more.

That was a long time coming too, me finally understanding this power I had been given so long ago...

With the two futanari's having their way with me, I didn't hear Jahi come back into the room, nor did I hear her say something to Cali, the two conversing for a few moments before the Arch Fiend left the room finally, nor did I even feel her get back onto the bed as she watched us with those piercing, scary golden eyes.

But I did know she was back when Leone moaned crazily above me, and I knew she was back when I felt something press against my stomach from Leone's side, the Demoness' thrusts poking me through the Vampire as she didn't say a single word to us, just got on the bed and started fucking the Vampire without any hesitation.

This sudden shift was too much for Leone, who started cumming immediately as the Demoness began to pound her as hard as she could from behind, uncaring of what Leone might have wanted as she just took what she wanted instead.

The soft grunts from her as she pressed Leone down into me and rammed her cock into her womb snapped me out of my little mental prison, the presence of my lover bringing me back to reality as I tried to reach for her, wanting to receive comfort from her and to comfort her after whatever it was that she had just gone through.

Clasping one of my hands, Jahi stared at me for a moment before turning her gaze back down towards Leone's ass, her golden eyes worrying me as her lip curled slightly in irritation and anger as she humped the Vampire like a Caninekin, taking out her frustrations through Leone's plump, rippling ass.

I couldn't ask her what was wrong verbally, so instead I poked at her through our Soul Bond to try and get an idea on what was angering her, to understand what I could do to help her, and thankfully... she wasn't so far gone that she 'snapped' at me, but she squeezed my hand and just sent back a slightly rough reply that boiled down to 'we can talk later'.

We were staring into one another's eyes yet again, those golden irises worrying me because of her reply, but when she gave my hand another squeeze and muttered "Later, Kat... just let me empty my balls in peace, please... that Fiend was a bitch." I tried to nod before my face was covered by Leone's when Jahi used her free hand to pin us down completely and force us to kiss.