Chapter 828 An Annoying Smell

Name:My Werewolf System Author:
828 An Annoying Smell

Immediately after hearing the news, Gary felt something strange happening to his body. His hands, they wouldn't stop shaking. They were moving on their own. When he looked down, he also noticed his own fingernails; they were growing.

They were turning into the deadly claws they would do when he used his controlled transformation, but he wasn’t using it right now. At the same time, they started to revert back, going back to his usual hands.

The only thing that was staying consistent was that they wouldn’t stop shaking.

“My mother, she’s... she’s awake, after all this time she’s finally awake,” Gary repeated. The words, the reality, it didn’t feel real. He would visit her often whenever he got the chance to.

Often he was too busy, but not a single day had gone by in his life where he wouldn’t think about his mother. What would she think when she woke up, what would she think of what he had become, or what he had made?

He was sure she would be in for a number of surprises, their nice new home, the fact that they didn’t have to worry about bills anymore, and that he was even part of the AFC at one point.

But the time she had woken up, perhaps would have been the worst.

“I’m... a bad kid,” Gary said in a soft voice to himself.

He wanted to be there when she woke up. He wanted to see her more than anything and comfort her. But instead, she would just be delivered shocking news. He was sure she would learn that her son was now in prison and that the town that they lived in was now being destroyed left, right, and center. From the news, even the public didn’t seem to be safe, and that included his mother.

“Gary... what’s happening, you can’t blame yourself for it. I know what you're like,” Elijah said, he had to say something, he didn’t like seeing Gary this way. He still remembered when he stuck up for the old man.

If he was like that with complete strangers, then he could only imagine what he would be like with his own mother.

‘If I deal with both of them. I might not be able to take them out at the same time, but if I deal with both of them eventually, then I should be a lot stronger, strong enough to break out of here.’

As Gary was figuring out how he should do this, taking out one at a time or going to the other side to help them fight first, that was when a particular person had bumped into him.

“Oh, so we finally meet. I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” the man said in a confident voice.

Looking directly at the bearded man, Gary was wondering if he recognized him. Maybe he was part of Stinger’s group, but his face didn’t ring a bell.

“I heard that you had been looking for me, and you see, well, I’ve been looking for you as well,” the man in question was Blackjack, but in the middle of his speech, he noticed something.

Gary started to sniff the air slightly. It was a waft coming from the man in front of him, a smell that he had never smelt before, for some reason, it was agitating Gary slightly.

“The smell, it’s coming from you, why do you smell different from everyone else?” Gary asked.


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