Chapter 743 Seeing your face

Name:My Werewolf System Author:
Chapter 743 Seeing your face

The Shadow Fighter was blocking Nox’s way from escape, but he had no clue who this person was. He wouldn't involve himself with the affairs of kids, even the recruitment of the delinquent students were handled by the other gangs that were under the Scavengers.

So he had no clue who the Shadow Fighter was, or anything about them, but from looking at their uniform, a memory did enter his mind.

“Oh, I see, you were one of the ones that interrupted the last fighting tournament. I did get a report of that, what is wrong with you people? Why do you have a grudge against me!” Nox shouted.

“Do you want money, are you one of the factory workers! I’ll let you go and give you what you want, just get out of my way!” Nox shouted.

Frustrated, Vere ran forward and went in for a strong kick toward Nox’s head, but he had swiftly avoided it as he ducked down, and then with his own leg kicked the Shadow Fighter in the centre of her body causing her to stumble and fall over.

Rolling from the ground, Vere was quick to get up, but didn’t go in so rashly this time. They were in a hallway, so the two were more direct against each other, so it was harder for her to use her agility.

“Did you think that I couldn't fight or something?” Nox said. “Look, there’s a reason why I’m the leader of the Scavengers!”

Out from his belt, Nox pulled out a small blade. He dashed forward and Vere thought he was going to use it as a weapon but instead he hurled it toward her. Vere avoided it, but a fist was soon thrown out right at her face.

It hit the side relatively heavily, but at the same time she managed to lift her leg up and kick the side of Nox’s head. It had hit him in the temple, and as his body moved to the side he tried to grab onto Vere but instead had just grabbed onto the cloth around her face.

As he fell, he pulled and the cloth had come off, revealing who it was underneath.

Adjusting her jaw, Vere looked straight at Nox, even with the mask off, she wasn't worried nor did she falter.

‘I learned a lot when fighting with Vere, how timing and watching the opponent works!’ Austin thought.

Before everything was done with just a feeling, but Austin did have good instincts, without paying attention he would know when to avoid attacks or when one was planning to do a big hit of sorts.

Now that he was thinking about the process as well, or thinking about what to do, things were becoming a lot clearer. One of the Altered had leapt toward Austin.

Seeing the timing, Austin used his strong legs to push him forward and he grabbed the strange creature right by the neck. The other squad leader had fired out his spit.

Using the body in Austin’s hand he moved it, blocking the attack and the body started to freeze over from the back, and soon Austin was right next to the strange faced Altered.

He smashed through the frozen body with his fist, breaking it into pieces and the fist continued on forward hitting the Altered in the face. His head swung to the side and wacked into the side of the cage before sliding down onto the floor.

“Now, there’s only one.” Austin said, looking at the last squad leader Altered that was in the ring.



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