Shen Yang has no money on her. She lives with Feng Yebai. She needs to worry about food and drink. Naturally, she can't hold money in her hand. If you want money, you can only ask Feng Yebai for it. As a matter of fact, everything is owned by the husband and wife. When she asked for money, she told him directly. But after all, the money is not for herself. Yingzhou is not an outsider to her, but for Feng Yebai, she has a lot of problems. After a few reflections, she remembered that Ji Ruchang had taught her when she was in Daliang Mountain. If she wanted to ask for help, she had to put down her body first Those who grind and kill donkeys have to coax the donkeys to grind before killing them. They have to coax people to be happy before they can speak.

Don't you just want to make Feng Yebai happy? It's not so hard to imagine. She asked him to have a good meal according to her own wishes, and said a few more good words.

She doesn't know how to cook, but she always does. She goes to the dining room and looks at the table full of chicken, duck and fish, flying in the sky, running on the ground and swimming in the water. She is a good girl. She used to want to eat more than she can eat. There are so many things she can't count. The Lord's ostentation is really big. Everyone wants to climb higher. Who doesn't want to spend too much money and eat too much fresh food all day long The envy of all eyes?

But she didn't know what Feng Yebai liked to eat. It was almost time for dinner, and the cooks were busy. Shen Yang didn't adapt to her new status as a princess. She didn't get used to it. She stood for a long time. When a cook went out to pour water and saw her standing here, she bowed to her and called "Princess". Then she asked "ah" slowly.

The cook put down the basin and asked her, "Why are you here? This place is greasy and dirty. What would you like to eat? Just tell your servant girl to come and send a message. How can you go there in person? "

Shen Yang hesitated and said, "my husband is coming back soon. I want to prepare something for him, but I don't know what he likes to eat. I don't know how to choose so many food here, so I just..."

"Well, what do you think the slave is? It's easy to do. "The cook pointed to the table." there are soup, Dictyophora longjingensis, congee, red bean congee, shark fin with phoenix tail, red plum pearl, dried scallop with Hydrangea, dried sea cucumber with lotus root, Shanzhen thorn dragon bud, and dried fruit and preserved fruit. The dishes here are all according to the dishes in the palace. If the king eats them, they will taste better Light, often eat four words of bird's nest, three fresh yaozhu, dried orchid beans and white gourd, and add a bowl of rock sugar Lily and horseshoe soup. What do you want

Chen Yang heard her murmur, but she didn't remember a word. Besides, even she couldn't remember the names of these dishes. Compared with the fried pork with green silk and sweet and sour tenderloin they had eaten before, they were just as good as the flat peach in yaochi.

Anyway, listening to the names are so imposing, the taste should not be bad, and I have never heard of Feng Yebai being picky about food, so I said, "let's take what he usually likes to eat."

Cook Niang "Hey" sentence, turn to order cook.

Shen Yang looks very busy. She stands very suddenly. She moves her feet to go out. As soon as she turns around, she sees a jar of wine on the wine rack behind her. She smashes her mouth and thinks of the fruit wine she drank last night. , the fastest update of the webnovel!