Qin Ze and his sister made a joke. Unexpectedly, she took it seriously.

The car is changing lanes continuously, regardless of the monitoring, whether it will be deducted or not, Qin Baobao, the female driver, shows a strong lane changing technology, and even with other vehicles, he pulls over directly to the side.

The carriage is quiet and the noise outside is isolated. Qin Baobao looks at Qin Ze without saying a word.

In the silent gaze, the little red guy counsels.

"Sister, I'm kidding." Qin Ze weak tone, speak at the same time, tightly staring at the sister's expression, just like in the face of angry teacher, raise a timid face of primary school students.

"Funny." Qin Baobao said coldly.

"I think it's funny... It's not funny, really." Qin zedao.

"When did you become so flowery?" Qin Baobao said in a deep voice.

I... I've always been like this.

"Maybe, I've been skinny lately?" Qin Ze said something insincere.

When fighting and making trouble, Qin Ze will give in unconditionally, just like now.

Although I don't know which one of my elder sister's tendons is so strong, it's right to recognize her. It's also helpful to recognize her. He can use the three or six tactics of coaxing her for 20 years to coax her into a happy mood, and then slap it at night to save her lost face.

Another silence.

Qin Baobao suddenly charming posture: "Oh, my sister just joked with you, look at you to scare."

Qin Ze looked at her, turned his head out of the window and whispered, "Oh, it's OK."

Qin Ze looked out of the window in a daze. He couldn't remember which philosopher said: emotion is superior to * *, but emotion is always no match for * *.

Note: this sentence comes from the life tutor "selling newspaper, Xiao Lang Jun", piracy must be investigated.

Qin Ze felt that he was just like the life tutor above and did it.

Heaven's entertainment beauties such as clouds, outside, want to sleep his coquettish cheap number can not count. But he didn't sleep around with female stars like those big capitalists and directors.

Su Yu is the only woman he has had in-depth communication at present. When he is with Su Yu, his feelings are better than his.

So he'll never be a dragon. He'll be a trinket at most.

At least, when Trinket talks about feelings, long Aotian is different. Long Aotian is the hottest knight errant in the world. When he sees injustice, he shouts out his gun when he should.

Qin Baobao focuses on driving, and his face is a little heavy.

Qin Ze: "elder sister, I still want to continue digging people."

Qin Baobao said: "go back to your own operation, I don't care about these things."

This is the gesture of refusing to chat, Qin Ze also followed silence.

Qin Baobao looked at him and said in a soft voice, "you can do whatever you want. My sister doesn't stop you. If you grow up so big, which thing do I not follow you?"

Qin Ze is stunned and remembers carefully. It seems that apart from the trivial trifles, Qin Ze is eager for something or something. When she is a sister, she really follows her own way.

In addition to three years of College cohabitation this matter, elder sister Qiangang arbitrary domineering once.

He used to say that his wife was complaining about paying back the money. In fact, he said that he didn't really want her to pay back the money. If Qin Ze slapped him, he said sternly and angrily, "Qin Baobao, do you want to return my wife to me?".

... if I do this, I may be killed.

I always feel that what my sister said is right, but what's wrong.

Qin Baobao said: "do a good job, young strong, China is strong."

Qin Ze subconsciously received the words: "if a girl is strong, the young man will support the wall, and if the young man is strong, the girl will lie flat."

Qin Baobao:...

Qin Ze: "elder sister, I was wrong. I try to control my mouth."

Qin Baobao looked at him in silence. Did my brother become a coquettish man for a long time?

Do sister how to do, online wait, urgent!

Qin Baobao hummed: "for the sake of our brothers and sisters, Lin Zexu's coffin is pressed by my sister for you."

Qin Ze was at a loss for a moment, then sneered: "for the sake of our brothers and sisters, your Chinese teacher's coffin, I'll hold it for you."

Since childhood, my sister's Chinese is general, ah. She is also poor in Chinese, otherwise can go to Peking University and Prince Jin again continue the front edge, when a few years table.

It is clear that she is a woman, but her achievements in science have exploded.

Qin Zeming is a boy, but he does well in liberal arts.

Qin Baobao:

What I said just now, no problem.


in the afternoon of that day, Qin Ze sent a micro blog: "your voice is worthy of our ownership. I'm glad to be your royal composer. Please take care of it. @Xu Jiao "

netizens who saw this microblog were confused at that time.

They are all in Chinese, but they can't read them together. What does Qin Ze want to express?Shake hands for peace?

What do you mean by the composer.

"What's the matter? I read it right."

"Is this a show of kindness? What is "your voice, only we have to have", I have a premonition of something big

"I'm afraid it's not a py deal."

"No brain upstairs, there should be a" mill iron "deal."

"Drop, the hole is deep."

"Drop, old card."

"A group of melon skins upstairs, isn't Xu Jiao and Qin Baobao just finished the fight? Xu Jiao has been scolded miserably recently. What does Qin zefa mean by this micro blog?"

