Chapter 1037 1036: Headstart

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 1037 Chapter 1036: Headstart

"Oh by the Gods... finally back home~! It feels so nice to be back home~!"

Dismounting the Jackal and stretching, Anput moaned happily as she loosened her tense muscles and cracked her joints, doing so ahead of us all as she walked forwards a few steps and grinned at the guards waiting at the entrance of the palace.

"Go and tell Mother that we're back, please. And have dinner arranged; something lighter, and something that can pair well with coffee. It's been a long day."

One of the guards just nodded and turned around, heading into the palace without another word to get the Begum's will done, but the other paused as he stared at the pink skinned Fiend clamoring for the Sultana's attention, unable to help himself and having a job to do as he asked "Sultana, is that a..?"

"A Fiend? Yes, and an annoying one at that, but... one that I have further questions for, and one that is currently trying to prove her worth, I suppose. Don't worry, I'll kill her if she tries anything idiotic."

"If... Very well, Sultana. I shall go inform the kitchens of your arrival. Welcome back to Muqai Al-Maedin!"

Bowing to the Jackalkin, the guard turned and gave us a shallower bow before heading into the palace and leaving us alone with the Jackals outside, gathering up our stuff and leading the wonderful creatures over to their housing.

My Jackal had been wonderful, so as we shepherded them into their respective rooms and helped them out of their saddles, I gave mine a swift sprinkle and refilled its water trough with something nice and cool before drying it off with some wind, ensuring it was clean and taken care of.

Then I pulled out the extra blanket I had and spread it out atop its bedding, something that confused the Jackal for a moment as it sniffed the soft blanket, but as soon as I pulled its paw onto the bedding it just blinked before stepping forwards and circling around a few times.

After it oriented itself, the Jackal plopped on down and rested its snout on its paws, staring at me for a few moments before closing its eyes and taking a deep breath, making me smile wryly as I stared at the majestic yet tired creature in front of me, wondering what it was thinking; it seemed like such a simpler life compared to ours, despite us both being 'Canines'. Discover new chapters at

I wanted to fluff its ears and relish in the softness of its fur, but since it was clearly trying to sleep I held my hand instead and slipped out of the room to leave it be, where I found the others all waiting around holding their stuff, staring at me with raised brows and slightly tired looks.

"What? Can't show appreciation to the one who carried me miles over the scorching sands?"

Reaching the main room yet again, we were greeted with the sight of Lady Kio standing at the table tapping her foot on the ground as she stared at the Sultana, who was just standing there like she had nothing to explain at all... with a busty pink skinned babe clinging to her side.

Jahi trailed off as she saw that, and the Demoness strode on over to the table to take a seat beside Anput, who was silently watching from the side with a small smile on her face; we joined them as we began to watch the show unfold, and I rolled my eyes again as I heard Lady Kio 'calmly' ask "So who exactly is this?"

"Sla'Salaxi, a Fiend that made one of our Viziers into a cannibal and took immense pleasure in turning Khisba's capital building into a den of degeneracy. She's rather irritating, yes, but she knew about-"

"That's great; why the fuck is she hanging on you like some cheap harlot you hired for a night?"

Everyone looked at Sla'Salaxi, who simply blinked before recoiling back slightly as she said "Excuse me, but I am NOT a cheap harlot! The things I can do would have your toes curling and your legs shaking! But um... Anubi..."

She turned straight back to the Sultana after that, which made Lady Kio snarl slightly as she watched the Fiend trail her finger up the Sultana's abs as she whispered to the Jackalkin in a sultry tone, doing her best to seduce her.

"For you, I wouldn't mind being treated like a cheap harlot... if you want to use me and throw me away, I wouldn't... I wouldn't complain at all..."

"You bitch..!"

Mana coiled around Lady Kio's limbs as she shot forwards, and before the Fiend could even realize what was happening she was flying across the table, skidding to a halt right in front of us and unable to comprehend why she was here.

"Keep your grubby paws off my wife!"

We all turned our gazes back towards Lady Kio, who had taken the Fiend's spot as she embraced the Sultana from the front, which made the futanari tilt her head as she stared down at the petite Dogkin woman.

"What the..."

Climbing off of the table, Sla'Salaxi glared at Lady Kio before shivering as the Sultana said "That's enough now... I can tolerate your antics because I don't find them that irritating, but I don't control my adorably angry wife, so control yourself.", her three eyes narrowing as she stared at the proud Dogkin, who was grinning at her.