Chapter 1409

I frown, "orphanage?"

She nodded, "yes, your father said it was the children in the orphanage. Your father planned to donate some money to the orphanage as a reward. But this child is not like the children in the orphanage, but like the children in the village. Uncle Lin said that you brought them back in a village after driving seven or eight hours. Who gave you the information?"

Fortunately, the amount can be understood. Looking at the string of zeros, I frowned, "how can you raise the price of an operation to more than one million?"

While I was talking, he handed me a stack of documents. They were thick and full of legal provisions. I couldn't help frowning. I didn't understand the law, so I couldn't understand many things in them.

Waiting for a table of dishes are finished, he wiped his greasy mouth and said, "you look at the contract first, if there is no problem, sign it!"

He is not in a hurry. He has been waiting for the boss to serve the dishes. After eating, he said that he ate a dozen meat and vegetable dishes for two people. He ate them very well. He didn't ask me if I didn't eat them. Maybe he was used to it. He ate very fast. I have a feeling that he didn't swallow them at all.

When he saw me, he raised his hand to greet me, and then the boss directly ordered some greasy main dishes. I sat in front of him, not in a hurry to speak, just waiting for him to speak.

From a distance, like a tumbler.

It's a caodun restaurant. It's neither big nor high-class. It's a bit like a coal boss. When I arrived, Wang Baogen had already arrived and sat in the corner. His fat body pressed on the already short caodun, which made him look shorter and fatter.

Huang Wenxi's health has improved a lot, and Siji has recovered a little. After saying hello to Lin Wan, I went directly to the place agreed with Wang Baogen.

I can't sleep well when I stay in the hospital. So after a night, I feel sick all over. In the morning, Lin Wan and Mo Zhicheng came early and brought breakfast.

When I quarreled with Fu Shenyan, I didn't go back to my villa that night. That's not the main reason. Siji and Huang Wenxi were in the hospital. Huang Wenxi had no relatives or friends. I couldn't give her to my mother, so I had to guard her.

"It's a friend!" I should be a, with a bit perfunctory, fortunately her attention in the document did not continue to ask.

Thinking of this, I have a headache, which is hard to explain. If he knows that I take the initiative to go to Mu Shen, I'm afraid the result will be even worse.

I slightly frown, suddenly think of last night Fu Shenyan and I suddenly angry things, he probably talked with Mo Zhicheng, so know that Mo Zhicheng there contact is the orphanage, and I brought back the child, obviously is not the orphanage children, so he was angry, angry I cheated him!

He curled his mouth, took out the food in his teeth with a toothpick, and said, "Miss Shen, listen to Mr. mu, you are not short of money. Besides, this is a private operation. First of all, the operating room doctors ask for money for surgical instruments. You know, which of these things is not expensive? Besides, I can't serve you for nothing, can I? In addition, I have to spend money to send the child's parents. I've already given you a discount for more than one million yuan. "

I couldn't help laughing. It was a matter of life and death. How did it become a business in his mouth? I didn't rush to sign it. I looked at him and said, "it's not much money, but I have a request. It's not formal after all. I want to see your operating room, doctors and equipment. It's not my trouble. After all, it's related to the lives of two children One is my daughter. My purpose is to save my daughter, not to harm her! "