CH 28.2

Name:My Two Dads Author:
Chapter 28.2 - About Entrance Exams Part 2

On the weekend, Yang Mo went to tutor Mi Shu but he didn’t bring Han Shi Yu along with him.

Mi Shu stood at the entrance, looking left and right. Yang Mo said, “He didn’t come.”

She said disappointedly, “Huh?”

After the last weekend, Mi Shu realized she really enjoyed spending time with the two of them. Han Shi Yu was fun to talk to so her exhaustion was usually swept away from conversing a few sentences with him.

Not to mention, Mishu…quite shipped the two of them too.

She sighed and thought to herself that there would be no content to watch today as she walked to her desk and took out her test papers.

Yang Mo saw the messy scribbles and red crosses on them and frowned.

He looked at the papers carefully and found that Mi Shu had mastered what he taught her last week very well. However, the mistakes she made were always in the smallest details. Either she overlooked something or she stepped away from the ones she knew she didn’t know how to solve.

Yang Mo placed the papers back on the table and gently tapped on them. “Were you in a bad state?”

Mi Shu looked down in embarrassment, rubbed the tip of her nose and said, “I’m too stupid.”

Yang Mo: “You are not.”

Mi Shu looked up at him.

Yang Mo spread out the papers in front of her and carefully analyzed them. Mi Shu was silent the entire time.

A smile appeared on her face as she said, “Thank you, ge.”

Yang Mo was about to take a sip of water, but heard Mi Shu continued on, “I used to be ranked quite high in the past. So the math and physics teachers paid extra attention to me. They analyzed the questions for me before, just like you did, but I could never perform well. I’m really thankful to you guys…and I feel really ashamed for doing so poorly in the exams.”

The bottle of water stopped in front of his mouth. Yang Mo turned towards her and stared.

Mi Shu said without paying much attention, “Sigh, just like what my mom said, I should take it easy and just face it head on. Girls often lose their strength at the last, crucial moment. I should have chosen liberal arts in the first place too.” She laughed.

Yang Mo suddenly said, “Your mother said that?”

Mi Shu stopped her laugh that was meant to hide her embarrassment. “Ah?” She froze for a moment before nodding her head.

Yang Mo screwed the cap on the bottle tight before saying, “Give me your mother’s phone number. I’ll talk to her.”

Mi Shu looked at him. He didn’t seem to mean it as a joke. After thinking for a while, there didn’t seem to be anything wrong about this either. “…What’s wrong?”

That day, Yang Mo talked with Mi Shu’s mother for an hour long.

Her mother’s personality was considered really gentle. She wasn’t as unreasonable as Yang Mo thought she would be. After hearing that her mother won’t be home at night from working overtime, Yang Mo left the small rented house that Yi Shu studied in. He took her test papers and went to her mother’s company to talk to her face to face during lunch break.

Mi Shu had been in a dazed state all along. She completely couldn’t understand why Yang Mo was doing this and had been fidgeting restlessly all morning.

It wasn’t like her teachers never talked to her parents. But there were too many students in the class taking the entrance exam and her teacher couldn’t have covered everything.

After Yang Mo returned to his university, he laid in his bed with an exhausted look. Lu You Qi who had returned and was sitting on the bed playing a game, asked, “Yo, Mo Mo. Where were you having fun at?”

Yang Mo ignored him and continued to lie on the bed.

He, who had not used his social media apps in ten thousand years, clicked on Han Shi Yu’s profile – he was using the Little Prince as profile picture.

There was no special new content posted there. The last daily life post was uploaded three days ago. It was something about being the first to finish his final assignment and how Old Sui and Brother Qi and Brother Min had lost a packet of snack because of that.

It was already 4pm. Yang Mo was lost in his thoughts for a while before ultimately throwing his phone aside. He had the habit of taking an afternoon nap and have yet to sleep today, so sleepiness quickly came.

