Chapter 1640

"It took me five years to move Fu to the capital. Now there is no next five years waiting for me. If I can't overthrow each other in these two years and wait for the senior officials who planned all that year to go up to a higher level, I will completely lose my chance."

Fu Shenyan's tone is calm, but persuasive. If he doesn't do it, maybe he will regret it all his life. Sometimes, opportunities can't stand the test of time.

On this night, Fu Shenyan and I hugged each other and fell asleep, but I kept thinking with my eyes open. I knew what a dangerous thing people were doing, but there was no reason to stop it. I was worried about losing him and supporting him. Until dawn, I fell asleep.

Seeing that Jon was still indifferent and indifferent, I was a little angry and deliberately pushed the topic to him. "Besides, Jon also has his own children. What position does he have to guarantee equal treatment?"

I looked at Jon and said, "Jon may not have told you that I'm a law major. I just passed the judicial examination recently, so there's no need to use the legal framework to scare me. I have a family and I can take care of Siji. As for the children... Siji also hopes to grow up with my younger brothers and sisters. It doesn't mean that I'm not responsible for my children. I don't love them It's biased. "

This lawyer should be of some level. I know that there is no actual dereliction of duty in the legal framework. They have no chance of winning. So they want to start from the emotional aspect. In custody cases, the judge will generally give full consideration to the emotional problems of the ward.

Jon sat opposite me with his hands folded. He didn't even glance at me. Instead, his lawyer said, "Miss Shen, you and Mr. Qiao and Shen Jishu, namely four seasons, are not related by blood. They are both friends of the late Miss Li Muzi. Jon thinks that your focus on your own family happiness will affect the growth of your children. I hope you can help me "I'll give up custody, so there's no need for both sides to go to court."

She turned and told sister-in-law Zhang in the kitchen to take the child upstairs, and the three of us sat down in the living room.

I frowned and walked over, protecting my stomach. "Don't say that in front of the child."

Jon grinned and rubbed his hairy head in Siji, but the lawyer next to him said, "Miss Shen, I'm here on behalf of Mr. Jon to talk about custody of children."

Siji goes over and hugs Jon. "Uncle Joe!"

I didn't expect that Jon would really come back. This time, he took a lawyer with him. Two tall men stood together and looked very powerful. It seemed that I would not let go and decided to go directly to the judicial process.

I haven't sat down to eat breakfast with Siji for a long time. Although I have no appetite, I still drink a bowl of porridge with my child.

When I woke up, Fu Shenyan was no longer there. I heard that Sister Zhang had returned to the company.

My words were sharp, but they were clearly prepared and not frightened.

The lawyer glanced at Jon's direction. Seeing that he nodded, he looked at me again and said solemnly, "what you think of Ms. Lin Baishan's child is not Mr. Jon's child. Mr. Jon can guarantee that he will not have his own child in the future and love two children wholeheartedly. Is there any problem with Miss Shen?"

I looked at Jon in amazement and disbelief, "how could it be?"