Chapter 1828

I was in a hurry, and some of them could not sit down. I put down the dishes and chopsticks in a hurry and was about to get up. "I've eaten well, too. It's too late to go again!"

Shen Yu blocked the way. "Are you sure you want to miss the chance to see Jon for the sake of the lawsuit of unimportant people?"

I was surprised and happy. "Jon's awake?"

Shen Yu shrugged his shoulders with pride, "well, I'm calling to see you. Are you sure I won't go?"



Driving for nearly an hour, Shen Yu took me to a other courtyard of the suburban resort.

Since entering the villa, there are birds and green plants all around. Because of the rain in the morning, the air is especially fresh. Even if I sit all the way in the car, I feel relaxed.

Standing in the corridor with my hand on the doorknob, I suddenly became nervous.

A few months ago, we fought for the custody of four seasons. In the end, in order to protect me, he protected me with his life.

When we meet again, what kind of scene will it be.

Palms sweated, I did not dare to press down, but a familiar voice sounded in the room, "is it Xiaoshu?"

It's a gentle voice. Who's Jon?

Nose was full of sour taste, I summoned up the courage to push the door into.

Jon stood by the window against the light, wrapped in the sun, like a new angel, probably because of his long stay in bed, he was thin and stood there with a crutch, like a tree that could be blown down by the wind at any time.

"Jon..." seeing him alive, I was so excited that I didn't know what to say.

"Sit down." Jon, with a smile in his eyes, beckoned us to sit down, and he sat down in a single rocking chair nearby.

The cane leaned on the side, and the cane chair swayed gently. With the sunshine and smile on his body, the cold in the room was dispelled little by little.

Jon was sober three days ago, and then he did some recovery training. He can't walk down until today. From his clumsy walking posture, we can see that his physical strength has not fully recovered.

"I thought you'd bring the kids here." Jon laughed and joked.

Later, I sniffed and explained in a hurry, "I know you're too anxious to wake up. Forget about it. Why don't you go back to Shen's house to see the children now, Jon? You should see them. You protected them with your life."

"Don't worry," Jon said with a smile. His breath was very mild. "It's going to be a long time, and there will be plenty of opportunities to get along with each other in the future."

Seeing his hysterical appearance, I knew the sincerity of others. I boldly asked, "do you forgive me?"

Voice down, the atmosphere suddenly fell into silence, this moment of silence is enough to lift my whole heart up.

A moment later, Jon's ink colored eyes looked at Shen Yu, and then laughed at himself, "it seems that Shen Yu really didn't lie. In my coma days, no one was better."

I frowned and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

The closest people live in the intensive care unit of the hospital, who can really sleep well?

"Don't say that," Jon suddenly changed his mood and looked up at me warmly. "I've asked the lawyer to withdraw the custody of Siji. Like Anxin, she's your own daughter, Shen Shu. She won't change anything."

Gratitude and excitement suddenly came to me, and I wet my eyes again. "Thank you, Jon."

The scene of shaking hands and making peace is always easy to shake people's hearts. Shen Yu, who has always been hard hearted, seems to be infected. He pinches his nose without showing any trace. "Although you are not a thing before, you want to take my niece, but fortunately, after a sleep, you are sober, but you are not so annoying. I have eliminated those reports on the Internet and in the industry, You don't have to pay attention to it. When it's recovered, you can open the store again. Even if you have the ability, you can't hide your ability even if you slander it. "

"Thank you, but I'm not going to open another clinic." Jon looked at me, feeling suddenly depressed, "I and Bai Shan discussed, ready to go back to m country."

"Go back and relax."

The capital city, which made him infamous, was cold and impersonal. There was really nothing to be nostalgic about.

"No," Jon said with a sharp look. "I'm going back to take over the family business."

"Why?" Jon has always been short of interest in business. Why did he suddenly change his temper?

Jon's face changed when he heard the speech, and the veins on his face were raised with excitement. "It's my brother who bought my information from the reporter and spread it out. He's too stable. Now it's time for him to pay for what he's done."