Chapter 781 The Mythical type Altered

Name:My Werewolf System Author:
Chapter 781 The Mythical type Altered

Frank was being held by two of the Hydra’s heads, while Sadie was slowly getting up from the ground. She soon saw multiple of the heads stretching out and heading right towards her.

She quickly rolled on the ground, as the heads opened their mouths biting right into the ground. Large chunks of it had been taken out with the bites leaving big holes in the road.

As soon as Sadie got up, she threw her feathers again, aiming for those that were tied to Frank. They actually had hit their target, piercing the skin but not going right through the strong muscles of the Hydra.

“Crap, if I don’t do something fast, then Frank's going to die!” Sadie thought.

The wings were being pulled and from his back they were being detached from his body, slowly blood was seeping from his wounds. If he reverted his transformation, the wings going back into his body would just push them back in more, and it was possible they would rip off, and he wasn’t so sure if he could heal from the injury, because he had never had his wings torn off before.

“AHHH!” Frank continued to scream.

At that moment, whizzing past all of them, running at a great speed, a scruffy orange coloured hair man with a light orange beard, jumped through and with a fist, punched Raven right in the stomach.

The force flung Raven’s body away, and off the ground, but the razor sharp teeth were still dug into Frank’s body pulling him along.

While he was in the air, the older man quickly swung his arms up, and in doing so the necks were sliced in half. In doing this the body continued to fly away while two more heads were starting to grow from the wounds that had just been made.

Frank tumbled to the ground, falling for a few moments, and slowly got up, having two detached heads still stuck on his wings.

“Well, this is freaky as well, but thankfully I still have my wings.” He mumbled to himself, as he looked at who had just saved him. “Kanu! What are you doing here?”

Kanu was the leader of the squad of which both Sadie and Frank belonged to. He was one of the strongest squad leaders, the White Rose head, and some believed he was more deserving of a higher position, it was just due to his difficult personality that he never really took it, or got promoted ahead of others.

Kanu had blood dripping from the side of his head, and bite marks all over him as he walked back to the others.

“Did you get rid of him, boss?” Frank asked.

“No, he managed to get away just in time. One thing is for sure, whoever that was, they were an extremely strong person, just what did you guys do to get on his bad side?” Kanu asked.

Right then, Sadie pointed behind them, as they could see a man standing on top of the rubble. They had several heads that were all moving down to one, and now just a single man stood there, unchanged in a normal human form.

“Gary Dem!” Raven shouted. “He was the one that caused the death of my brother, and he is the one that caused so many problems in the past. You guys should have stopped him when you had the chance, now I’m going to have to do it for you, and I don’t care how many people die in the process.”

With those words said, Raven had left them with those words to think about.



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