Fortunately, I have money!

Yu Yongsheng looked at him and suddenly understood.

So he nodded, "be careful."

He's a man under the eaves. Bear it. But Qin Ze doesn't need it. He doesn't have to look at the faces of the Americans. Qin Yongsheng refused to take the cover.

"Director, I'm going to compete with Martinez." Qin Ze turned to compete with Davis.

It's not just the Chinese who enjoy the fun. The gourd eaters in the United States are surprised to see the "fighting competition". One of them is a star, and the other is still a Chinese.

Davis has a headache. It's OK for a martial arts director to be beaten. He stands on Martinez's side. Qin Ze is a star with status and status. He is also a special invitation. After being beaten, his face is not good, and the crew is difficult to do, and even has a negative impact on the shooting work.

“NO!” Davis refused: "that's it."

Qin Ze shrugged: "even if you refuse, the exchange still has to continue, I think he is the same."

Martinez grinned, staring at Qin Ze.

Playing Qin Ze is obviously more interesting than playing a martial arts instructor because he is Qin Baobao's agent. Martinez was happy to show that woman how powerful she was.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at Qin Baobao.

He was not very satisfied with the other party's reaction. The woman was not worried, dissatisfied and nervous at all. Instead, she was chatting and laughing with another beautiful woman on the edge.

If he had a better ear, he could hear Qin Baobao and Su Yu's conversation:

"how long can he last?"

"Ten seconds!"

"Wow, you look down on my brother so little."

"Five seconds, then."

Qin Baobao and Su Yu have seen Qin Ze fight. They can knock over an adult man with two slaps.

There is nothing that can't be solved. If there is one, it will be.

"Don't stop your brother." Suddenly someone was talking behind him.

Qin Baobao turns her head, and Elizabeth does not know when she appears behind her.

"Will beating people be repatriated? It should be OK to have a discussion." Qin Baobao frowns.

This American actress seems to be very interested in her brother. She has known her brother for less than half a month, and she has a grand manner. Hum, American women are open and shameless.

Qin Baobao has confidence in her appearance, but her chest and buttocks, which have always been proud of, have lost their pride. The other side is also a big chest, and the buttocks are particularly sexy.

"That's not what I mean." Elizabeth blinked and looked at Qin Ze: "Martinez is very good. Your brother will be beaten later, although he has some muscles."

After saying this, she found that Su Yu and Qin Baobao's eyes suddenly became sharp.

There is a murderous look in your eyes!

Lying trough, my brother has muscles. Did she know?

Your mother, did the little bitch touch my husband secretly.

Elizabeth, alert and embarrassed, walked away in silence.

Chinese women are eccentric and difficult to get along with.

"It's not fair. Martinez didn't rest."

"He doesn't look like he can fight without a break."

"He didn't even wear a condom. He was a layman. Maybe you get Ko with one punch. "

"That's boring."

The gourd eaters talked and laughed.

Martinez moved his neck, clenched his hands, opened his posture, and slowly approached Qin Ze: "do you know Chinese Kung Fu?"

Qin Ze shook his head, "no!"

"You can't do it. Don't cry later." Martinez sneered.

"Have you never been beaten by the Chinese?" Qin Ze said.

"But I know you will be beaten by the Americans." Martinez started to fight fiercely in Qin Ze's face.

Qin Ze didn't retreat. He met him at a faster speed. After the first one, he put his foot on Martinez's abdomen, and he just turned his head slightly to avoid the straight fist.

All of a sudden, Martinez's huge body of 1.9 meters flew out four or five meters and fell to the ground.

Watching the scene of eating melon, ordinary people were kicked a foot, prop up dead, stagger back and fall, he directly flew out four or five meters, looking at the pain.

This time Martinez completely lost the ability to move, curled up on the ground, covering his stomach, pale face.

Do you need martial arts?

Qin Ze imitated a Kung Fu superstar in his heart and called out: "I fight!

In fact, that foot took five points, otherwise Martinez would have been sent to the hospital for internal bleeding.

But it's enough for him.

At this moment, the exclamation of the gourd eaters was heard, and Martinez's assistant rushed up to check on the situation. The others kept shouting to sell cakes.

Yu Yongsheng can't believe it. He's an expert. Martinez weighs at least 85kg. He's a base. How strong is this foot.There are numerous schools of Chinese martial arts. The core is the same: strength and speed.

Qin Ze's foot is simple and unadorned, but it contains the strength that many people can't have in their whole life.

In ancient times, this is the innate divine power, martial arts master.

