Chapter 1198

But at this time, AI technology, which Fu was competing to report in the warm-up period, would have pushed Fu, who was already at the peak, to the top again in this wave of hot friction, but it seems that everything is not as easy as we think.

The other party's press conference was a month ago, which means that Fu plagiarized. Generally, in this case, it is a small matter to pay compensation in the face of huge losses, and the company's reputation and future development have become a problem.

I don't know who pushed me. In the congested crowd, I was pushed to the ground. Before I could react, I was trampled on my hand. For a moment, I took a breath of air conditioning because of the pain.

I was blocked and couldn't go on. I had to use my hand to cover the glare of the magnesium lamp and hit me. There was a reporter's poisonous tongue and continued to say, "is Mrs. Fu jumping over the wall now? Although we are after the wind and shadow, there is no fire without wind. If Mr. Fu is really upright, he should not be afraid of our malicious slander. Unless Mr. Fu does something he shouldn't do, he is guilty. Is Mrs. Fu's cruel words just for bluff? "

One by one, these problems were more and more tricky and mean. I was blocked by people and my eyes hurt because of the flashing of the magnesium lamp. For a moment, I collapsed and didn't calm down. I said, "please keep your mouth. If there is no real evidence, please don't pour dirty water on my husband-in-law and me, or I will lose my property and sue you for malicious slander Harm. "

"Mrs. Fu, I heard that you are managing all the assets under Mr. Fu's name. As the first wife of the rich list every year, I'd like to interview you. Is Mr. Fu's money all from people?"

"Mrs. Fu, I heard that you don't work in Fu's company, but your company is cooperating with Fu's company in this technology project. Are you going to work together to wait for the release of AI technology and make a big profit in China?"

"For this kind of plagiarism, is it Mr. Fu's personal behavior or the whole of Mr. Fu's behavior? How much do you know about it? "

"Madam Fu, do you know that President Fu plagiarized CBU's scientific and technological works?"

Before I had time to respond, I was surrounded by a group of people. The magnesium lamp was shining towards me. Some reporters began to ask some sharp questions.

I don't know who yelled in the crowd, "Mrs. Fu is here, she's here!"

Fu's downstairs has been surrounded by reporters and media, the car can't drive in, so I have to get off and prepare to sneak into Fu.

There was no spare time to talk to mofflindo. I hung up and drove directly to Fu.

Fu Shenyan's purpose of setting up AI is to do project transformation in the future. The market is ever-changing. Fu's real estate and other industries are moving towards market saturation. At present, what he can do is to support his people as much as possible and earn money by the way. It is impossible to further develop in these saturated industries. So Fu's goal is to set up AI What we need is to better adapt to the market development in the future.

Too many people, worried that I would be trampled, I got up to get up, but it seems that someone can not let me up, I was pushed to the ground again.

After going back and forth for several times, I was kicked and trampled by people for no reason. Fortunately, the reporters who had surrounded me suddenly dispersed in the crowd, and the air suddenly calmed down.