Chapter 929 Two Races Can Never Be Together

Name:My Werewolf System Author:
Chapter 929 Two Races Can Never Be Together

The words shouted by Midwak were heard loud and clear by those close. At the time, Park and Kevin weren’t too far off in the distance, and their new sensitive ears allowed them to hear the words that they would have thought were nothing but fantasy before.

“Did he just say, vampire?” Park asked, looking at Kevin and staring from afar.

Those that were close, though, were Gary and Kai. ‘I knew vampires existed,’ Kai thought. ‘Due to the meeting that had occurred before, but one to be here and to be helping Gary.’

It felt like soon there would be bigger issues at hand, as Midwak’s arms were already transforming.

“You come here in the middle of all of this; there are big problems to have! Let’s go you and me!” Midwak said.

At the same time, Blackjack was on guard, a strange red visible aura was swirling around his fingers. The two of them continued to stare at each other as if one or the other were ready to make the first move.

“Stop it, both of you!” Gary said, his eyes glowing red.

A small blue glow was seen in Midwak’s eyes, which caused him to flinch and stare away for a moment.

“This whole town has had enough trouble; I don’t need more mess occurring here,” Gary stated.

Midwak grunted and knew there was nothing he could do, so instead, he turned away, looking as if he was getting away from the situation.

“I’m heading back to Notsburg, and will deal with whatever you need from there,” Midwak said, and then turned around. “I’ll warn you since you’re new to all of this, kid, but a vampire and a Werewolf can never work together. It’s in our nature to be against each other.

“We should take these two, as well as Crawley, to the hospital. Maybe we should get Tyler to drive us there.” The words had come out of Gary’s mouth quickly before he realized it.

They started to remember that they no longer had a driver, Tyler, and all of them, for the creation of the Howlers, were partly to blame for that.

Bending down, Gary picked up Olivia off the ground and placed her on his back. Then, Kai did the same with Marie.

“Thank you for bringing the two of them, and thank you for helping us out; if you need us, after we sort everything out, we’ll be at a place called the Wolf’s pool club,” Gary stated.

Kevin and Park lifted up Crawley, and with the four of them, they started to head to the hospital. Running through the city at a fast speed past all of the destruction.

“That reminds me,” Kai said. “Austin said there was something at the Hospital, he said it’s something you have to see as soon as you can, so I think it’s a good thing we're heading to the hospital.”

“Wait, Austin, he’s standing again!” Gary asked.

“There was some problem at the hospital as well, but he and Xin and Midwak managed to face off whoever came to attack them. The Phoenix gang had quite a few strong members in their group...that’s why it wasn’t easy until you came.”

“I just came at the last moment, don’t give me that much credit, I should have done more.” Gary replied as he sunk his head into his chest

‘Something for me to see?’ Gary repeated in his head.

He wondered what Austin needed to say to him. It was good news that Austin was awake, but what had occurred for him to be called. Thinking of the hospital, he was reminded of another piece of news received in the White Rose prison.

That his mother was awake. ‘I haven’t spoken to her in a long time; I hope mother and Amy are alright...and what do I tell her about all of this, about everything that’s happened.’ Gary thought.