Elizabeth was stunned, wide eyes, with the description of the net: beautiful eyes bloom unprecedented splendor.

American girls who like strong men can't help worshiping Qin Ze.

The most calm is Qin Baobao and Su Yu, the most sigh: Wow, this foreign guy is so bad.

Filming work was suspended, Martinez was sent to the hospital, the star's body is expensive, no matter what's wrong, the hospital is the most secure.

"Do you know Chinese Kung Fu?" Davis asked Qin Ze curiously.

"I have practiced hard since I was a child. I have to kill one person for eighteen years without leaving a line. I can probably fight ten weak people like him." Qin Ze played a wave of Chinese Kung Fu.

Davis nodded quickly: "I used to believe that Chinese Kung Fu is very good."

Qin Ze: "it can be seen that the director is a fan of Chinese Kung Fu. He insists that he does not agree with Martinez's proposal."

Davis shook his head: "it's not. Did you watch the Leishen series of a company last year? The one with a good box office."

Qin Ze thought for a moment and pretended to be suddenly enlightened: "yes, it's the movie starred by Chinese stars. I'm also a fan of the hero, Xu Jinjiang. I grew up watching his 3G films when I was a child."

He has always thought that 3G films are the king's way. The plot is rich and full of temptation. It is much more meaningful than the education films that the island only knows how to do.

If 3G film is reasonable and legal, where is the market of island education film.

The goddess of 8090 is generally a 3G actor.

What's more, there's nothing wrong with Iijima's love for Ozawa.


He was stunned for a moment and said, "nonono! The male stars are American, not you Chinese. "

Qin Ze: "is that right? I said how Xu Jinjiang dyed his hair."

This is embarrassing.

He doesn't see many movies about superheroes, but as a child, his friends talked about "the king of hazel" and "the fireman". You haven't seen them. But when they ask you, you have to pretend to have seen them, and then discuss the plot with them "in high spirits".

What are you talking about?

The reason why I don't like to watch superhero movies is that the logic is too chaotic, the setting is full of loopholes, and the heroes are sometimes strong and weak. They serve the plot completely, just like the mentally handicapped supporting role in the story line.

The logic of superheroes in the point mall is even more confusing.

For a logical science student, this kind of movie is just a special effect. On the Internet, they always say that their IQ is insulted, but when their IQ is insulted, they don't realize it and watch it with relish. China make complaints about adorable

. Davies fortunately didn't continue this awkward topic. He continued: "the movie of Lei Shen is too big in action. I have concerns about domestic and China Internet users. Most of them are in Tucao, but they are obviously gods. Fighting is just like a rash man. There is no aesthetic feeling. At that time, I started to adopt the idea of Chinese Kungfu."

"So it is," Qin Ze nodded, remembering one thing and saying, "by the way, will he sue me?"

After loading, Haize King switches to salted fish pond state. If he wants to face the risk of being sued, he must call the legal officer to come over and prepare countermeasures.

"It's not a fight," Davis shrugged. "Unless he's hurt."

From a director's point of view, this farce can be used as a contest and a seasoning episode, but I definitely don't want to make it too big for too long. This is different from the Chinese people's style of putting things in peace. It is purely the concept of capital that makes him do not want to see an accident in the shooting work.

Qin Ze was immediately at ease.

During the next half day, the crew still talked about "Chinese Kung Fu" from time to time.

The Yankees believe that Qin Ze is good at Kung Fu. Just now, he beat Martinez into the hospital.

But in fact, Martinez came out of the hospital that afternoon and lay in it for half an hour. After the pain disappeared, he was not in any serious trouble. The doctor also said that after examination.

After seriously considering the matter of suing Qin Ze, he specially called the director, but Davis didn't stand by him. We agreed to have a fight. How can a fight be considered.

Even if the prosecution calls the police, the other party also has witnesses, and it does not constitute intentional injury.

So the next day when filming, Martinez had to brag about Qin Ze's Kung Fu.

In this way, he just lost his skills, just like he lost in the ring, instead of being beaten.

"Your Kung Fu is very good. You are a master."

In full view of the public, Martinez praised Qin Ze harshly and made a gesture of friendly exchange: "can you teach me?"“ofcourse。”

Qin Ze's answer made Martinez very satisfied.

"In fact, if Chinese Kung Fu can be quickly developed, it will be very powerful in three or five days." Qin zedao.

With that, he invited Martinez to sit down and chat in front of the crew and impart experience.

Martinez said to himself, you are sensible.

I'm going to leave after a few words, so as to expose the embarrassment of yesterday.