Nearing the evening, Lu You Qi couldn’t wake him up no matter how hard he tried. After expressing his admiration for such an ability to fall asleep just like that, he threw a jacket over Yang Mo and went down to the cafeteria for dinner.

Yang Mo was woken up by a phone call.

It was a very lonely thing to wake up at evening as the sky was turning dark.

Yang Mo lifted the clothes off his body and sat there in a daze for a while. After washing his face, he picked up his phone before the call ended.

It was Mi Shu.

He finally came to his senses, because on the other end, Mi Shu had been crying.

After a long while, Yang Mo could finally find an opening to ask what was wrong, but Mi Shu was still crying incoherently. She mumbled, “…Thank you, ge.”

Even Mi Shu herself didn’t know why she was so depressed lately.

Despite setting her goal three years ago, wanting to get into the same Shou Cheng University as her sister and had been working hard towards this goal. She still couldn’t muster up any energy or motivation when there were not many days left to the entrance exams.

She could only feel a sense of fulfilment after completing many sets of question papers. If she didn’t study for a day, she would be overwhelmed and drowned with a huge sense of guilt and loss.

In such a state, she no longer dared to dream about being accepted to Shou Cheng University anymore. She could only try various other ways to get closer to her dream university in an attempt to comfort herself.

Mi Shu herself didn’t know where the source that led her to this state originated from.

Until an hour ago, her mother called and apologized to her. She blanked out for a long time. After finding an outlet to express her surging emotions, the feeling of helplessness that was stuck in her chest finally exploded and she burst into tears.

Her physics scores had hit rock bottom once, the competitive her fell into a state of overwhelming inferiority and guilt.

Her mother couldn’t bear seeing Mi Shu like that, so she reassured her not to be so nervous, that she had done well enough to get to this point. She even said, girls are originally not good at science anyways and her cousin made it only because she started early.

Her mother rubbed her back and laughed warmly, saying she was very proud of her daughter already.

All of that sounded irrefutable. Her mother also said it out of love and concern for her, so Mi Shu accepted it as it is.

However, this invisible display of gender stereotypes that occur among close family members or friends were often the one that felt the most suffocating. Mi Shu had unknowingly fallen into such a rut.

She couldn’t be as confident and bold as she used to be in the exam room anymore. The thoughts, “This is good enough. I can’t do any better anyways. It’s pretty good to just show the partial working” would suddenly pop up in her mind – and the worst part was, she didn’t even know why.

Yang Mo spoke directly to Mi Shu’s mother and suggested that she apologized to her daughter.

Her mother was very puzzled. She couldn’t understand where she did wrong and by what right and status did Yang Mo have, to ask her to apologize to her own child.

Yang Mo said frankly, “Because you’ve paid money to hire me as her tutor.”

Mi Shu’s mother was dumbfounded.

“Mi Shu has not reached her limit yet. There’s no such thing as starting early or late either. She works hard simply because she likes it and wants to live up to her own expectations and yours, not to bridge any gender gap.” Yang Mo looked her mother in the eyes and continued, “She’s naturally good at adapting and thinking critically, very suitable for studying mathematics. She can go even further.”

“Mi Shu trusts you the most. Any word from her parents in such a critical time is very important to her. If you don’t apologize to her and clear the obstacles in her heart, it would be a waste of time no matter how I teach her, since she can’t fully utilize it.”

Yang Mo was sensible and realistic. He would not meddle in a stranger’s business for no reason at all. If he wanted to continue tutoring Mi Shu, then he had to clean up all the messy obstacles in her heart. He was a man who did not like to do useless work.

Mi Shu’s mother did not retort or agree, sitting in silence with Yang Mo for a long while. Finally, Yang Mo went back with regret.

Mi Shu cried for a long time, until her voice became a little hoarse.

Yang Mo wasn’t good with words, so he only quietly listened to her rant on and on. After a very long while, Yang Mo said, “Do you still have a goal now?

Mi Shu’s voice was choked up but firm, “Shou Cheng University.”

Yang Mo: “I’ll be waiting.”