Chapter 2075

The bodyguard's rescue action was obviously bigger than that of saving an Xin, but Gu Nanxun didn't respond.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously.

The body of the rescued bodyguard was also wet. He pressed and said, "when we came here, it was this little guy who had been dragging miss an Xin. It was estimated that he choked a lot of water!"

With that, a set of first-aid measures were also completed. Gu Nanxun was still dead with his eyes closed. The bodyguard quickly picked up the people, rushed out of the crowd, ran and shouted, "get out of the way, call Dr. Qin!"

Dr. Qin is the private doctor of the Fu family. The rest place is in the villa next door. He can arrive in two minutes by phone.

At this point, the whole Fu family was in a mess. He Yun and his wife were worried about their children, so they followed the bodyguard.

Although Anxin woke up and Fu Shenyan was there, I decided to go back to the room first to calm her mood.

Sure enough, when I went upstairs, I heard an Xin's cry.

After all, it's still a child. When frightened, it naturally can't control his emotions.

When approaching the bedroom, an Xin was hiding in Fu Shenyan's arms, with tears and snot all over her face.

When I got to the bed, I immediately ran over and asked for a hug, "Mommy hug..."

Hold her in your arms, pat her back gently and soothe her in a low voice, "it's okay, mom and dad are here, it's okay, peace of mind ~"

It took a long time for an Xin's mood to stabilize.

Wearing wet clothes for a long time is easy to catch a cold. I sent Fu Shenyan out to change an Xin's clothes.

When combing her hair, an Xin suddenly asked me loudly, "Mom, how's brother ah Xun?"

I was stunned for a moment before I realized that she was talking about Gu Nanxun.

"Do you like Gu Nanxun very much?" I realized something was wrong. I asked an Xin to turn around and look at me face to face. Then I asked her seriously, "An Xin, tell my mother how you fell into the swimming pool. Didn't my uncle teach you to swim?"

"Taught." An Xin nodded innocently.

"Then why did you choke?" I asked again.

Anxin tooted his mouth, looked at me pitifully and slowly lowered his head, "brother a Xun can't swim. Anxin wants to teach him, but brother a Xun doesn't go into the water. I don't know how far I swam. When I want to go ashore, I have no strength..."

"So Gu Nanxun obviously can't swim, but he jumped into the water to save you. If the bodyguards hadn't come in time, you and Gu Nanxun would have an accident. Shen Anxin, do you think you did it right this time?" I don't want to scold the child, but it involves life safety. Only if you are serious enough, can the child know the seriousness of the matter.

To my surprise, Gu Nanxun's nature is not bad. In order to save an Xin, he is not even afraid of death.

An Xin pressed her head lower and sobbed, "I know I'm wrong, mom. I won't play with water secretly in the future..."

At the end, the voice was crying.

The child is outgoing and lively. He seldom cries when he is sad. This grievance should be remembered.

"Well, if you can correct your mistakes, you are a good child, but brother Nanxun saved you. What should a good child do?" I asked.

"I'm going to visit brother a Xun and say thank you and I'm sorry." An Xin pursed her lips and her big watery eyes were full of sincerity.

I "um" said yes, and then I accelerated and sorted it out for her.

Out of the bedroom, Fu Shenyan stood outside, saw through our purpose, and walked ahead with an Xin in his arms.

He Yun and his wife waited anxiously outside the door and didn't go in until we came.

"Mr. Fu, Mrs. Fu." Dr. Qin was packing up after treatment. When he saw us, he immediately put down his things and came to say hello.

"Well." Fu Shenyan said indifferently, "how about people?"

"I've been basically out of danger, but I've been short of oxygen for a long time and I'm weak. I have to rest for a period of time."

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