Chapter 559: The Eye of All Laws and the Evolutionary

Chapter 559 The Eye of All Laws and the Evolution of Martial Arts (Please subscribe)

"I have just become the king. Logically speaking, I should take care of it slowly, but I don't have that much time."

King Lingwei thought to himself, "In a million years, my father will abdicate. At that time, the new emperor will be selected from among the royal families."

For those who are strong in the Ji Dao Realm, there is basically no problem of longevity, and if they can become the emperor of an ancient country, no matter how unbearable their strength is, they will definitely far exceed that of the Ji Dao Realm.


The emperors of the major ancient kingdoms in the Origin World could only reign for a maximum of 300 million years.

After more than 300 million years, he will have to abdicate and choose the next emperor from among the emperor candidates.

"I have no prestige or strength. In just a million years, I won't be able to become a candidate for emperor."

King Lingwei has always had the ambition to become the emperor of the ancient country.

The emperor of the ancient country was in charge of the treasure given by the ancestor, which was of great benefit to his own cultivation and the continued purification of his bloodline.

Tianzun-level powerhouses may look down on the royal family, but they never dare to look down on the emperor of the ancient country, who is almost equivalent to the ancestor's 'spokesperson' in the ancient country.

"If you don't have prestige, just improve it, and the easiest way is to open up territory for the ancient country."

King Lingwei had a deep look and chose Qingfen City as his target. It was a nearby dozens of large areas that he had laid out for many years.

As long as the Green Burn Territory falls into his hands, it will sweep dozens or even hundreds of large territories around it in a short period of time.

When the time comes, he will have secured dozens or hundreds of large territories for the ancient country, and he will be able to become the most powerful candidate for emperor even if he is still relatively young.

"Your Highness wants to start a war?"

Zimenghou asked cautiously.

"What's wrong?"

King Lingwei glanced at Zi Menghou.

"It's nothing, it's just that war requires a lot of time to prepare."

Zimenghou said.

If they follow the original plan, they will take Qingfen City within half a day or even less.

But war? The mobilization of war, etc., all take a lot of time, and the other party will also make preparations, and there will also be multiple collisions.

No matter how efficient it is, it still takes hundreds of years from preparing for war to launching it.

"Then hurry up and get ready."

King Lingwei frowned and immediately looked at the other figures, "In this war, you are all ready to take action at any time."


Many figures responded immediately.

As the king of the royal family, King Lingwei is qualified to initiate war.

Of course, it is one thing to be qualified to initiate a war. If the war is ultimately lost and the ancient country suffers huge losses, King Lingwei will also need to bear all the responsibility.

On the contrary, if the war is won, King Lingwei will also gain great benefits.

Even so, no royal family would do it easily. The risk is too great, and since they are both ancient countries, whether they can win or not is another matter.

King Lingwei was eager to enhance his prestige, so he made such a dangerous move.

Green burning city.

Lin Yuan is practicing in Fentian Courtyard.

Just then—

"Yu Yan, come out quickly." came the voice of Marquis Qingfen.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yuan immediately walked out of Fentianyuan and came to the city lord's palace.

This is also the place where Qing Fenhou usually practices.

At this moment, in the city lord's palace, there were two figures smiling and talking.

The figure on the left is none other than Marquis Qing Fen, and the figure on the right is an ordinary-looking middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's aura was restrained, just like an ordinary person, but his eyes were calm and gentle, as if they contained the world of heaven and earth.

As he sat there, the void around him was filled with infinite vitality, making people want to get close.

"Master Hongye?"

The moment Lin Yuan saw the middle-aged man, he recognized him.

Among the countless classics and books passed down in Fentian Courtyard, there is a "Miscellaneous Notes" that records in detail the information about all the great masters and Tianzun-level experts in Lieyang Ancient Kingdom and several surrounding ancient countries.

Among them, Hongye Grand Master is an extremely famous Grand Master level powerhouse.

Lord Hongye is not a feudal lord of any ancient country. He doesn't like to be restrained and has not been granted a title by an ancient country.

In terms of strength, Lord Hongye is still better than Qing Fenhou, having realized the two avenues of Chaos Fire and Chaos Life.

Based on the rules of chaos, paths have evolved. This is the path that many great masters in this source world want to take.

"Yu Yan, Brother Hongye is quite interested in your Ten Thousand Formations Crystal." Qing Fenhou said immediately.

"Master Hongye." Lin Yuan greeted immediately.

At this moment, he was secretly observing the Great Master, and there were two types of aura in the other person's body, hot and vital.

"Using chaotic life as fuel to stimulate the fire of chaos, the strength of this Hongye Master is indeed terrifying." Lin Yuan sighed secretly.

Although he currently barely has a great master-level combat power, it is accumulated through many means. As for his understanding of the rules? It is indeed not as good as these truly great masters.

What's more, Grand Master Hongye's strength is already at the peak of Grand Master, and is not far from the level of Tianzun.

"Master Yu Yan."

Grand Master Hongye spoke in a gentle tone and was also observing the newly promoted Grand Master.


Master Hongye was slightly shocked. He did not sense any fluctuations in the rules of chaos evolution from Lin Yuan. This was normal. The fluctuations in the rules of chaos evolution could be converged.

But Lord Hongye could faintly feel Lin Yuan's unfathomable physical body.

"What a terrifying physical body. The Lieyang Divine Body is at a very high level, and the physical body contains some extremely heavy foundation?"

Lord Hongye thought to himself.

