Chapter 89 The Changes


The deafening howl came from the distance and giant wolves appeared on the buildings.

They looked at the ongoing battle and joined the loud howl. The resounding howl of the wolves reverberated throughout the battlefield.


At once, the wolves sprung into the battlefield with extreme speed. At the back of the wolves was a 5-meter wolf. The alpha of the pack.

It only fixed his gaze on the battle for a mere second before he looked in another direction.

A fierce battle was going on between two beasts and a young man. Compared to other battles, this fight was a child's place.

Every attack was destructive, shattering things in their path. If this type of attack landed on the battlefield, hundreds of souls would be turned smithereens.

The Alpha wolf moved swiftly to join the fierce battle with the two beasts.

Now, three beasts were on him. They were Bronze Ape,

Flesh Eating Crow and now, the Wind Blade Wolf.

This was Justin battling the two Third Existence beasts.

Two beasts were already difficult for him to handle but now, another beast joined the fray.


Justin jumped forward, and rolled on the ground, dodging the sharp claw of the Flesh Eating Crow.

"Sound Annihilation!"

"Sound Disintegration!"

Justin's ring flew in two opposite directions. His clothes were turned and his firmed muscles had various Crow scars.


Suddenly, a fierce attack entered his perception. Before he realized what was going on.

It was already on him. Justin's hair stood straight and his muscles tightened.

In that fraction of seconds, he couldn't muster any defense. Besides, his weapon was not with him.

He twisted his body slightly and a gust of wind swept past him.


He groaned and stumbled back, holding his waist. A deep sharp cut appeared on his waist and blood dripped out from it.

Bang! Bang!

Gra! Gra!

The Saber-tooth Bronze Ape and the Flesh-Eating Crow cried in agony. The two powerful attacks from Justin gave them a deep injury.

'Follow current novels on No v elBin.',

The Bronze Ape was already on his last leg while the Flesh Eating Crow only sustained a single injury.

Justin raised his head and looked in the direction of the wind attack but the wolf was long gone from its previous position.



Two wind attacks came from his other side. He turned and faced the attack.

"Begone!" He sent a powerful attack.

A golden arc came out from his fist and flew toward the wind attack.


The wind attack shattered and the air vibrated, sending a couple to the surrounding area.

The ripples from the attack destroyed their path. The buildings crumbled, and cracks appeared on the road.

The Wind Wolf saw his sneak attack had failed. It wanted to blend with the wind when Justin came running toward it


As Justin was running toward the Wind blade wolf. His weapon was humming toward him at extreme speed.

The Wind blade Wolf snared and jumped toward him, sending numerous wind attacks.

Justin didn't wait for his weapon to arrive when he began to punch the wind blade.

Bang! Bang!

Like the sound of a rocket. The clashing of Justin's fist and the wind blade echoed on the battlefield.

Those in the distance could feel the tremor caused by the attack. They shivered and vow in their heart not to venture to that side.

Justin had various cuts on his body. But he didn't care. He continued to send his torrential punch toward the wind blade.

Only a few blades left between him and the Wind Blade wolf. Then, his weapon arrived.

"Sound Disintegration!"

The three circles on Justin's body glowed and rings hummed and shone brightly.

The two rings revolve around each other and travel toward the wind blade.

Like glass, the wind blade disintegrates into pieces. Now, only a couple of inches separate him and the wolf.

The Wind Blade wolf opened its mouth and its rows of sharp teeth were ready to snap Justin into two.

Meanwhile, Justin tightened his muscles. He sent a powerful punch directly toward the beast's head.

The wolf twisted its body in the air, avoiding the punch. While its mouth was on Justin.

But then, he sidesteps. Albeit the claw of the wolf scraped past his body.

What happened was under his calculation. His previous punch was an ordinary attack, baiting the wolf.




His weapon that was already in waiting hit the beast's head and it grimaced in pain.

However, that was not the end of its misery. While still in the air, Justin jumped toward and rendered a finishing punch.

"Be Still!"

No sound, no waves. Everywhere was still. The Wind Blade wolf descended slowly to the ground like a piece of paper.


Killed: Alpha Wind Blade Wolf

Reward: Red Orb.

,m ____

Justin didn't have the time to check the notification. The Flesh Eating Crow was locked on him.


The sharp claw of the Flesh Eating Crow dug into his body. However, it couldn't penetrate deeper into his body.

The Crow screeched in annoyance and threw him up in the sky.

'Why am I always sent to the sky?'

'Shit I hate aerial battles.' He complained in his heart.

Kira on top of her newly tamed beast felt Justin's conflicted emotion and raised her head to Justin's potions.

"Why are you in the sky?" She said in her heart.

Then, something bizarre happened. Justin heard Kira's voice in his head and his mouth slackened.

For a couple of seconds, he forgot about his current predicament and looked in Kira's direction.

'What the hell!?'

'Can we communicate through the bonding thing?' He thought.

With no time to waste, he tried it out.

"Can you hear me?" He said in his mind.

Kira had just thrown a Second Circle into the sky when she heard Justin's voice in her head.

She wanted to freak out when he heard his voice again.

"Don't shout and concentrate on the fight. With the soul bond, we can communicate with our soul."

"So that's it." She sighed in relief.

The short interaction between him and her barely took a second and the Flesh-Eating Crow was aiming for him.

"Do you have a way out of your current situation?" She asked with nervousness.

"Don't worry. I've got a plan."