Chapter 1767

My position is not far from the door, but it is thousands of miles away from the stage. Shen Yu's voice does not converge. Although it does not reach the stage, it attracts the strange gaze of several guests around.

"Can you keep your voice down? I don't want to be seen as a loser." Sang Yun looks helpless.

It seems that Lu Wenfei's guess is right. Shen Yu specially decided to arrive at the same time with us, in order to attract the attention of reporters by taking advantage of the holidays between Shen and Zhao, so that I would not have to respond to what I felt when I attended the former and current cocktail party.

What's your feeling?

yes , we have.

Gossip magazines are not all shadow hunting. Zhao Shuang and Fu Shenyan are young ladies with rich life experience and upstarts in shopping malls. Their bodies and faces are all online. They are really well matched. Especially when I see Zhao Shuang's feelings in his eyes, I even make up a love story in which men and women chase each other and interweave business interests.

"Who says I'm not?" In the face of the guests' query, Shen Yu chooses to look at the people who are looking at him. He warns, "let me see who found my purpose. It's just that I lack an excuse to look for trouble."

Shen Yu's name is fierce. Those people feel guilty when they are seen. After a while, they are scattered. Suddenly, the surroundings become more spacious.

Sent those people, Shen Yu to my side by, "don't worry, Fu Shenyan don't see this woman."

"Well?" I was surprised by Shen Yu's trust in Fu Shenyan and joked, "do you have confidence in Fu Shenyan?"

Shen Yu didn't answer, but changed the topic with a bad smile, "how, have you started to be jealous?"

"No I shrugged helplessly.

To be honest, before Zhao Shuang appeared, I imagined countless times that Fu Shenyan was surrounded by a character who was superior to me in any condition. What would I do? However, when the situation really appeared, I felt more confident.

The eyes and voice don't lie. When Fu Shenyan made the video, he mentioned how to deal with Zhao Shuang's tiredness and how to jump in front of me, which is enough to explain everything. If I get to this point, I can't even trust him and I'm not qualified to enjoy his love.

"In fact, you and Fu Shenyan are the same family, Shen Yu. They use the same stimulating methods. Do you really think women are so easy to cheat?" Sang Yun suddenly cut in beside her.

Shen Yu smell speech, face instantly changed, embarrassed cough two, Wu from walk toward the crowd.

"What's the matter?" It's rare to see Shen Yu eat shriveled. I'm strange and funny.

"I don't know what's wrong with him. Last time he came to our company to confirm the trademark of your law firm, he took a girl with him. You said you wanted to find a cleaner one. The one around him, who didn't know how to show his face several times in the gossip magazine, changed to a childe one day. It's really self depreciating." Sang Yun stares at Shen Yu's back, but her face is not very good-looking.

I followed her line of sight to see the past, mouth crazy up, Shen Yu ah Shen Yu, deal with other people's things handy, to his head, nothing new.

"And then, what did you do?" I gossip.

"I went downstairs and bought more than ten boxes of Durex. I told him to use more than one box at a time. If he had nothing to do, he would often run to the hospital. I can't delay his sex and don't die! I can see that Shen Yu doesn't like me. It's not my problem, it's his eyes! "


I couldn't help laughing and gave sang Yun a thumbs up. "Sang Yun, your reaction is amazing."