CH 14.1

Name:My Two Dads Author:

Baidu’s encyclopedias stated that it was a strict method used to test one’s level of knowledge.

It usually involved two groups of species, the teachers and students who supposedly work symbiotically. They usually appear together in a mutually loving and respectful relationship, but during designated exam periods, they become divided and vengeful against each other.

The teacher side would use the difficulty of exam topics which caused students to pound their chests in a pain worse than death, while students would use their results to trigger the teachers’ high blood pressure to soar. The level of counter-abuse between these two entities continued to grow.

In terms of teacher-student harmony, this activity had no value at all in existing.

Yang Han thought to herself as she was handed her language test paper.

She followed the usual practice of scanning the front and back of the test paper to grasp a general idea of the difficulty. But instead, in the essay question that took up sixty marks of the paper, she saw a familiar and eye-catching name.

Han Shi Yu, male, Chinese, the chairman and chief executive officer of Ji Xun Technology Company.

While Ji Xun had grown over the past ten years and took its place in the internet industry, the founder and mastermind behind it has been under the media spotlight. Han Shi Yu is not only an excellent entrepreneur, but also the role model for youths at a mere age of 35. He once said at an internet conference, “Seizing the value of young people means seizing the future of a company and the future of a country.”

As a freshman in high school and a young person in this new era, what experience and thoughts do you have on this? Please write an essay of not less than 800 words to express your opinion.

For a question like this, the easiest way to answer without going off track would be writing about ‘young people’ and ‘youth’, The whole essay must include the material given in the question. Whether or not you are willing or unwilling, you have to use Han Shi Yu as an example.

Yang Han’s seat in the examination room was to the front. The students beside her had skimmed through the questions, made a mental draft and started writing from the start.

Yang Han: “……”

She put down her pen and grabbed her hands with both hands.

She was struggling.

Should she go against her own conscience to spill a bunch of compliments about Han Shi Yu to score well or stick to her bottom line and talk about true facts.

Yang Han felt like she had encountered a big life decision. This may be a test and challenge given by the heavens to her. If possible, she wanted to go and have a long talk with the teacher who decided on the questions.

She whispered in a low voice, “This question is too difficult…”

The students in the surroundings looked at with a strange gaze.

Yang Mo looked at the person in front of him with a gaze like he was caring for a fool.

The police worked quickly, checking the records at the internet café and the surrounding surveillance. Soon, the hacker was caught.

This person sat across the table, with bright blonde hair, smiling at Yang Mo.

His name was Lu You Qi1. In the four years of Yang Mo’s university life, he called him ‘Broadband’ for three years.

Lu You Qi himself clarified that it was different from the real Broadband but Yang Mo ignored it and still called him that.


This person claimed to be a mixed-blood from eight countries. But under the threat of Yang Mo saying he would draw his blood to verify the fact, he quickly admitted that he was only mixed with two nationalities. The blonde hair came from his mother’s genes, whose nationality was British.

Yang Mo asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

Lu You Qi said, “I came back from abroad, this is a surprise for you.”

Yang Mo reached out his hand to hit him but he held it in under the police’s supervision, only scaring him a little.

Lu You Qi’s neck shrank a little before saying, “Mo Mo, I was wrong.”

Yang Mo: “Dare to repeat that again?”

Lu You Qi: “I was wrong, my dormmate.”

Yang Mo apologized to the police, saying that he would not press in the charges on the basis of the perpetrator’s sincere repentance. He even asked for a banner to be sent to thank the police for their highly efficient work.

For people who were involved in the business industry, especially the internet, they were many rules laid out that outsiders wouldn’t know of. As long as the bottom line was not touched, the police officers would express their understanding. They spent an hour educating this hacker on network security law before sending them away.

Lu You Qi said he wanted to invite Yang Mo to dinner so he took him to a random roadside food stall. Because his blond hair was too obvious, always attracting the gazes of random men and women, old and young, Yang Mo who didn’t like the attention, took him to a nearby seafood restaurant instead.

Lu You Qi smiled, “You still remember that I like seafood.”

Yang Mo didn’t say anything.

He ordered two cans of beer and the two of them talked as they drank.

Lu You Qi opened the can and started talking, “We haven’t met for so many years. I didn’t think Han Shi Yu would be doing so well now.”

Yang Mo peeled a shrimp and dipped it in the sauce.

Lu You Qi stared at the shrimp and opened his mouth with an ‘ah’, waiting for the food to be offered to him. But Yang Mo ignored him and ate it himself, glaring at the fool with his mouth opened and said. “Are you disabled?”

Lu You Qi laughed a little, then shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his beer. “Are you still working under Han Shi Yu now?”

Yang Mo: “Yeah.”

“I really didn’t expect you to work under him willingly.” Lu You Qi said, “Is he still pestering you every day like he did back in university?”

Yang Mo: “Mhmm.”

Lu You Qi: “Tsk.”

“That guy still doesn’t have a girlfriend, right?” He said, “If I were his girlfriend, I would be jealous next to you every day.”

He chuckled a little.

Yang Mo gave him a look.

He got together with Han Shi Yu when he was in his second year of university. At that time, the dormitory rooms were reassigned and he ended up living with this mixed-blood guy.

Almost all of his friends around him could tell that the two of them were dating later on, except for Broadband.

Yang Mo said, “I got married to Han Shi Yu.”

Lu You Qi looked up and smiled, “You got married? Congratulations.”

The air was silent for quite a while.

Lu You Qi’s smile stiffened, his brain slowly registering the name mentioned before that. “…With who?”

The two of them were on the first floor, sitting at the table by the window. Suddenly, someone knocked on the window from outside.

Both of them turned their heads around in sync as they saw a man wearing a hat, mask and sunglasses standing there. He was wrapped up in a way that even his own mother wouldn’t have recognized him.

That guy took off his sunglasses.

Yang Mo frowned. Lu You Qi was still immersed in the shock from earlier on that he hadn’t pull himself out of, but he moved backwards a little at the sight of those eyes, as if he had just seen a ghost.