Chapter 178

Name:My Upgrades Are Invincible Author:
Chapter 178

Coming back to Danmachi was fairly uneventful other than my Familia members getting kicked out of the hotel's morning buffet for overeating... Yeah turns out taking a half dozen gluttons each taking a whole large tin of scrambled eggs and then eating the whole tin in front the disbelieving staff apparently made it perfectly within their right to evict us from the room early.

That and the whole CCG was acting like a beehive being pelted with a water gun and closed down most of Tokyo so I, Hestia, and Freya decided to go back home.

I had a firm no leaving world rule coming from Hestia and the others for at least the next few weeks which to be fair I hadn't been around lately, so I agreed and then was made aware that I also needed to take the Familia into the Dungeon as even the Guild was wondering where the hell the enigmatic Hestia Familia Captain was.

Once we reached Danmachi and the veil of dimensional travel mist we were welcome to shouts of welcome and I blinked in surprise at who was hosting the little party.

"Welcome back guys!" Kanae Kocho's - Shinobu's sister, spoke passionately, and I noticed she was no longer wearing the pure white spirit clothes and was instead wearing clothes similar to Demon Slayer's uniform. Morgan must have already stuffed everyone's souls back into their new homunculus bodies.

Then from the back of the crowd I saw the excited form of Nero launching herself using her Servant Strength into me, making me spin with her momentum as she giggled happily in her mad excitement. "Preator, you left me behind! Don't do that again!" She yelled jabbing my chest with her finger when I managed to bleed off her leap against me.

While Nero was busy scolding me and all the other people, I had resurrected going to meet with their family I saw Morgan and Artoria coming out from the church, and while they met my eyes, they seemed to be conveying a nonverbal message that we needed to talk immediately.

"Alright guys grab all your souvenirs and clean up the teleport spot! I need to go talk to some people." I said as I threw the giggling form of Caster Nero over my shoulder as I followed behind Morgan and Artoria Alter who went inside the church.

Once the other two Servants left the church backyard and led me into one of the church's guests' wings, we added onto the church building itself when we started getting more members. Artoria began to explain why they wanted my attention.

"Jake, the church has been frequented by several deities in the past day that you all been gone... We don't know their objective in coming here, as with how we were obviously outliers to the world with only the spirits and Tamayo and her disciple being around, we didn't answer any of their calls to us." Artoria explained as Morgan frowned and I realized that with Morgan's queenly pride she certainly wouldn't have appreciated sitting in silence as most likely the gods outside heckled our home.

Idly I wondered if I should just go at this moment and challenge the real identity behind Enyo which was the twisted god Dionysus to rating game with Ouranos being the weight to force the god to speak truthfully as to his newfound identity after I beat his little Familia of Stockholm'd pets.

"Alright." I said as Nero practically fell asleep against my back, while the other two royal servants explained what had recently happened. "The Loki Familia expedition into the deeper floors isn't for another three days, correct?" I questioned and once they nodded, I bit my lip as I ran my itinerary in my head and realized this big expedition with the Loki Familia would fit for an expedition into the dungeon with my Familia plus with all the ghouls, I killed in Tokyo Ghoul my stats were filled out and I was ready to hit Level 6 today.

Other than Inari's little begging for mercy I had little interest in, the other two gods' requests will be filled out with my Familia following alongside the Loki Familia as I would be Level 6, Bell would be a high level 5 with Lili being a level four alongside Haruhime and the rest of the Demon Slayers will be ready to hit level two after our adventures, so they won't be deadweight or anything with their elemental breathing styles.

"Huh I just realized I will have caught up to Aiz's level next time I see her." I muttered as even with the time dilations between worlds I had jumped to and from... In the end I had only taken less than five months to go from just getting my Falna to getting to Level 6. Makes the decades that Riveria and the other executives spent doing just that absolutely pathetic in contrast, doesn't it?

But once we gone on a week's long expedition with the Familia, they will quickly find out that after the trip they had exploded with stats as my daily quest skill will count them all as my party members...

"Morgan. What's your thoughts on Riveria?" I asked as I came to a bit of a conclusion that the vast majority of my women were 'royals' or people of great lineages except for Lili basically.

"The princess of the largest elvish nation?" Morgan mused before she continued. "She certainly has the poise of royalty and would make a fine Queen once she adopts a more ruthless mindset as she coddles her Familia members too much from what I had gathered." She spoke aloud before she met my gaze and saw my question wasn't merely about her personality.

"Ah you wish to bed or take her as a concubine, my husband?' She asked coyly as she leaned forward and pressed her soft chest agaisnt me as she whispered before withdrawing. "I myself, and not even Hestia will discourage you, As for one I adore the idea of you baby trapping the haughty elf in your clutches and taking her lands from her without a drop of blood being spilt besides from her hymen." She said leaning away before smiled deviously. "Hestia would revel in her Greek depravity merely at the sight of you stealing Loki's probably second most prized gem of her Familia as well."

"Ahem! I will do no such thing!" Hestia yelled as she threw open the door, she was obviously eavesdropping in through despite her being able to easily hear our every word through the damned wards we had up surrounding the church.

"Hestia!" I said excitedly to break the staring contest between my goddess and the Queen of the Fae Lostbelt. "Update my Falna so I can once again break the record and we will rub Loki's face in, at the sight of me reaching level six." I said to distract her and the thought of haughtily laughing in Loki's despairing face at my insane speed of advancement made Hestia literally forget Morgan existed as she pushed Nero off my back without care sending the napping emperor's body to collide with the bed I was sitting on.