Chapter 1430

Then there was not a word.

He pulls her into the car. Lin Shen starts the car. Along the way, Xiao Yao doesn't stretch his head to see the scenery outside the car curiously. He just sits quietly and doesn't say a word. He can't see any emotion on his young face.

"Well, it's a bit tricky, but there's no big problem. Chen Yi is already in city A. if you have any problems, contact him as soon as possible. I'll be back as soon as I finish my work."

"Uncle Lin and I went to Xiao Yao's hometown. There's no signal there. We just got home this time. What's the matter with you?" I spoke and talked to him as I went to the balcony and looked out of the window.

Back in the bedroom, I was ready to call Fu Shenyan. As soon as I was ready to call, a call came in. It was Fu Shenyan's phone. When I picked up the phone, his low voice came from the other end, "what's the matter? Why can't I get through all day? "

I think it's because of the van that followed us today, so he made a special explanation. After I nodded my head and saw him off, I went back to the house and locked all the doors. Then I went to the room to have a look at the sleeping Xiao Yao.

I sent him to the door, saw him look around, eyes slightly pause, looking at me, said, "if there is anything in the evening, call me the first time."

When he got to a city, it was already midnight. Lin Shen put Xiao Yao on the bed, then explained and left.

Originally, I wanted to call Fu Shenyan, but after working on the car for a long time, I felt carsick and had a bad stomach, so I didn't call for the time being.

Along the way, Xiao Yao didn't say a word. I sent a message to Lin Wan asking about the situation of four seasons. Lin Wan said there was no big problem. After chemotherapy, he went into the sterile room, and now he can't take care of himself.

I shook my head. "No, we'll walk back normally. Don't worry. Let's see how long they plan to follow us."

After a pause, he said, "do you want to get rid of it?"

Lin Shen shook his head and said, "it's not like that."

I pursed my lips and said, "is it someone from Wang Baogui's family?" But it should not be. According to Wang's temperament, he should not.

"I've been following since I came out of the village. I thought it was a coincidence at first. I didn't expect that I went around the road, but they still followed." Lin Shen said while driving.

I frowned and looked at the back of the car. I saw that there was a gray van following behind. I was a little stunned. I looked back at Lin Shen and said, "Uncle Lin, how long has this car been following us?"

He looked in the rearview mirror, pursed his lips slightly, paused and said, "it seems that someone has been following us, miss."

After driving for a while, I didn't get on the highway yet. I looked at Lin Shen hesitantly and said, "Uncle Lin, are we going the wrong way?"

But I can only choose silence.

I want to open my mouth to comfort the child, but I don't know how to say some words when I reach my mouth.

I looked out of the window, nothing happened. I closed the window and said to the phone, "I've transferred Xiao Yao to our name. Fu Shenyan, I still want to do surgery for Siji, aboveboard."

There was no voice on the other end of the phone. It was quiet for a long time. I thought he was angry. He told me something different. After a moment of silence, he said, "Shen Shu, have you ever thought about the essential difference between you and the child's parents and Mu Shen?"