Chapter 687 White Rose A Mess

Name:My Werewolf System Author:

Sadie and Frank were back in the office, along with the others in their squad, but both of them were acting stranger than usual. Sadie was pacing back and forth while biting her fingernails, while Frank was just blankly staring at his screen, which wasn't even on.

"Will you two calm down!" Sam shouted. "You're making us all worry."

"Sorry," Sadie said, sitting down. "But you don't understand, this is serious. Kanu got called up to go see the superintendent... for killing another White Rose member! If they were going to let it slip, then they would have just let him come back with us."

The news had already spread around most of the squads and offices. It wasn't something that could be hidden, especially since there was more to the case than they first realized.

For one, the engineers that were in the interrogation room at the time weren't even White Rose members, so no one knew how they got in. They had been captured and were being dealt with by another team. As for Tomas, he had been escorted straight to an Altered holding cell, and they would decide what to do with him later.

For some reason, which Sadie didn't quite understand, they had felt like it was more important to figure out what to do with Kanu. He had been called by the superintendent, an investigation was run, and they would decide what his punishment would be.

"If only I'd noticed sooner, then all of this could have been avoided," Sadie said.

"Don't say that," Frank said from his seat. "No one else noticed something was up, and that includes me. At least you did notice something and managed to stop the first attack."

"Look, the way I see it, we have nothing to worry about," Sam said. "You already said it, they were traitors, spies working for someone else. If that's the case, I can hardly see why they would punish him for that."

Although that was the case, both Frank and Sadie saw it. Oper was already knocked out, unable to fight back. Kanu had killed him out of anger.


"I see... unfortunately, we still need to take some action," the superintendent stated. "Due to using excessive force on a spy that we could have used in our investigation, you are hereby suspended for one week without pay!"

The news spread quickly, and each squad was conducting internal investigations. Meanwhile, Kanu himself was off for an entire week.

He was on his way home, driving on the motorway.

"What do I do now?" Kanu thought. "I guess... I could visit that place. I haven't been there in a long time."

Driving along, Kanu eventually reached his destination. Getting out of the car, he grabbed the flowers he had bought on his way from the passenger seat. He walked down the gravel path, passing the many graves.

It was a graveyard, filled with graves all over the nice clean greenery. Surprisingly, it was a nice day as the sun was out, and the flowers had blossomed all over the place.

The graveyard looked peaceful with the decorated trees and such. As Kanu continued to walk, he was heading to one grave in particular, but up ahead, he could see someone standing right where he needed to be.

"What are the chances? It's nice to meet you again, Jayden," Kanu said with a smile.



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