Chapter 1025

I hold my forehead, childish!

Fu Shenyan came over, his dark eyes took a light look, and everyone's tent was set up.

"To tell the truth, I really can't tell!" I looked at Ouyang Nuo and thought, "it seems that it's almost the same."

It seems that the anger turned to Zhou ranxi.

If at ordinary times, she would come back to me and tease me. It seems that she has been around Fu Shenyan and Zhou ranxi all night. Is she going to kill Zhou ranxi with her eyes.

It suddenly occurred to me that she didn't pay much attention to me tonight.

Duan Tong is picking up vegetables not far from Fu Shenyan. His eyes never leave Fu Shenyan and Zhou ranxi.

She tut a, looking at me way, "that you see the direction of Duan Tong, observe what she is?"

I was a little confused. "If you really want to define her, is that green tea?"

I help the forehead, see at this time Zhou ranxi is squatting beside Fu Shenyan, and he ignited the fire together, looking at nothing inappropriate.

She thought for a moment, raised her finger and pointed to Zhou ranxi's direction, looked at me and said, "according to what I just told you, you can analyze what Zhou ranxi is, white lotus or green tea?"

I was a little confused, "so, is there a difference between the two?"

She thought about it and said, "white lotus is the kind of person who is clean and gentle, and even has a good relationship with everyone. She is willing to help anyone, but in fact, she is secretly playing tricks to frame people!"

"And then?" I said, "what's a white lotus like?"

She said with a smile, "no, from the outside, green tea is the kind of long hair, white skirt, looks fairy, mouth said I am helping you, I am for you, but every sentence is not separated from your shortcomings, your unbearable!"

I am stupefied for a while, shake head way, "not quite clear, these two seem to be the same?"

"Shen Shu, what do you think is the difference between green tea and white lotus?" Ouyang Nuo suddenly approached me and the thief asked.

Ouyang Nuo took a few melons and potatoes, cut them into slices, let me put them on with a stick and bake them for a while.

As a result, the barbecue planned for the next day was advanced, so several men lifted the grill down, and the women washed and picked vegetables.

"That's a happy decision!" Ouyang Nuo is an activist. Just do it.

"Wow, yes, you can see the stars here!" Shi Rui said, "we can eat and watch the stars later. Besides, don't we have a barbecue? If you eat barbecue while watching the stars at night, don't mention how wonderful it is! "

He said faintly, "let's have some supper together for a while. If we are lucky enough, we should be able to see meteors later!"

Ouyang Nuo raised a finger, shook it and said, "it's too hasty. You have to be careful and pay attention to observation. Look at Zhou ranxi, she has been surrounded by Fu Shenyan since she came to the present. No matter what Fu Shenyan does, she has to flatter all kinds of people around her and pass things to others from time to time. Look at Shi Rui and Yang Ting, only a few people know her for a few minutes They seem to be very familiar with them, and they also take the initiative to put fruit in their mouths. "

She pointed to Zhou ranxi's direction and said with a smile, "look, now she's going to send fruit to Yang Ting's fiance."