"Yes, it's harmful to my family's image. I can't understand his meaning."

Qin Ze, as a popular fresh meat with tens of millions of fans, naturally attracted the attention of many Internet media and entertainment gossip people by sending such a controversial and bizarre micro blog.

They speculated on what was going on.

Qin Ze and Xu Jiao make up the past, Tianfang entertainment and the emperor shake hands to make peace?

And also acted as Xu Jiao's official composer?

The composer of imperial song is exaggeration, which is Qin Ze's expression of "intimate relationship".

Before long, Xu Jiao forwarded Qin Ze's microblog: "boss, take care of it later."

Soon Qin Ze forwarded her microblog: This is our new employee, please take care of it.

Xu Jiao retransmitted his microblog, did not speak, with a series of "dog head" expression.

Now, it's lively.

Microblog is a large number of singers praise, including Xu Yunhan, Huang Yuteng and Ge Ling.

In fact, there are two words in their hearts: envy!

But this kind of words is not easy to say, will let their own entertainment company have an idea.

When the Internet is full of discussion, the imperial entertainment.

Xu Jiao handed in her resignation report and unilaterally tore up the contract.

The top management of the company was furious.

She rejected Xu Jiao's resignation report and said frankly that if she insists on her own way, she will not only pay for breach of contract damages, but also take a lawsuit.

Zhang Jie, Xu Jiao's agent, was the first to take the lead and persuade her in the office.

"How did it happen? How did it happen?"

There was a cup of tea in front of her body, steaming hot, but she didn't drink it. Sister Zhang clapped her hands and looked distressed.

"Sister Zhang, this is my decision." Xu Xiaoqian is sitting opposite her.

"Jiaojiao, are you crazy? Where can't our imperial court compare with heaven? What benefits can he bring to you by digging you in the past? Yes, the company's decision to increase the draw makes you feel uncomfortable, but the entertainment industry is like this. If you change to Tianfang entertainment, it will be the same. " Sister Zhang said in a loud voice.

"Qin Ze can bring me opportunities, Sister Zhang. I've been stuck here for several years. You know, my acting career has reached a bottleneck. I want to break through myself. Qin Dynasty can't give me a chance to entertain. " Xu Jiao said in a deep voice: "the trees move the dead and move the living."

Sister Zhang earnestly advised: "Jiaojiao, I brought you to this position as a young singer. The imperial entertainment has trained you for so many years. Now you have changed jobs to Tianfang. Do you want your reputation?"

Xu Jiao frowned: "it's my own business whether or not to have a reputation. What's more, it's not a big stain. During the contract period, there are many artists who have changed jobs, and I'm not the only one. What negative impact can it bring to me? Maybe it's not as bad as buying water army's album. "

Speaking of the last sentence, her tone is slightly heavy.

Sister Zhang looked at her deeply: "there are some artists who can make great achievements, but not many. Do you think you can be like them? Sister Zhang has taught you before, stability is the most important thing. As long as you can stabilize, sooner or later, there will be a bitter daughter-in-law who will become a mother-in-law. It's too risky to jump around. You have to think about it. "

Xu Jiao laughed, picked up her tea cup and took a sip. In a grandiose tone, "Qin ze'ai, quick shooter, does Sister Zhang know what a quick shooter is? If he writes songs for me, why should I not be red? "

Change to a trace of worship tone, "I'm greedy, two songs a year is enough. That way, I can step into the ranks of top singers before thirty-five. As long as you step into that category, the shelf life of singers will be extended for many years, and they will be remembered by the audience that even if they are old and old, they are still very popular in the music industry. Unlike other singers who have been popular, they are not in their youth. When they quit the peak, their value will plummet. "

Sister Zhang said with a straight face: "you first think about how to get through this hurdle. The company won't agree. It's not good to have a lawsuit. You're an old man, you know."

Xu Jiao smile: "Qin Ze will help me."

Elder sister Zhang sneered: "which person who digs at the foot of the wall doesn't say so? How many stars are abandoned after losing a lawsuit? Do you believe him

"I believe it." Xu Jiao nodded, with a sly light in her eyes: "I have a contract, and I have a recording."

In the office, there is a female assistant, standing not far away, looking at the dialogue between the two big men.

Xu Jiao said, "Sister Zhang, the tea is cold."

Sister Zhang didn't pay attention.She was also too lazy to look at the assistant: "although I and the company are destined to make trouble, but I am still an artist in the imperial dynasty. Don't pester and help me pack things."

The assistant looked at Sister Zhang carefully.

Sister Zhang's face was as heavy as water, and she didn't speak.

Xu Jiao shrugged: "do it yourself and feed yourself."

Collect personal belongings as if nobody else.

Persuasion failed, Xu Jiaotie heart to go.

Sister Zhang left with a black face.

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