In his opinion, Qin Ze is more knowledgeable about current affairs, and Qianlong does not oppress the local villains. After all, I am a local. There are 100 ways to make you unable to stay. You have nothing to do.

Qin Ze said: "in fact, Chinese Kung Fu is very powerful. Boxing and feet are just outside the gate. The real core is to improve and rank in the immortal class."

"Ha?" Martinez is in a muddle.

Around the curious to come up to eat melon look at each other.

"Oh, this is the core ideology. Just like building a socialist society, it is a lofty goal. It is not known whether it can be achieved."

"But it can make people have far more than ordinary people's ability, and let your strength easily surpass Hercules. In our country, this is called practicing Qi!" Qin Ze said seriously.

People, including Martinez, were skeptical.

"I'll cover it up for you."

He is just like a street busker. He comes to eat melons from all walks of life. However, his talent is not broken stones in his chest and steel bars are bent in iron throat.

Qin Ze pulled out the folding chair under his buttocks. The support and four legs of the chair were hollow steel. Under the gaze of the public, he pinched a chair leg with his thumb and index finger. His knuckles were silent. When he released his fingers, a group of people around him clearly saw that the chair legs were pinched and flattened.

The sound of selling cakes reverberated all over the place.

In disbelief, Martinez tried it himself, squeezing the hollow steel hard with his fingers, because his arm was shaking, but he couldn't shake it for half a minute. One can bend hollow steel with brute force, but it is impossible with two fingers.

A few eat melon also curiously tried, so more surprised.

"This is the practice of Qi, which can make people have unique power, which ordinary people can't master. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the core technology of Chinese Kung Fu." When Qin Ze spoke, he left another sunken fingerprint on the chair leg.

"I've seen it. I've seen Chinese people use this kind of Kung Fu." Suddenly someone called.

Qin Ze was stunned and couldn't help looking at him. He said in his heart whether it was true or not. Laozi just talked nonsense.

"It turns out that it's true in the movie." But then the man added.

"God died, art comes from life." Qin Ze immediately nodded.

"Can you teach us?"

"Please teach us Kung Fu, Qin."

"The master is on."

The foreign devils were very excited.

Kung Fu is a Chinese characteristic, but it is also mysterious. This impression has been deeply imprinted in American people's hearts in the last century. Several decades ago, there were foreign devils who traveled to China to study martial arts. Even now, there are foreigners in Shaolin Temple who are eager to learn martial arts.

Qin Ze's two finger zen is so fantastic that they have a strong interest and yearning for Chinese Kungfu, even excited. Because the United States is a country with a lot of personal heroism, everyone yearns for the ability to surpass ordinary people.

"How to practice Qi?" Martinez said excitedly.

Qin Ze pressed his hand, and everyone was quiet.

"In China, there is a saying: practice Qi first, practice heart, cultivate self-cultivation first. That is to say, if you want to learn the upper level martial arts, you should learn to stabilize the aura. " He looked around the crowd and said, "how can you keep the momentum steady?"

"How?" They asked.

"Don't be arrogant or impetuous, Buddha smiles. Well, it may be difficult for you to understand. I'll find someone to show you. You Americans have some core technology hidden, stingy Bala, but we Chinese are very generous, I am not stingy to show you the core of Chinese Kung Fu. " Qin Ze pretended to be serious about the search, in everyone volunteered to raise their hands, picked Martinez.

"Me? Do you want to teach me to practice Qi? " Martinez even a little excited, although still hostile to Qin Ze, but for the time being put aside the festival.

"Learn how I do it." Qin Ze sat on the ground with his feet and palms facing the sky.

Martinez followed him, finished, waiting for the next step, and suddenly saw Qin Zeyang slapping in the face.


Loud and clear.


Martinez was subconsciously angry and his eyes were wide.

"Steady gas field!" Qin Ze light way.

Martinez: "steady..."


Before he finished speaking, he slapped again. The thief was loud and did not look in the mirror. But according to the burning pain on his face, he knew that his face must be red.

"Steady gas field!" Qin Ze immediately said.

Again, every time Martinez was going to get angry, this light, floating sentence made people angry and nowhere to vent.This sentence is poisonous!

Qin Ze slapped his hands again. This time Martinez reacted very quickly and quickly blocked him, saying, "I don't...

the word" learn "didn't come out. Qin Ze's other hand had already slapped him in the face.

Qin Ze serious and sincere way: "what do you learn from it?"

Martinez: "no? It's too bad. How do you feel? "

Martinez: "when was a big star slapped three times?

I feel so wronged!

How angry! , the fastest update of the webnovel!