History of the Stars


“By the way, you came out of the labyrinth, but did you encounter the spotted beast?” Naomi asked, causing Rudy to tilt his head in confusion.

Presumably, the labyrinth refers to the crashed spaceship, but what is this spotted beast?

“What spotted beast?”

“In that labyrinth, there’s a man-eating beast with spotted fur that’s been there for hundreds of years, impervious to both weapons and magic. Most people who enter the labyrinth are either killed and eaten by the beast, or they flee in a panic. But Rudy emerged from there with a calm demeanor. I want to know what he was doing in there and whether he encountered the spotted beast,” Naomi explained.

“I see. There was a spotted beast, but I beat it up. I went in for… investigation,” Rudy replied.

Naomi furrowed her brow at Rudy’s response. Did he mean that he had defeated the beast? However, she couldn’t sense even a trace of magic from him, and he didn’t look particularly strong… Could there be a powerful golem or something else backing him up?

“What kind of investigation?” Naomi asked.

“It’s a long story if I explain it all,” Rudy hesitated.

“If that’s okay with you, I’d like to hear the details. I’m simply curious. I’ve retired to the forest because the outside world is too noisy, but living in isolation can get dull without stimulation,” Naomi explained.

Naomi’s self-centered reason for wanting to know made Rudy blink a few times, but he decided that it wouldn’t hurt to tell her, and began to explain the reason for his journey to this planet.

“If that’s the case, I´ll go ahead and tell you. I’m actually lost in space,” Rudy said.

“Lost? In space?” Naomi repeated in confusion.

“That’s right. The universe is lost… No, w-wait… wrong, I’m lost in the universe,” Rudy corrected himself.

“I don’t know about that, but is space really infinite?” Naomi asked.

“The universe is infinite… and vast,” Rudy replied.

“Infinite and vast… I can’t even imagine it,” Naomi said.

“That’s why I use the gate… I can warp through space in an instant,” Rudy explained.

“In reality, such a thing doesn’t exist, but is it like using a magic door to travel to another location?” Naomi asked.

Rudy nodded in agreement with Naomi’s analogy.

“That gate, the spaceship… When I tried to warp, something went wrong… I was sent to a different location and can’t return. By chance, I ended up near this planet,” Rudy explained during his story.

“Wait,” Naomi suddenly interrupted, putting her right hand out to stop him mid-sentence.

“…May I ask a question?” she asked.

“What is it?” Rudy replied.

“Is this planet where we live, one of the stars that shine in the night sky?” Naomi asked.

“…?” Rudy thought it was a strange question to ask, but then Hal spoke directly to Rudy’s electronic brain.

“Master, is she talking about the geocentric model?” Hal asked.

“What’s the geocentric model?” Rudy asked.

“It’s a theory that people believed in long ago before humans went to space. The theory states that the universe revolves around a planet like Earth,” Hal explained.

“What a joke,” Rudy replied.

“Unfortunately, it was an actual theory that existed,” Hal responded.

“Seriously…” Rudy was taken aback.

“Alright! Seeing is believing. Display the satellite images of Naomi’s planet on the monitor,” Rudy commanded.

“Yes, Master,” Hal replied.

Hal transferred the planet’s images being observed by Hal’s satellite from Nike to the monitor in the dining room.

“What?! This is my planet…the appearance of a planet,” Naomi exclaimed in surprise.

As Naomi stared in disbelief at the swirling white smoke covered blue and green globe on the wall monitor, Rudy fell silent, seemingly deep in thought.

Rudy is explaining about the planet that appears on the monitor, but Naomi is so captivated by the beauty of the stars that she is not paying attention to his explanation.

This is the planet where I live now… but if what he’s saying is true, wouldn’t the underside of the planet be upside down?

“I don’t understand. Why don’t people on the underside of the planet fall off?”

“The planet has gravity… or rather, gravity exists because of the planet.”

“What is gravity?”

“It’s simple, I’ll explain it to you.”

Rudy taught Naomi about universal gravitation and basic mechanics in response to her question.

“It’s truly amazing. I never thought the world was like this, not even a little!”

Rudy was surprised by Naomi’s sparkling eyes as she came to understand the concept of universal gravitation and wondered if he was a genius.

Naomi learned about the laws of the world that she had never known before. She realized that the world was a round planet that revolved around the sun. One rotation of the planet was one day, and one revolution around the sun was one year. The reason for the seasons was because the planet was tilted! It was fascinating, truly fascinating!

