Chapter 532 Tayokama Family Dinner

532 Tayokama Family Dinner

Seeing his sister was an unexpected surprise for him, and Midori silently let her drag him into the house without that much of a retaliation. It would've been easy for him to shake off his older sister, but he didn't resort to that due to how disoriented he was. Saki also meekly followed right behind the two since she had nothing better to do. In a way, Midori's older sister welcomed her, and it would be rude if she just turned away and reject the invitation. She was already there anyways, and even if she felt like backing down, she had no choice at this point. "Ah, Miyuu, your home." Midori's dad greeted them from afar. He was helping his wife prepare some food for an early dinner, while Miya and Miyura were comfortably seated on the couch. "Miyuu-nee!" Miya and Miyura greeted before their gaze landed on their older brother. A bigger smile was plastered on their face as they too called out to Midori. "You're here early." Midori's dad greeted them with a warm smile, but everyone knew that underneath that warm smile was mischief. It was evident on his face that he had flagrantly planned this scenario right from the start, and as it turned out, everyone was in on it as well. Right from the get-go, the moment when Saki initiated contact with Midori's family, both her side and his side of the family had already planned the meeting out. Of course, Midori's parents didn't tell his siblings nor did they tell him about it. They just let nature take its course, giving Midori the leeway to get a date, as well as putting in the element of surprise. And it worked! Based on Midori's expression of utter shock and speechlessness, it was clear that the plan had worked. "Why is everyone here?" Midori uttered after regaining his composure. He wasn't sure whether to be angry or surprised, but deep inside he knew that it was an odd mix of both. It didn't take long before slight embarrassment kicked in, and his face slightly reddened as he sat down on the couch. The interior of their place was nothing fancy. A huge portion of the house was the living room, with the kitchen area tucked in on the far corner of it. As for their sleeping quarters, there was a small portion of the house that was right beside the kitchen. That room could only fit two people, so Miya and Miyura slept there. With a shocked expression on his face, Midori scanned his family, and he found their actions totally unusual. For one, both his parents were cooking. From as far as he could remember, they rarely have the time to make homecooked meals. It was to the point wherein Midori couldn't imagine his parents' cooking. Then there were his siblings. On a normal day, Miya and Miyura were as active as snakes, darting around here and there, playing around, and rambunctiously running in circles. Sometimes, their playtime would get to the point where they'd go out and play with other children. However, right now they were as behaved as doves. They didn't even budge from their seats— a totally weird way of greeting their older brother and older sister together. Just from the glint in their eyes, one could tell that they were anticipating something. Something. "Pardon my intrusion," A soft voice trailed off as the door to their 'mansion' slowly opened. First, Saki peeked her head inside before slowly stepping in. After repeating her greeting a second time, she bowed down and sheepishly sat beside Midori. Her entrance was as if on cue, and Midori couldn't believe that Saki perfectly timed his entrance. All in all, it left a lasting impact, even leaving Miyua and Miyura smiling from ear to ear as they too bowed in return.

"Don't sweat out the small details," Miyuu called out. "Here you go," Seizing her chance, Midori's mom then handed Midori a couple of plates, and then she proceeded to hand the side dishes to Saki.

There was nothing they could do but assist with setting up the table. Nevertheless, that didn't stop the two of them from contemplating the words they let out a moment ago. Now that they thought about it, that situation was embarrassing. Now they couldn't look each other in the eyes. Meanwhile, Miya and Miyura still didn't get over Saki's purple hair. And while Midori and Saki were setting up the table, the two younger siblings came up to them to continue their comments. "You're really purple ranger, right?" "Did you kiss older brother?" "Did you go on a date together?" Their questions were met with silence and a little redness to the face. In the background, Midori's parents and older sister were suppressing their chuckles altogether while the tables were being set up. They didn't go out of their way to stop Miya and Miyura though. "Whoa, it's a feast!" Miyuu exclaimed. She was the one to sit down first, telling Saki to sit beside her so she could interrogate her about the date. "All right, take a seat everyone, let's eat!" Midori's mom clapped her hands once, and dinner was served.

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