Chapter 205 The Appearance Of The Demon

The loud footsteps of the tens of thousands of strange beings echoed inside their ears as the darkness deepens. All their muscles tightened as they watched the thousand of them match past them while the beings looked in their direction, they couldn't see them, making them breathe a sigh of relief.

What are they? The question pops up in their mind at the same time. While also receiving their answers.



It took them a couple of seconds to process what they just heard. Where the hell did the Undead come from? They wandered in their mind. While they were wondering where the Undead came from, they saw another shocking scene.

Everywhere the Undead pass through, turn into darkness, and everything was destroyed, turned into ruin.

This can't be happening. This can't be happening. They scream in their mind.

However when they saw thousands of kilometers turned into a dead land filled with strange smoke and an eerie lifeless world. Just then, they saw a being behind the Undead.

The being was extremely tall with long ash hair. His eyes had no pupils but that didn't stop his beauty. His face was well-defined with a long nose, and long eyelashes. white porcelain skin. His long legs and toned muscles made them not blink for a couple of seconds.

Although Justin was extremely handsome, compared to the man in the distance. He pales compared to him. Suddenly, the man turned in their direction with a knowing smile on his face.


An enormous pain assaulted their brain, sending them back, and making their head fuzzy. They held their forehead, groaning in pain.

"I was too careless…." Justin hugged them and asked with a panicked voice. "How are you? How do you feel…"

Hearing his voice, Susan and Kira both let out a sigh of relief. Even though they were still in pain, the presence of Justin gave them unspeakable security. With him around, they knew nothing could happen to them. This unwavering confidence came from the depth of their soul.

"I'm sorry…. I'm sorry…" He mutters as he checks them for any injury. "I shouldn't have shown you the vision."

"N-o…N-o" Kira managed to say but the enormous pain made her tremble and she staggered back and was supported by Justin.

'Fuck! What kind of being is this!' She screamed in her mind.

Justin didn't bother to say anything as he lay both of them on the bed and waited patiently for them to recover from the mental attack.

After half an hour, the pain receded and they woke up from the pain. They wiped off the bead of sweat from their forehead and looked at each other and saw the deep fear written on each other's faces.

They knew there was more to what they saw, thus, they didn't waste time and rush to the sitting room. Justin was busy studying the book of knowledge as he was busy researching how to combine both Array formation with a runic inscription.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he turned his head and saw both Kira and Susan with slightly pale faces. '

"How are you feeling?"

"Getting better," Kira responded with a forced smile.

"Can you tell us who is that and what the hell is going on?" Susan questioned with the evidence of fear still on her face.

"Sit down." He motioned them to sit as he left his study table and sat on the couch in front of the duo.

The room descended into an abrupt silence as the ladies fixed their gaze on him, waiting for him to explain.

"Since the disappearance of the zombies. I knew something extremely dangerous was going on behind the scenes. Thus, I have been on the lookout for the past couple of weeks…" He pauses to arrange his thoughts before he continues.

"Although many extraterrestrial races appeared on earth. They can be killed and also make us stronger. Also, their presence is not corroding the atmosphere of the world. Even though the weather is changing continuously. Yet, we can still survive and live with it. But…."

A sudden chill crept to the skin of both Kira and Susan as they took a deep breath. They didn't dare use their imagination to complete what was going to happen and wait for him to continue.

"What you see is the end of our beloved planet Earth. If we don't stop them and stop their movement…. Without them attacking humans, their mere presence corrodes the earth from the inside out, making it inhabitable for both man and beast. Thus, our greatest threat is the Undead." He concluded with a calm expression as he looked at their faces.

Susan and Kira didn't blink for a couple of seconds, as they tried to process what they just heard. Kira sucked in a cold breath with her lips quivering.

"What about that… that…"

"A Demon."


"A demon feeds on all the evil sides of both human and beast. The Undead were filled with evil energy and those that contain deep evil in their heart will turn evil when they die. And thus, when the Undead match through the area where their corpses were buried or lay, those with evil spirits would wake up from the dead and join the battalion of the Undead."


Susan and Kira looked at each other slumped on the chair with their heart racing, wanting to jump out of their chest. They can't imagine how many people had been killed before the apocalypse and how many people died during the apocalypse. It is uncountable.

We're doomed.

"How… are… we… going to fight them…" Susan stuttered. She thought of various ways for them to kill the Undead but couldn't come up with a reasonable solution. If they were killed as long there was evilness in their heart. The evil energy would feed on it and raise them back to life. Thus, it is an unending cycle.

Hearing her question, a bright smile appeared on Justin's. "Although we're facing the greatest threat to humanity. There is a way to overcome this."

Susan and Kira sat up straight with their eyes shining.

"Tell us!" They questioned in unison with their voice raising an octave.