“I never realized that I was living on such a beautiful planet…”

As Naomi gazed at the beautiful planet on the monitor with an enraptured expression, Rudy spoke to her.

“Let’s get back to our conversation.”

“Oh, that’s right. I was in the middle of listening to Rudy’s story.”

“Naomi, told me. The humans on this planet and myself… we’re similar, right? So I went on a spaceship to investigate.”

“A spaceship? So, the maze I thought I was in was actually the same thing as the spaceship you came on. And it’s not ‘told me, it’s ‘tell me’.”

“Tell me, told me… I’ll fix it. Anyway, even though the design and era are different… that spaceship is from 1200 years ago.”

Naomi looked surprised at Rudy’s words.

“Perhaps we came to this planet from space. Is that what you’re thinking?”

“I don’t have any concrete evidence yet, but it’s highly possible.”

“A-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! That’s amazing, so interesting! Maybe my ancestors were also aliens,” Naomi suddenly burst out laughing. Rudy worried if she had gone insane due to the incomprehensible expression on her face.

After laughing, Naomi wiped away her tears and began to talk about the history of the planet.

“According to ancient documents that I studied when I was young, it seems that humanity once faced near-extinction.”

“Tell me more about it…me? …Tell me, please,” Rudy prompted her to continue with the interesting story.

“As far as I know, there was a type of ancient magic that existed until 800 years ago. The magic used a completely different system from what we have now, and it was notable for activating magic using tools rather than incantations,” Naomi explained.

Could ancient magic be referring to guns and drones? If so, there might have been a possibility of technological remnants for 400 years after the spaceship’s crash, Rudy thought.

As Rudy was pondering it, Naomi continued speaking.

“But then, 800 years ago, suddenly monsters appeared on this planet and almost wiped out humanity with their overwhelming strength. I believe that the ancient magic was probably the same as the tools on this spaceship. Due to the devastating damage caused by the monsters, we lost the science of our time when we were defeated.”

Rudy nodded in agreement with Naomi’s thoughts.

“I want to confirm something. Are humans still fighting against the monsters that appeared 800 years ago? Could it be that the monsters are also extraterrestrial beings?”

“Goblins…they look similar to invaders from a different galaxy than our own Milky Way. Speculation from here, probably from a different ship, a different time…estimated to have arrived on this planet 800 years ago.”

“What were they here for?”

“That is unknown. However, monsters with space science…if they had it, humanity would have been wiped out. On the contrary, it’s strange that we’re still alive.”

Upon hearing Rudy’s response, Naomi crossed her arms and put her hand on her chin, pondering.

“Hmm…according to the literature, a plague gradually spread among the monsters, and most of them died. Later, it was written that the monsters crossed the sea to the eastern continent where their base was located and were engulfed in a giant flame, as if they had angered the gods.”

Rudy had a suspicion about the plague mentioned in the conversation.

“The mana of this planet kills those who came from space…kill? To be killed.”

“Does mana kill people?”

“Mana is a deadly virus without immunity.”

“What is a virus?”

Rudy briefly explained the concept of a virus to Naomi.

“I see. So the monsters that came from space died because they had no immunity to mana…then what about the monsters that are alive today?”

“Probably their bodies naturally developed immunity, by chance.”

“I see! But Rudy, are you okay?”

“I got vaccinated, so I’m fine.”


“It’s a medicine.”

“I see…but if such medicine existed, why didn’t the monsters that came to this planet use it?”

“That’s still unknown. We have to investigate. This is just speculation, but the AI at the time probably didn’t realize that mana…could kill.”


Naomi asked about AI, but explaining it would take too much time, and Rudy wanted to keep the existence of Hal a secret. So he decided not to say anything.

“If it’s too much trouble to explain, let’s drop it.”

“If you don’t want to talk about it, then let’s leave it.”

Rudy thought Naomi would persist, but she seemed to understand his intention. She shrugged and grinned, as if to say “tell me some other time.”

“So, what are your plans now, Rudy?”

“I need to investigate. It will take time and tools. We should set up a base camp here.”

“Starting now?”

“It will take about four hours to finish.”

“Can I help?”

“It’s okay. You can just watch.”

“Can I observe?”

“I don’t mind.”

Naomi smiled happily at Rudy’s permission.