Chapter 548 Forced Move!

Name:My Space-Time System Author:

2 days later, Prince Bryon was in his office at the palace thinking about the next moves of the Frostborne and Blackthorn Ancestral families to keep Blake detained.

"They have done nothing yet, but I have a feeling they will do everything in their power to lock him up for good." Prince Bryon frown as he thought of something.

"What if the main goal is not to deal with him during the case, but after he has been released and has returned to the Ash corps."

"With an incident like this, it would be easier for them to fight against his promotion and limit his growth." Bryon's frown deepened but that was when Joan entered his office.

"Report just came in that Dustar is currently being attacked." Joan said in an urgent tone.

"Beasts?" Prince Bryon asked without changing his position.

"No, by the members of the League of Assassins." Joan reported causing Bryon to finally turn to her.

"Members?!" Prince Bryon couldn't help but ask because members of the League of Assassins usually acted individually.

"Yes, sir. The spotted members are 'Deathwhisper' Valentina, 'Specter' Dimitri and 'Duskfire' Magnus. 3 of which are at the peak of the Demigod realm." Joan reported.

"Has the Ash Corps sent out troops to support them?" Prince Bryon asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, about 5 minutes ago." Joan answered, but that was when she received an update about the situation in Dustar. "Report just coming in is that they had escaped on the first sight of reinforcement."

"How long did the attack last, and how much damages are we looking at?" Prince Bryon asked.

Without wasting a second, Joan began scanning through the tablet in her hand. "The attack lasted 23 minutes in total, half of the Vallencourt estate along with its 63 residents were wiped out during this time, and that included all their top fighters."

'At least they are helping me deal with some of the corrupt nobles.' Prince Bryon thought before speaking up. "Launch an investigation on the matter and find out the reason for their actions. Also, tell the troops sent over to Dustar to remain there for the time being in case a second attack occurs."

Immediately, Prince Bryon was done giving commands Joan's tab lit up.

"A report is just coming in that Coastville is under attack by 5 members of the League of Assassins." Joan immediately reported causing a deep frown to form on Bryon's face.

"What the hell is going on?!" Just as Bryon was still complaining the Tablet lit up once again, this time it was 2 other cities that were under attack by the League of Assassins. Forcing Bryon to stand up from his chair.

Almost instantly, Colonel Darius who warped into the palace a second ago walked into his office. Without uttering a word, they all moved to the situation room where they began assessing it.

"They seem to only attack the central regions." Colonel Darius pointed it out on the map.

"Do you think someone put a target on nobles in the entire Eastern region?" Joan couldn't help but ask.I think you should take a look at

"Although the reports of all the attacks are not yet out, from what we have seen from Dustar, their attacks are quite random." Prince Bryon said.

Soon enough, the live reports from all the battlefields were being transmitted to the situation room.

Apart from Dustar, 6 of the 8 cities in the Eastern region were attacked by more than 5 League members at the same time. 

What made it worse was that since it was a surprise attack, the defences of the cities didn't have enough time to gather and attack all at once, thus making it easy for 5 or more of them to eliminate whoever came to stop them.

"Normal troops will be nothing more than cannon fodder, but even if we send all of our top experts they wouldn't be enough." Colonel Darius said as they saw the live results.

"Hire top members of noble families, and send them out alongside half of the Ancestral descendants in Calton to the affected cities." Prince Bryon finally made a decision.

The situation was very bad, luckily the Ancestral descendants that came to investigate Blake's case were still present in Calton.

"Not all members of the League have been spotted, so they are most likely on standby. If we are to send all our troops out, there would be no one to defend Calton if they are to strike." Colonel Darius reminded him.

"Their main goal is Calton; the attacks are just distractions. Calton getting attacked is a certainty, the question is what is the aim of all these attacks?"

"Besides, it's not as if we have any other option. We can't watch as other cities get destroyed because of a speculated attack." Prince Bryon said in a pondering tone.

'I could go myself or send Darius, but the attack on Calton is going to be greater than the rest. Besides, either of us moving out would be ineffective and inefficient because they would immediately retreat when they sense our presence and come back when we move to another city.' Prince Bryon thought with a wry smile.

This was a forced move! [1]

"When Calton is attacked, You and I will be here to defend it."  Prince Bryon said to Darius before leaving for his office.

'What would have caused him to carry out an all-out attack on the Eastern region?' Prince Bryon couldn't help but ask as he began going through all possible reasons that could have prompted such drastic action.

'It surely can't be a mission, because even Tigeria can't afford the hefty price for such a mission.'

'Could it be for Blake?' 

'No, it can't be. For now, Blake's talent can't be said to be on the same level as other members of the League. The only possibility is because of the Space element, but that is highly unlikely because I have put countless measures to make sure he isn't being watched in and out of missions.'

'It definitely has to be something else, but what?'

[1] A forced move is a terminology in chess, in which a player must make a move to respond to a threat posed by an opponent. If a player's king is in check, for instance, that player must make a move that gets their king out of check.