Chapter 1443: The evil man

Name:My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser Author:
Chapter 1443: The evil man

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands?

It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them hehehe.


Song Yan recognised that voice and as she turned to look in the direction from where the noise came, she saw two ghost spirits. One was chaotic and wild as he egged the woman to harm Au Cheung more while the other one was crying as she sobbed and fussed.

The crying girl was sobbing as she said to the woman to not harm the man anymore.

The twins were as different as they could have been.

"Do you know them?" Fu Yu Sheng asked as he looked at Song Yan whose expression was similar to that of a mother who had caught her children throwing a tantrum in the middle of a shopping mart.

"Unfortunately, I do," Song Yan sighed. She walked over to where the twins were and raised her hand, as the two of them were to focus on Au Cheung and the woman, they did not sense her coming.

It was a good thing as Song Yan did not have to chase these two idiots. Like she had to in the past. With a sigh, she brought her hand down and smacked the two spirits.

"Oww! Who dares to touch this master-- MASTER?" The young boy who was around ten raised his hands and covered the back of his head where Song Yan had smacked him.

His eyes however popped wide when he saw who was the one who slapped him on the back of his head.

"Master! Oh my, how have I missed you!" The boy said while the girl sobbed even harder as she threw herself in Song Yan's arms before saying, "I was bullied, master."

Song Yan closed her eyes feeling a bit amused at the way she met her other two disciples before saying, "Let go of me, there is something that I want to do first."

She then glanced at the young boy before saying, "I will deal with you later."

With how he was, Song Yan had a very good idea of why Au Cheung ran into this mess.

The boy however sheepishly smiled at Song Yan which was not enough to fool her, she then turned her attention to the woman and the many spirits that were standing behind her.

"Can you see us?"

"Can you help us?"

"I want to go home."

"She killed me. I want her to pay with her blood."

Song Yan was used to listening to the chatter of the ghosts which was why she was not feeling annoyed by their constant mutterings. Instead, she walked over to where the woman was sitting.

She was still talking to a half-conscious Au Cheung, "And we will have so many children. You will definitely love me then, there is no need to worry about anything sweetie."

you exaggerating?"

"I could have died!"

"Then die you bastard! It was you!" Shao Li Jun roared as he kicked Lai Peifeng in the back. "You who caused this trouble, why did you stop us again and again from kicking these two out!? Were you not materialistic? Pragmatist? Whatever it is called. So why are you crying now!?"

"You!" Lai Peifeng was beaten black and blue by Shao Li Jun but he dared not to fight as he needed the help of these people, once he was out of there, he would deal with them! "Stop!" Mei Xing got to her feet took out her talismans and said to others, "Be ready." Since her cultivation was not high she could not maintain the shield anymore. When everyone heard Mei Xing's words they stiffened but did not say anything. Mei Xing had done her best and if anyone had a problem with it, they should try it as well! "Go!" Mei Xing said to others as she rushed to the side and threw the talismans at the blood- sucking ghouls just as the shield broke.

Everyone scattered all over the dormitory as escaping was not an option.

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Arghhh!!! Help me, Master Jun, Master Kong give me

some talismans! You can't watch me die!" Lei Peifeng chased after Shao Li Jun and Kong Kun. He stuck close to the two of them and tried his best to push Liu Yunsheng and Bai Chonglin

out of his way.

"Don't make me punch you in the face!" Liu Yunsheng on the other hand kicked the man when

The realised what Lai Peifeng was doing.

Did he think that he was dead!?

It was bad enough that this idiot went ahead and complained to the professor and now he

wanted maximum security!?

Lai Peifeng however cared for nothing, when he saw that the blood-sucking ghoul was

getting closer and closer, he hid behind Shao Li Jun.

But that was not enough, an evil thought surged in his head when he saw that the talismans

were running out and there was too much baggage to care for--

He stretched out his hands and when the blood-sucking ghoul pounced on them, Lai Peifeng

pushed Liu Yusheng out!



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