Chapter 800

Grandma said that love at the age of seventeen or eighteen is shy and blushing. Love at the age of twenty-five or twenty-six is grand and vigorous. After thirty, most people have no love.

But I think that love after 30 is the same as water. The ancients said that love is as good as water. So is love at 30. The temperature of love changes with the people around you.

He looked at the screen, looking pale, "love but not!"

I shook my head, close to him, whispered, "Mr. Qiao, is it lovelorn?"

Fu Shenyan asked me for a glass of juice, looked at me and said, "would you like to order a song?"

Obviously, they are trapped by love.

I went to him and looked at him. Qiao Jinyan, who had been drunk, was in a mess. He was lying on the sofa with messy clothes. He was still drunk and said, "third brother, it's been ten years. Do you think I've paid less for her in the past ten years? Why doesn't she look back at me? "

When he saw me, Fu Shenyan raised his hand and waved to me in a low voice. In the noisy music, he could still clearly hear the words in his mouth, "come here!"

fortunately, Fu Shenyan didn't seem to drink, and his slender body was as motionless as jade sitting on the sofa in the box, listening to Joe carefully and naturally complaining.

Long time no see, Qiao Jinyan face some vicissitudes, face full of beard, obviously is his decadence caused.

I was stunned when I went in. There were only two men, Fu Shenyan and Qiao Jinyan, who was drunk to death.

Because I have been with mofflin several times, the manager of Imperial City knew me, so he took me to Fu Shenyan's box automatically.

But because it was rush hour, the road was blocked for a long time. When I got to the Imperial City, it was an hour later.

After changing my clothes, I drove directly out of the house. The distance between the villa and the imperial city is not far, half an hour's drive.

If Siji is not at home, I can go out for a walk.

After thinking about it, I said, "you wait for me for a while."

"Imperial city, are you coming?" Say, my mobile phone vibrated, it is the address that he sends.

I am a Leng, looked at the kitchen table has not moved food, honest way, "I am not very hungry! Where are you? "

"Have you eaten yet?" As soon as I got on the phone, the man's deep and sultry voice came.

I've been sleeping for a long time recently. When I sat back on the sofa, I dialed Fu Shenyan again.

So I left a message for me to wake up and have a good meal. Looking at the blanket on the sofa, I couldn't help helping my forehead.

Open a look, it is Fu Shenyan has come back, because Qiao Jinyan find him something, he went out again.

I got up and went out, but I caught a glimpse of a piece of white paper on the table.

Looking at the time, it's already eight o'clock. I can't help but sit up straight and turn over my mobile phone. There are several missed calls from Fu Shenyan on the screen, which are about five in the afternoon.

In the villa ink for a while, and a long sleep, wake up to see the sky is a little dark.

After chatting with Fu Shenyan for a while, I hung up the phone. I didn't have much to do to go to Fu's, so I could go slowly.

We are with more is looking forward to each other can be healthy with us to spend a lifetime, rather than he left halfway, leaving half the pain regret to you.

Love at the age of 30 is mostly like the silent rain, almost all mixed in three meals a day. As the age increases, because each other's bodies are more important.


They are all sentimental people!