Chapter 462 A Heartwarming Moment

Satoshi's throat literally burned up as he approached Knighthawk. However,  this didn't stop him from accelerating. In fact, he sprinted even faster, as if his life depended on this race against time. Impulsively, he clenched his teeth so as to alleviate the pain of the burn on his neck.

The sudden unexpected movement made Knighthawk's eyes almost pop out of their sockets. While Knighthawk predicted that Satoshi would cowardly stay in place, he did the exact opposite, and it completely caught him off-guard.

"What are you doing? Aren't you afraid of exploding?" Knighthawk's lips curved upward, thinking that Satoshi would fall for his bluff. In the field, most criminals would fall for his bluff and they won't be able to endure the burning sensation in their throats.

However, Satoshi was a different breed of criminal— or so that's what Knighthawk thought to himself when he saw that Satoshi was running at him without any intention of stopping.

Since Satoshi was already within arm's reach, Knighthawk had to jump sideways to avoid him. Before he could completely get away, though, Satoshi grabbed him by the ground and slammed him on the ground.

This left Knighthawk defenseless and almost knocked him unconscious. Before he could even recover, Satoshi lifted him off the ground and slammed him on the other side. This time,  Knighthawk hit the ground rear side first.

Mercilessly, Satoshi repeated the process, slamming him face-first and rear-side first a couple of times until his face was unrecognizable. His back also had marks where it was hit the hardest.

All this time, Satoshi's throat burned, but he held on. He wasn't going to give Knighthawk time to recover. As seconds passed, Satoshi got even more out of control, slamming Knighthawk on the ground like the iconic move of a certain iconic green-skinned berserker superhero.

What gave Satoshi his renewed confidence was the telepathic message that Kuroe sent him. Since Knighthawk was pulling out all stops in his cheating and bullying, Kuroe thought that giving Satoshi a hint wouldn't hurt. That's why she directed a message into his mind.

She then told him that the collar wouldn't explode. It would just increase in temperature.

That was all that Satoshi needed to attack Knighthawk. If it wouldn't explode, then there was no risk of him dying. His neck would get burnt to a crisp, but he knew that the skin and muscles were resilient enough that he won't burn to death.

It didn't take long before Knighthawk's eyes rolled backward and only the whites of his eyes could be seen. He had lost consciousness while Satoshi was throwing him around. It was a fitting defeat for someone who abused using underhanded tactics in a match.

Satoshi felt his throat burning, and he couldn't breathe, but he waited for the Principal's announcement before he removed the collar on his throat.

He already thought of using Ghast to teleport the collar away from his throat, and then he would once again summon Sera to heal him up.

If that didn't work, then he'd just summon Sain, his Chainsaw Familiar, and command him to cut the collar from his throat.

Principal Sai Tama raised his hand, but before he could say any word, a couple of students jumped into the stage, charging at Satoshi as if to attack him.

"Winner, Midoriyama Satosh—" The principal stopped short, wondering why most of Class 3-1 was charging at Satoshi with the slight intention of bloodthirst emanating from them.


A few seconds ago,

Biting her lips, Shiroi closed her eyes. She couldn't bring herself to continue looking at Satoshi while he underwent excruciating torture. The collar was glowing bright red at this point, and Shiroi couldn't even imagine just how much pain Satoshi was going through.

And it's not like she could just jump in and ask the principal to stop the match. 'Satoshi would be angry if I did that. I  knew he got it under control... but he's hurting.' Shiroi clenched her fists in frustration.

"Oi! Is everyone ready?" Jonathan called out of nowhere. "Emma, help me out here, will you?"

Jonathan didn't even need to explain. He and Emma were on the same page. Before another word was said, Emma nodded her head towards Jonathan and they prepared.

At this point, Satoshi had already thrown Knighthawk around more than ten times. It wouldn't take long before he faints.

"Shiroi, we're going in as soon as the match is over. You know what to do. Midori, Kuroe, you know what to do."

"I also know what to do!" Sakura Cherry (Sassu had currently taken over her body right at this moment) exclaimed.

"Then the rest of us are going to stay. You know the saying, right? Too many cooks will spoil the broth." Kurogami said, nodding at Hiroshi, Lydia, and the rest of Class 3-1.

"Well then, here we go," Jonathan called out. "Avengers, move out!"

Jonathan was way into character even though Satoshi was just a couple of meters away from them.


As soon as the principal gave the signal, Emma and Jonathan teleported toward Satoshi, bringing Kuroe, Midori, and Shiroi with them. They didn't bother bringing Cherry into the mix since they expected her to just be all over Satoshi which won't help at all.

"What's going o—" Satoshi cut himself off as the group made their move. Initially, he thought that they were going to attack him since he detected bloodthirst coming from them. However, the bloodthirst wasn't directed at him so he didn't think too hard about it.

Shiroi didn't need to be told what to do. In an instant, she froze the collar fastened around Satoshi's neck. Kuroe activated a portion of her power to numb Satoshi's pain receptors. And as for Midori, he started healing the burns on his neck.

Emma also removed the collar on Satoshi's neck using her portal superpower. No one knows where she threw the collar but it was gone in an instant.

In a split second, Satoshi felt like a king. A refreshing feeling overcame his body as he relaxed. One moment, he felt like he was being tortured, but now that torture was just a distant memory.

Five seconds later, Kurogami appeared, bringing the Nurse with him. With an expressionless face, he looked at Satoshi. "Are you all right? I brought the Nurse." He asked before jerking his thumb towards the Nurse who had no idea how she got there.

"Never better," Satoshi forced a smile on his face. "If you could get me a cold canned drink, it would feel even be—"

He wasn't even finished with what he was saying when Lydia appeared in front of him, handing him an ice-cold drink. Lydia then kicked Midori on the thighs. "Make sure you heal the burns properly, if it leaves a scar, we're going to sew your mouth shut," Lydia called out, but she smiled after saying something so dark.

"Ey ey~ of course, if things go wrong, we have the Nurse here. She'd patch Satoshi up, good as new." Midori confidently said.

In response, the Nurse just crossed her arms and sighed. "It seems like I'm not even needed  here." She called out.

"Do you need a hug, Satoshi? How about a kiss?" Sassu asked, leaning in towards Satoshi.

This time, the rest had to step in before Sassu started getting all over Satoshi.

While all these were happening, Knighthawk was still lying on the ground, unconscious. It took a minute before the Nurse noticed his existence and he immediately healed him up. Surprisingly, he was more beat up than Satoshi even though he had the advantage of items and underhanded tactics.

From a distance, the spectators watched as Class 3-1 joined together to save their classmate. It was a heartwarming moment that even the principal started tearing up. The established and unbroken camaraderie of Class 3-1 was shown in full light.

The audience felt the scene tug at their heartstrings, and some of them started cry-laughing. It was a very inspiring moment, and it promoted a peace that they never knew existed in a class. Even the other teachers and classes were slightly envious of the bonds that the entire Class 3-1 had forged.

And since it was broadcasted on the school's official youtube channel, people around the globe saw it, and it became a viral moment. It would even make the headlines the very next day.

But the ones who were affected by the scene the most were none other than Midoriyama Ayumu and Tatsuki, who were watching their son fight against Knighthawk. They were this close to stepping in when they saw that Satoshi's classmates were charging at him.

"Look, dear," Ayumu shed a tear as she smiled at her husband. "Our son... he's made many friends," She proudly said.

Tatsuki briefly remembered the anxiousness they felt when Satoshi applied to the prestigious school of USA, and he couldn't help but feel proud. Satoshi had grown so much, and now he's got comrades looking after him. "I told you he's going to be fine, right?" He confidently responded.