Chapter 1563

My first child, the moment he suffocated, the tearing pain of struggling in my abdomen, I still feel it.

I was afraid to face this situation when I checked the information without telling Fu Shenyan.

Sitting in bed, I almost experienced a soul out of the body, back to the original abortion moment, once again experience that kind of despair and suffocation.

Although it was the expected diagnosis, I still couldn't help swallowing my saliva. After a long time, I began to cry and say, "well, Professor Zhuang, do you mean that even if it's a test tube baby, I don't have a chance?"

"The situation is a bit complicated. You have had two abortions. Both of them were after the baby was formed. Because of the artificial abortion, the child struggled in the abdomen for a long time, which did great harm to your uterus. Whether you can successfully stimulate superovulation is still unknown. Now your uterus is not up to the environmental standard for embryo survival....

" yes. " I grasped Fu Shenyan's hand, just waiting for the professor to speak, which made my nervous palm sweat. If I didn't catch him, I was afraid that if I opened my mouth, I would cry out.

Professor Zhuang looked at my medical record book for a long time, and finally took off his glasses with a serious expression, "Miss Shen?"

Fu Shenyan only needs to test the essence and fluid, but I have almost done all the important gynecological examinations. In addition to the basic gynecological examination, it also includes blood routine analysis, curettage, basic endocrine hormone determination and antisperm antibody test. Fortunately, the nearby private hospital was unwilling. Fu Shenyan spent a lot of money to take me to finish the examination as soon as possible, and then returned to the third hospital with the medical record A hospital.

After a brief inquiry, Professor Zhuang asked me to have a physical examination with Fu Shenyan.

In the hospital, I met Professor Zhuang, who had only a floor plan to some extent. His hairline was a little high, he was wearing a white coat, and he smelled of disinfectant, but it didn't affect his approachable face at all.

Fu Shenyan didn't ask for a driver. He drove by himself. I sat in the co driver's seat. Half an hour's drive was as long as a century.

after thinking about it, I changed my clothes and asked sister-in-law Zhang to take care of Siji and drove to the first hospital in Beijing with Fu Shenyan.

God won't treat me badly. For the third time, every woman should have the right to be a mother. Even if the fate is wrong, it should be over.

I looked at his face, not very clear, whether Fu Shenyan really need a child, but one point, he convinced me.

"I know that you are worried that you will not succeed. You are also worried that your efforts will be wasted. What's more, you are worried that those ungrateful people will suddenly jump out and hurt you and your children again. But, Xiaoshu, don't be afraid. When I save you from death, think about my aunt's words. With me and us, God won't treat you badly again. This time, it won't fail, just be For me, try again, will you

He half kneels in the bedside, is holding my hand in the hand to play, a pair of black eyes seriously looking at me.

Suddenly, a familiar warmth came from my wrist. When I recovered, I ran into Fu Shenyan's tender and affectionate eyes.

My voice is getting smaller and smaller, and I can't even hide my last cry. I don't know how I finished this sentence.

Just at this moment, I felt again how strong my desire to be a mother was. In the past, even though I knew that my chance of pregnancy was small, there was at least one, but now I was declared that my chance was zero. I didn't feel sad, but I felt that my whole heart was dead.

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