With his level, he was naturally unable to peer into the depths of Lin Yuan's body, let alone the universe inside his body, but he could vaguely feel the weight inside, which seemed to be much heavier than the vast world.

In the "Fragmented World" of Star Tears, Lin Yuan condensed an incarnation and descended towards the Ancient Ming Chaos Continent below.

"Wandao Pavilion?"

Lin Yuan went straight to Wandao Pavilion and looked at the beautiful attic in front of him.


Lin Yuan looked at Wandao Pavilion carefully. Every time he looked at Wandao Pavilion, Lin Yuan had a different experience. After stepping into the twelfth level, his life essence had transcended, and he even realized how terrifying Wandao Pavilion was.

In the records left by the Xuanhuang lineage, the description of Wandao Pavilion is that it should not be provoked unless it is a last resort.

Even a peerless great sage like His Majesty Xuanhuang is extremely afraid of Wandao Pavilion.

Of course, as long as any creature abides by the rules set by Wandao Pavilion, there will basically be no problems. This is why Lin Yuan dared to come.

Wandao Pavilion's influence is terrifying, but it is essentially a trading place and believes in fairness.


Lin Yuan walked directly into Wandao Pavilion.

At this moment, Wandao Pavilion was bustling with people, and many twelfth-level beings were coming in and out.

Twelve-level beings enter Wandao Pavilion partly to find a suitable cultivation path for their descendants, and partly to find a new path for themselves.

Many twelfth-level beings are trapped in a bottleneck, unable to survive from one cosmic era to another. The main reason is that it is not a perfect fit with the path they are currently on.

Rule understanding, body and soul, etc. all reach the threshold of breakthrough, but they are unable to cross to the next level, or in other words, every breakthrough ends in failure.

You should consider whether you should pursue the path of evolution.

If you can change a path that suits you, even though you have to bear the risk of "losing your path", there is also hope of going further.


Lin Yuan continued to walk inside, and the world changed. He soon came to an independent space, with countless runes floating faintly in the void around him.

"Please select the purpose, one: buy evolution path, two: sell evolution path, three: others."

A smooth voice sounded in Lin Yuan's ears.

"It's quite simple."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

“Evolutionary Paths for Sale.”

Lin Yuan chose the second option.


The sound continued without any fluctuation.

“Put the evolutionary path you want to sell on the platform.”

In front of Lin Yuan, there was a platform composed entirely of black stone.

Lin Yuan thought for a moment, then turned over his hand and took out the jade slip, which recorded a branch of the evolutionary path of martial arts.

This evolutionary path, called the Martial Arts of Life and Death, was specially perfected by Lin Yuan. It is different from the martial arts branches specifically perfected for human civilization, but is applicable to almost any living being with flesh and blood.


The jade slips are suspended on the black stone platform.

The deep space of Wandao Pavilion.

An old man carrying a wine gourd was sleeping soundly.

At this moment, the old man seemed to be awakened and muttered: "There is another evolutionary path that is expected to enter the realm of domination, and I need to confirm it."

As the master of this Wandao Branch Pavilion, the old man usually doesn't care about most things. Only when collecting the evolutionary path, the evolutionary path that reaches a certain level needs to be confirmed twice.

To collect the evolutionary path, Wandao Pavilion needs to pay Chaos Stones, so it naturally requires multiple confirmations.

"Let me take a look."

The old man stretched his waist and said, "This path of evolution is called the martial arts of life and death? It uses the power of life and the power of death to evolve the body and soul."

The more the old man watched, the more interested he became. He vaguely felt that this evolutionary path seemed to be more than just the potential of the Domination Realm.

"Well, there is no ultimate level twelve."

The old man felt it roughly and thought about it.

"I'm a little unsure." The old man was slightly confused. He could feel that the details of this evolutionary path were perfect. Logically speaking, it shouldn't only have the potential of the Domination Realm.

"Is it an evolutionary path to the chaos realm?"

The old man thought in his mind, "No, if it involves the realm of chaos, let's ask the Eye of All Laws to identify it."

The Eye of Ten Thousand Dharmas controls the operation of all Ten Thousand Ways Branch Pavilions. Each Ten Thousand Ways Branch Pavilion has the ability to project the Eye of Ten Thousand Principles.

The main building of Wandao Tower is located in the most mysterious place in the Chaos Void. It is said that it was opened by the Eye of Wanfa.

His Majesty Xuanhuang had made many speculations about the Eye of Ten Thousand Dharmas, and finally felt that it might be a secret treasure left by a certain thirteenth-level time being.

"All laws and all ways can reach everything."

The old man carrying the wine gourd stood up, came to an octagonal hall, and immediately activated the runes floating in the void.

Less than a moment.

A whirlpool gradually appeared in front of the old man, and a huge eye was faintly projected in the whirlpool.

"The Eye of All Laws."

The old man's attitude was respectful.

Huge eyes with golden pupils looked down at the old man.

"This is the evolutionary path."

The old man didn't waste any time, he just took out the life and death martial arts and put it in front of him.

The pupils of the Eye of All Laws slowly turned to look at the martial arts of life and death.

In an instant, deep in the pupil of the huge Eye of All Laws, the timeline began to lengthen, forming a path of life and death martial arts.

This path of life and death martial arts continues to extend forward, eventually penetrating into endless chaos.

"This evolutionary path?"

The Eye of All Laws seemed to notice something, and its huge pupils shrank slightly.

(End of chapter)