Chapter 632 Stop the Project (Part 2)

Name:My Werewolf System Author:
Chapter 632 Stop the Project (Part 2)

The director began to lick his lips intensely as he looked at all three of the girls, from head to toe. He didn’t care that they had eyes of fear, instead this just got him more excited than it usually would have.

“Now, which one of you girls wishes to go first? I promise to be gentle to the first one.” Matthew said.

None of them were in their right state of mind to respond, but there was one person who did.

“F*ck you!” Tyson shouted as he stood forward in front of the girls. “You disgusting man, do you think just because I'm under your management that I would allow you to do something like this!”

Tyson started to run forward, and his body started to transform. After all, he was an Altered, one that was talented since he was young which was why he had been picked up.

His face started to puff out a bit and red fur could be seen by the sides, his ears changed slightly and a round-like tail had come out from his bottom. Tyson, was an Altered from a beast that was similar to that of the famous Red Panda.

This was the Altered form that brought him to fame, the red panda was already a loved animal, so when learning there was an Altered out there like it, AJ Entertainment snatched him up immediately.

Despite his appearance though, just like the red panda they have sharp teeth claws, and were powerful creatures that packed quite a punch. With his hand transformed, Tyson threw out a hit right towards the director.

“I never thought I would be doing this, but you are someone that deserves it!” Tyson shouted.

That was until his fist had been stopped, grabbed by Matthew, and before Tyson could do anything else, he quickly kicked Tyson hard in the stomach causing him to fall to the ground. While he was hurt, he then shoved Tyson’s face into the floor, breaking it, and keeping his hand on top of his head.

“You people know nothing about the real me do you?” Matthew said. “Do you even know that AJ Entertainment is really run by a gang, a gang that I’m in charge of? In order to have gotten to the position that we are in now in the first place, there were a lot of things that I needed to do.

“Wiping out the competition was one of them, and I was pretty good at it. Just like you, I’m an Altered as well, and one who had to fight to survive, not just become a star and have a cushy lifestyle.

different industry than you would have liked.”

In the end, he pulled out his phone, and he called a particular number. It rang a few times before there was an answer on the other end of the phone.

“I apologise for calling you out of the blue, but I am in a pretty tricky situation. I honestly never imagined I would be calling you so soon for this type of help.” Ash said.

Elanor wondered who it was Ash had called so suddenly, who he had confidence in resolving this situation.

“Trouble always seems to follow us, so this isn’t so much of a surprise, so tell us what you want.” The voice replied.

Ash was honest as he went on to explain the infighting situation at AJ Entertainment. It stated that this didn’t affect their deal too much, but Matthew did own 20 percent of the company, and it would be better to get rid of someone of this character.

“I see, you will be happy to know, that I agree with you.” The person on the other end replied. “The Dark Side of AJ entertainment needs to be plucked by its roots, so it doesn't affect us, nor our investor, we will deal with this.”

From overhearing the conversation, Elanor had assumed that this was the buyer, the group that had recently taken over AJ Entertainment, and had to have a strong backing for AJ to put so much trust in them, but there was just one problem.

“We need help now!” Eleanor said. “Right now, those girls and Tyson, they're in there with that monster. How are they meant to help us now?”

It truly felt hopeless as if there was nothing they could do in the current situation. That was until the voice on the phone spoke up, overhearing Elanor.

“Don’t worry. We already have someone on the inside of AJ Entertainment, and he’s very strong.”


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