Chapter 1476

As I spoke, I raised my hand and touched the corners of his slightly narrowed eyes with my finger, because the smile began to wrinkle the corners of his eyes.

"Call again, eh?" As he spoke, he lifted up the light shield of the front seat and held my face in his hands. His eyes were dark and his voice was low and provocative.

I always vaguely felt that I didn't have much and said again, "Fu Shenyan, do you smell alcohol? It's very strong. Is the wine cellar broken? "

Finish saying, this goods is like runaway wild horse, wild horse without restraint began, I just feel the smell of alcohol in the room.

He kisses to be infatuated with, the voice is indistinct, "no, I am with you, don't you always don't let me drink, I am very good, you don't agree, I won't drink!"

I was speechless for a moment to refute, but he took advantage of the gap to press down. From the porch to the living room, I vaguely smelled the smell of alcohol. I couldn't help but say, "Fu Shenyan, did you drink today?"

He breathed slightly and heavily. "How long have we not been, eh?" How do you think that sounds like a complaint?

As soon as I stepped into the porch, I was resisted by him. I didn't react for a moment. I pushed him and said, "Fu Shenyan, you..."

The car stopped at the bottom of the villa. After a long day, I was tired. I was lying in Fu Shenyan's arms, so I didn't want to get up. He took me out of the car, told Chen Er about Macao, and then he took me into the villa.

He said, "as long as you like, you don't care about other people's comments."

I looked at the pigeon egg on my finger and said with a smile, "it's very ostentatious. It's like a daughter-in-law of a local tyrant's family to wear it like this."

He reached out to touch my ring and said with a smile, "to be honest, girls like rings, the bigger the better. I asked him to get the pink diamond from South Africa, because I don't know what you like and want to surprise you, so I gave it to the design team. Don't you like it?"

I was a little tired by him all the way. I leaned on his shoulder and said, "Fu Shenyan, why did you propose to me suddenly? What are you doing with this ring that big? It's very ostentatious. "

I am speechless, or call again, but he is still like a child, keep asking me to call him.

He didn't let go, but he held it more tightly and said, "well, call again!"

I couldn't help but be stunned and said, "husband!"

He hugged me, chin against my shoulder, voice dumb mouth said, "well, call again."

Lying in his arms, he said, "Fu Shenyan, don't worry. Chen Er is driving in front of him."

Pressed by him in his arms, I could clearly smell the fragrance of his body shower gel. Looking at his lips, I was slightly stunned and avoided him.

The two words in his mouth made my cheeks turn red suddenly. The two words that used to be ordinary to unusual were slowly spitted out by him from his mouth, which meant deep and ambiguous. With the feeling of being indescribable, it seemed to disturb people's thoughts. I could not help shivering, and my skin was covered with chicken skin.

He put his lip on the corner of my mouth and said, "wife, what should you call me?"

I Leng for a moment, Na Na mouth, "what's the name?"

Fu Shenyan was so interested that he rubbed against me and said, "no!"

I raised my hand to push him away and said again, "I really smell alcohol. Get up and have a look..."