Chapter 364 Orb Oboros's True Form

The third round of the Official Beast Tournament was approaching its climax as the second to the last match was about to start. This was the best time for the commentator to hype the audience up, and he did a splendid job at it, screaming at the audience while putting out information about the beast tamers duking it out in the third round.

Quite frankly though, he was just stalling for time since Luke Skyrunner was nowhere to be found. He couldn't believe that he had just up and left without notifying him. And now, he was left alone to commentate on the match. Adding to that, if something were to happen during the match, he has to take care of it. Hence he tried so hard to buy some time until Luke Skyrunner comes back.

One of the guards who were patrolling the American Stadium knocked on the door of the box where the commentators are located. He didn't wait for someone to signal him inside but opened the door without hesitation.

"Where is—"  The guard called out as he peeked his head out of the door. Apparently, there was a minor scuffle by the hallways of the American Dome where the stalls were located. He'd already dealt with it, thanks to the other guards who were patrolling the area. The reason why he had to knock was to inform Luke about what happened.

"He's not here." The commentator calmly responded. This was the fifth time a guard knocked on the door to inform Luke about minor scuffles. A sigh left his mouth as he gave the guard the look, implying that he close the door and not bother him.

A few moments ago, when Luke Skyrunner was still present, no guard knocked on the door. In fact, no one was looking for Luke when he was there. And now that he was gone, a bunch of guards started looking for him. The commentator couldn't help but think that this was all intentional and that the security just wanted to bother him from time to time.

And then the timer had run out. It was time for the third round to commence. The commentator had no choice but to announce the start of the match. Even though he was filled with anxiousness due to Luke's absence, he decided to proceed with the match. He had been stalling for so long that the audience was on the verge of complaining. Without further ado, he called for the four participants for the third round.


Meanwhile, back at the Beast Dimension

In an instant, countless portals appeared all over Link, cutting all of his vines off. And before he could recover from the surprise attack, countless chainsaws protruded out of his body, severely wounding his entire body as liters of blood gushed out of his system.

"Aghkk~!" Link let out a literal gut-wrenching scream.

Satoshi's instant onslaught worked, and he defeated Link in an instant. It was debatable that Luke and Yun Zhe drove Link to exhaustion, that's why Satoshi easily took him down. But in retrospect, Satoshi didn't even lift a finger. He let his tamed beast do the work for him and they took care of Link without breaking a sweat.

Coughing up blood, Link fell down on the ground as the chainsaws protruding out of his body continued spinning. He tried to pull one of the chainsaws out but he was unable to do so. There was no way he could stop the chainsaws which instantly appeared all over his body.

He had no choice but to go the roundabout way in terms of recovery. Instead of trying to pull out the chainsaws, he tried to heal himself while the chainsaws continued to torment him. That too didn't work. He continuously exhausted himself while he tried to keep himself alive.

As for Satoshi, he just watched from afar. Despite the fact that it was his tamed beast's doing, he couldn't help but feel a little upset in his stomach since there was too much blood spurting out of Link. But right now, he couldn't stop the attack since Link was still in his rage mode. As long as Link was still conscious, Satoshi decided that he won't call off the attack.

But instead of giving up, Link continued to go past his limits, keeping himself awake in a desperate attempt to fight back. Deep inside, he felt like he would die if he loses consciousness, that's why he kept himself awake. It was a bad choice though since Satoshi's decision would backfire on him.

Eventually, Link resigned to his fate and slipped into unconsciousness. Just to make sure though, Satoshi didn't call off the attack until he was sure that Link wouldn't wake up for the second time and attack him.

"Orb Oboros, I need you," For the first time since Satoshi got Orb Oboros  as his tamed beast, he only ever used its dimensional skill to keep his tamed beasts in another dimension where they could live comfortably. The dimension that Orb Oboros created was like an oasis, and that's why none of the tamed beasts complained about their captivity. Even Ryoko and Copycat preferred staying there rather than in the real world, just because it was significantly better than anything on Earth.

Orb Oboros then floated up, assuming his real form for the first time as well. Much to Satoshi's surprise, Orb Oboros was actually a huge white snake. It only looked like a ball since it was wrapped around itself all the time.

Satoshi didn't have to say anything since Orb Oboros already knew what it had to do. Opening its mouth, it released an invisible capsule that imprisoned  Link inside. The capsule was another one of Orb Oboros's skills— a skill wherein Orb Oboros traps one in another dimension. In this dimension, time was stopped, so Link had no way of waking up or doing anything shady.

"Thanks," Satoshi muttered as Orb Oboros reverted back to its orb shape.

"No, thank you," Yun Zhe spoke out of nowhere as he approached Satoshi. "We would've been at a longer impasse if it weren't for you."

"You're right about that. Good thing you were here to aid us. Now, we should head back. I'm guessing the third match has already started." Luke Skyrunner said, opening a portal in front of them. The portal was much larger and more stable than the portal that Ghast creates. Then again, Luke could only put up a handful of portals while Ghast could do way more.

"And you can bring Link with you. I'm not going to take care of that troublemaker anymore. Wait til our Manager hears about this." Luke Skyrunner muttered to himself.

As the group entered the portal, they appeared inside Satoshi and Yun Zhe's waiting room. They figured that teleporting there wouldn't cause a panic, hence Luke chose the place.

When the portal finally closed, marking the end of the situation, both Luke Skyrunner and Yun Zhe sighed in relief as they collapsed on the couch. After thanking Satoshi for the second time, Luke Skyrunner headed out of the door while Yun Zhe returned to his usual place by the kitchen.

"I'd better go. By now, I'm sure our dear commentator is getting nervous. Can you monitor Link for me?" Luke didn't wait for Satoshi's response. Instead, he shut the door behind him and headed to the box to continue commentating.

Yun Zhe, on the other hand, started cooking another bowl of ramen. "Fourth round may be happening tomorrow, but I need to refuel as early as tonight. By the way, what's that in your pocket? It's been bothering me for a while now since you never took it out."  Yun Zhe brought up out of nowhere, pointing at the bulge in Satoshi's pocket.

Now that it was brought to his attention, Satoshi realized that there really was something in his pocket. Curious, he reached into his pocket and grabbed what was in there. At first, he thought that it was a grenade, and he almost threw it to the other side of the room. A second later, he realized that he was in fact holding a Gren. "I almost threw it... Grens really look like grenades huh,"

"No shoot, that's why they were named Grens in the first place." Yun Zhe's curiosity was also piqued and he came up to Satoshi, stopping his preparations for the next batch of ramen. "What's inside?" He asked.

"I don't know, this is the first time I've seen this. What kind of tamed beast is it... or maybe it's empty." Satoshi muttered to himself as he brought his arms up, intending to throw the Gren to see what was inside.

Before he could release the Gren, however, Yun Zhe reached out his hand and stopped him. "What are you doing, are you crazy? We don't know what's inside that Gren. What if it was bigger than our waiting room? It's going to demolish this part of the American Dome, you know." He hissed.

"Ah, right," Satoshi said, retracting his hand and summoning a portal to the Beast Dimension.