Chapter 398: The Curse of the Drought Demoness

Name:My Wife is A Sword God Author:
Chapter 398: The Curse of the Drought Demoness

Young master, it seems like the red light has dissipated. Lan Ningshuang raised her head and looked at the sky. Outside Kong Qius domain, the night had returned to its usual depth.

Qin Feng then looked around and saw that it was indeed as Lan Ningshuang said.

He retracted the thunderous Righteous Qi and looked around. Although the plague unleashed by the Tear Demon had faded away, the people infected by the plague were still in agonizing battle.

Young master, these people. Lan Ningshuang looked worried.

Without a word, Qin Feng approached one of the commoners. His unique abilities could not detect any carriers that caused symptoms. Therefore, he could only use the Thunderous Righteous Qi to wrap his palm and carefully examine the condition of the commoners body, but unfortunately, he found nothing.

The red light emitted by the Tear Demon covered almost half of the Imperial City, and the number of suffering people in the city was definitely not small at the moment.

Qin Feng tried to inject his own thunderous Righteous Qi into the commoners body, but there was still no change.

At that moment, a group of elderly men with serious expressions hurriedly arrived from the direction of the Imperial City. From their clothes, it was obvious that they were undoubtedly royal physicians.

The arriving royal physicians ignored the groaning commoners and went straight to where the dignitaries were. Then they donned protective gear and began to examine the bodies of the dignitaries.

But the red mist released by the Tear Demon was no ordinary disease.

Even these skilled royal physicians had no effective solution. They could only provide some simple emergency measures, which were only palliative in nature.

Some commoners who were close to the royal physicians, perhaps unable to bear to see their family members in extreme pain, ran to the royal physicians and begged them to treat their loved ones. But all they received was indifference and coldness.

These royal physicians, who couldnt even cure the symptoms of the dignitaries, didnt have time to care about the lives of ordinary people.

Even if they had the ability, they might not be willing to spend time on ordinary people.

Please take a look, my mother is dying.

A young man, desperate to save his mother, broke through the soldiers blockade and kneeled down in front of an old doctor, begging and hugging the doctors leg.

The old royal physician looked at him coldly and shouted at the guards in a stern voice, Why are you standing there? Why havent you taken this man away yet? If the treatment of civil and military officials is delayed, can you bear the consequences?

Most of the soldiers were ordinary people themselves, so they couldnt bear to see the man crying.

But in the face of authority, even if they sympathized with the mans plight, they could only follow orders and take him away.

The old royal physician remained unmoved by the cries of the man being dragged away. He even looked disdainfully at the stains on his freshly soiled trousers.

The phrase the heart of a healer had no place in their minds.

This was the era when the lives of ordinary people were as insignificant as grass.

My Wife and Ningshuang cant see the remnant soul of the saint?

Xuan Yi explained, My residual soul is invisible to others, except for you. But what exactly happened here, and why is the curse of the Drought Demoness everywhere?

Drought Demoness, curse? Senior Xuan, what do you mean? Are these ordinary people infected with a plague? Qin Feng inquired.

Of course not. This is the curse formed by the tears of the Drought Demoness. Xuan Yi then began to explain the origin of the Drought Demoness.

In ancient times, gods and demons descended to the mortal realm and manipulated the weather, causing catastrophic floods and widespread suffering.

North of the Red Water, there was a blue-robed goddess named Drought Demoness. Wherever she went, there would be no rain.

When Drought Demoness saw the human race suffering from the relentless rain, she felt compassion. She left the Red Water, used her powers, and brought an end to the storm, stopping the floods.

However, after the gods who controlled the weather left, Drought Demonesss powers remained and caused a widespread drought that lasted for months.

The people, unwilling to endure the hardships of the drought, became hostile toward Drought Demoness, hurling insults and brandishing cold weapons.

Drought Demoness, became more sad than angry, returned to the north. As she left, a tear fell and transformed into a human form.

Her name was Tear Demon, a curse born of resentment toward humanity. She could stop the storms and cause severe droughts. She could also evaporate the moisture in living beings, making life worse than death. Xuan Yi sighed.

Drought Demoness, who was originally born to save lives, ended up being despised by humanity.

The birth of Tear Demon was unexpected, yet fitting.

Qin Feng was moved upon hearing this, but at this moment, he couldnt afford to feel sorry for Bas plight.

After all, there were more people in need of help right now, and the consequences would be disastrous otherwise!

Senior Xuan, since you know that this is Tear Demons curse, is there a solution?

Of course there is a solution. Ill teach you a formation. Once it is activated, it can dispel this curse. Pay attention.

As Xuan spoke, his white phantom began to take shape in the void, apparently guiding Qin Feng on how to set up the formation.

On the other side, inside the imperial palace, the royal physicians were at a loss after examining the princess condition.

When the emperor found out, he became furious, leaving the royal physicians trembling.

In a chamber, the empress sat by the bed and gazed at her daughter in distress.

The Crown Prince paced the hall anxiously. Suddenly, he thought of someone, a physician who could treat meridian injuries.VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience