CH 9.2

Name:My Two Dads Author:
Chapter 9.2 - About Gong and Shou 1 Part 2

Yang Han finally understood it. Lu Yue Ming wasn’t aiming at her, but instead came for Yang Mo instead.

Lu Yue Ming went out his way to send a message to thank her, saying he had troubled her for the past few days.

He indeed had something to say to her.

He wanted Yang Mo’s contact information.

But Lu Yue Ming had always been too embarrassed to directly ask. Yang Mo could also be considered as a public figure, he thought Yang Han might refuse his request so he tried to build a good relationship with her first so that she could feel his sincerity.

Who knew Yang Mo was fished out this quickly.

Yang Han let out a sigh of relief and said, “I treated you like a friend but here you are, coveting my dad.”

Lu Yue Ming replied with an awkward, “….”

Xu Jia was well aware of the fact that Yang Han and Lu Yue Ming went out for a movie over the weekend, so the first thing she asked when she got online was: “How far did you go?”

Yang Han: “???”

She calmly said, “Met my parent already.”

Xu Jia: “Damn, you’re fast.”

Yang Han: “Fast, my ass.”

After a brief explanation, Xu Jia seemed a little disappointed to find out the truth. She said, “Really, that Xiao Lu. Why didn’t he just say it clearly instead of making it so ambiguous? I really thought he liked you.”

Yang Han asked, “We’ve only been classmates for 2 months, what could he like about me?”

Xu Jia replied in ‘of course’ tone, “Your money and your looks.”

“…” Yang Han spat out, “What kind of image do you have of Xiao Lu in your mind?”

“But…Your dad is really too charming. Men and women, young or old have all fallen.” Xu Jia tried to go back to the original topic.

Yang Han proudly replied her a sentence before opening Qu Di. She checked the updates from the authors she followed, reading them while waiting for Xu Jia’s reply.

Xu Jia replied with a smirk emoji and asked, “I’ve always wanted to ask you…Between your dad and Han Shi Yu, who’s the gong and who’s the shou?”

Yang Han replied with no hesitation, “My dad is the gong.”

At the same time, Xu Jia also sent over another message, “I think Han Shi Yu is the loyal dog type of gong.”

The two of them stared at their phone screens respectively and were silent for two whole seconds, “……”

As the saying goes, the most serious conflict between comrades who shipped the same CP would be the disagreement on who the gong and shou were.

This kind of behaviour was more unbearable than OOC, truly outrageous.

Yang Han cut her off firmly, “Impossible.”

Xu Jia was so serious that she didn’t even send emojis anymore, “Have you ever asked?”

Yang Han: “Not yet.”

Xu Jia: “Then that means you don’t know either.”

Yang Han remained firm in her opinion, “My dad is definitely the gong, I know him well.”

Xu Jia was confident as well, “With my years of experience and reading experience, it’s telling me that your dad is the shou.”

Following the tense atmosphere spreading through the phone screens, swords and daggers were drawn too and their sisterhood was at a risk of breaking.

The two of them said at the same time, “Let’s bet on it!”

Xu Jia: “I’ll bet on the signed photo.”

Yang Han: “Fine. If I lost, I’ll get it for you within a week.”

Xu Jia: “It’s a deal.”

She replied cautiously, “First thing first, if it turned out they were both gongs, then it can only be a tie between us. Secondly, you can’t deliberately hide the truth either or you won’t be getting good breakfasts for three days straight.”

Wasn’t that too cruel and vicious?

But Yang Han replied without any worry, “I have no need to hide it.”

How could she possibly lose?

Yang Han hadn’t come home for a week. Today, Yang Mo personally cooked dinner for her.

Their family usually did not hire any housekeepers or cleaners.

Just the three of them were enough to handle the basic cleaning chores at home. Furthermore, due to Yang Mo’s habit, he didn’t like strangers coming to their house to clean.

Han Shi Yu usually did not come home either. As for Yang Han…although Yang Mo understood that he shouldn’t spoil their child, he had a strange pride that didn’t allow himself to stay idle at the side and let a little girl do the chores alone. That felt more unbearable than cleaning.

So in the end, the housework were almost all done by Yang Mo.

Yang Mo took off his apron, wiped the table clean and served the dishes. He washed his hands and after settling everything, went to call for Yang Han to come downstairs to eat.

But before he could say anything, Yang Han herself rushed down like a gust of wind.

She walked over and pulled Yang Mo to the side and sat down together.

Yang Mo: ?”

The dishes were still slightly steaming with heat, so Yang Mo said, “Let’s eat?”

“Wait a moment,” Yang Han coughed and solemnly asked, “Dad, I’m going to ask you a question…It may be a little abrupt but it’s really important so you have to answer me truthfully.”

Yang Mo frowned, then squared his face.

He had always been afraid of Yang Han not sharing what problems she had with him. A heart-to-heart talk like this was exactly what he wanted all along, so he replied seriously, “Go ahead.”

Yang Han was silent for a while before asking, “You and Han Shi Yu, who’s the gong and who’s the shou?”

Before adopting a child, Yang Mo had done his preparations thoroughly.

He knew there was a saying that every parent would go through something like this – their child asking, ‘where did I come from’.

Yang Mo thought that at least his own daughter wouldn’t ask that. But if she did, Yang Mo had already prepared to say ‘the trash can’, which was left accurately on their door step, so that Yang Han wouldn’t ask any further questions.

It was because he thought the matter of sex education should be left to Han Shi Yu to deal with. He didn’t know how to solve this question.

However, he now faced this problem, which he believed was unprecedented as he couldn’t think of any past reference cases for a perfect answer.

Yang Han asked him, who was the gong and shou between him and Han Shi Yu.

He felt like the difficulty of this question was comparable to the question of the century, ‘where did I come from’ or even more difficult.

Yang Mo: “……”

He looked at Yang Han with extremely mixed feelings in that moment. For a second, it felt like an autumn breeze with falling leaves, another second it was as cold as old vines and faint crows.

Yang Mo himself never gave much thought to the issue of who tops or bottoms.

He was indifferent about him, thinking that any way would do.

But when it came to the real deal, he was too embarrassed and couldn’t bring himself to lead, so Han Shi Yu lucked out.

Han Shi Yu was extremely shameless, especially when it came to the matter of making love.

Yang Mo would never know just what this person read on a daily basis, and how much knowledge he had stored up that couldn’t be described in detail.

Although he did consider reversing the situation, but in the end, he still couldn’t resist all the weird tricks and patterns Han Shi Yu pulled. Every time they did it, Yang Mo thought to himself, ‘forget it, this is okay too’.

Yet, as he faced Yang Han now, Yang Mo was regretting why he did not attempt to take the lead then.

But the main point wasn’t that.

More importantly, why was Yang Han asking about this?

Yang Han was staring at him with a really firm gaze.

He didn’t know how this girl discovered this side of things, but since things had come to this point, he couldn’t quite muddle through this now.

Yang Mo remained silent for a while. Then, he finally spoke up, “What do you think?”

Yang Han: “I think Han Shi Yu is the shou.”

Yang Mo: “……”

Yang Mo’s mood once again went through a lot of bumps and twists like minutes ago.

He awkwardly answered, “Actually…You can go and ask Han Shi Yu.”