Chapter 368: Restaurant Opening

Name:My Wife is A Sword God Author:
Chapter 368: Restaurant Opening

After washing up, he drank down Grandmas secret decoction in one gulp. Qin Feng sat on the bed with anticipation, not knowing what surprise his wife would give him tonight.

Inside the room, the candlelight flickered gently with the night breeze, reflecting his mood at this moment.

The sound of light footsteps approached, his wife was coming!

Qin Feng took a deep breath and said to himself, Dont be nervous. As an experienced driver who has lived an extra life, Ive seen it all. Stay calm, stay calm!

After repeating these reassuring words, he looked at the door.

A graceful figure dressed in white entered the room.

Seeing what his wife was carrying, Qin Feng couldnt help but widen his eyes and mentally exclaimed, What the hell!

The development of the situation was beyond the expectations of the experienced driver. Lian Jianli was only carrying food!

No, I have been looking forward to this for a long time, but the result is the suffering of the world.

Qin Feng forced a smile, My dear, why are you thinking about cooking again?

Lian Jianli put down the food tray, lifted a strand of hair from her ear, and said quietly, After I learned to cook from my mother, I tried it myself and found it hard to swallow. Later, I got Grandmas recipe and discussed it with Ningshuang. I thought of making it for you again.

Qin Feng remembered the last time, and the sweetness in his mouth seemed to be fermenting again.

He wanted to refuse, but he didnt want to make his wife sad, so he silently accepted the meal.New novel chapters are published at

In the end, he faced it alone.

There were three dishes and a soup on the plate, just like last time. He picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of rice first, as it was the only thing he could swallow.

After mixing saliva with the rice and swallowing it, Qin Feng took a deep breath and looked at the three dishes and the soup like a prisoner on his way to the gallows.

He picked up a piece of braised pork, closed his eyes tightly, and popped it into his mouth, expecting the expected sweetness. Surprisingly, it tasted quite good?

Hmm? Qin Feng opened his eyes, chewed back and forth, and said in surprise, It tastes good!

Upon hearing this, Lian Jianlis lips curved slightly.

He then tasted the remaining two dishes and the soup, and the taste was still good. Qin Feng quickly finished eating.

In just a few days, his wifes cooking skills had improved so much, something he had never expected.

Is it delicious? Lian Jianli asked with a slight smile.

Its delicious. Qin Feng nodded vigorously.

Such a woman should be like the bright moon in the sky, admired from afar. How could she fall to the mortal world and become someones wife? A man expressed his indignation.

Someone nearby added, If she had married into the royal family, it would be understandable. Yet, she was married off to a declining family according to her ancestors wishes.

Its truly enviable and unfortunate! A group of men gnashed their teeth.

When I find out who her husband is, Ill secretly spit on him behind his back.

I even want to knock him out and castrate him.

Thats a good idea. Many mens eyes lit up.

In the crowd, Qin Feng heard these words and showed a strange expression. As the owner, he naturally had to take a look on the first day of the restaurants opening.

However, he hadnt expected the crowds jealousy to be so strong.

Fortunately, no one knew that he was Liu Jianlis husband, or else it would have turned into a dangerous situation.

Thinking about this, Qin Fengs head shrank a bit.

On the rooftop, Liu Jianli gave him a questioning look.

Outside the restaurant, a group of men immediately began to indulge in fanciful thoughts, imagining, Could it be that the goddess is watching me?

It was only after Qin Feng nodded in agreement that Liu Jianli, with a slight lift of her toes, disappeared into the sky in her white robe.

The woman in white came and went swiftly. Many felt a bit regretful, cursing themselves for feigning restraint and not stealing a few more glances.

Listening to the discussions around him, Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction.

Soon, news of Liu Jianlis visit to the Moonlit Pavilion would spread through the streets and alleys of Imperial City, and his restaurant would be packed with people.

Seeing the bustling business in the restaurant, Qin Feng led Ningshuang out of the crowd.

Have you delivered the news to the Demon Slaying Division and the Liu family? Qin Feng asked.

Lan Ningshuang nodded, Ive made an appointment with them at three oclock to witness the power of gunpowder in the martial arts field of the Liu Family Divine Marquis Army.

Good, lets go to the martial arts field now.

On the other side, in front of the imperial palace, a eunuch by the emperors side chuckled, Elder Yuan, youve come. Do you agree with what His Majesty said earlier about taking charge of the Ministry of Works?

Elder Yuan shook his head and replied, Please inform them inside. I have something to show His Majesty.

What Elder Yuan does is always excellent. I will go inside and report. Please wait here for a moment. The eunuch hurriedly left.