Chapter 401: Meeting With Emperor

Name:My Wife is A Sword God Author:
Chapter 401: Meeting With Emperor

After hearing about the situation on Yongan Street, Yang Qian and Fei Xun, along with Liu Jianli and Ningshuang, rushed over.

On the way, Liu Jianli, who was dressed in white, suddenly changed her expression. Then she flashed her body and disappeared.

The two of them speculated that something unexpected might have happened to their younger brother, so Liu Jianli left first.

They rushed along the road, but after they had covered a considerable distance, a powerful force struck and pulled them away!

Looking at the surroundings and the white figure in front of them, Yang Qian and the others couldnt help but understand where the force came from.

Fei Xun tidied up his dishevelled hair and clothes and muttered under his breath, This is a disgrace to our teachings.

Qin Feng opened his mouth and couldnt help but sigh, Madams efficiency is indeed impressive.

Then he walked over and briefly explained the origin of peoples diseases and the effectiveness of Clear Profound Formation.

Looking at the Clear Profound Formation, Yang Qian expressed surprise, There is actually a formation that can dispel curses and evil spirits. The creator of this formation is truly remarkable. How did you learn this formation?

Qin Feng looked at the white virtual figure of Xuan Senior and replied, I happened to learn this formation at the academy. I never thought it would be useful today.

Senior Xuan was brought out from the academy, so my explanation should be acceptable, Qin Feng thought to himself.

Yang Qian sighed regretfully, I never thought there was so much knowledge in the academy. Unfortunately, after the incident with Senior Brother, the teacher did not allow us to enter. Now that the academy is gone, even if we want to study, its unrealistic.

Fei Xun beside him was even more emotional. The military tactics taught by his younger brother had probably been learned at the Academy, but unfortunately, he had not heard all of the content yet.

If the academy was still there, he wouldnt have to suffer like this every day. He would have gone to the academy to read it by himself!

Yang Qian looked at the people who were still being treated under the formation, then glanced at the tired Qin Feng and said, As long as Righteous Qi is infused into this formation, the curse can be removed?

Yes, Qin Feng nodded.

Then you rest and well take care of the rest. Fei Xun spoke up.

Thank you, Senior Brother Yang and Senior Brother Fei. Qin Feng clenched his fists in respect.

Fei Xun was at the fifth rank of the Magnificent Virtue Realm, and Yang Qian had reached the fourth rank of the Literature Saint Dao Lineage. The amount of Righteous Qi in their bodies far surpassed Qin Fengs.

After they injected the Righteous Qi into the Clear Profound Formation, the formation expanded significantly, from the original radius of three feet to ten feet.

With the expansion of the formation, the number of people it could treat at the same time increased significantly.

Everything went smoothly.

However, the emperor only said that he wanted to see Qin Feng. If he brought Liu Jianli with him, it would be against the rules.

Qin Feng saw Chief Steward Lis dilemma and advised his wife beside him, I know you are worried about my safety due to the previous demon incident, but I can enter the palace alone. There are many experts in the palace, so there wont be any danger.

Young Master Qin is right, Chief Steward Li immediately agreed.

Im not at ease. Liu Jianli shook her head with a firm attitude.

Helplessly, Qin Feng shook his head, then gently stroked her back and said, Be good, listen to me. Ill come back after a while.

Li Jianlis ears turned slightly red. After a moment of thought, she nodded, Be careful then.

This caught Chief Eunuch Li off guard.

He had never expected a woman like Li Jianli to listen so obediently to the son of a third-tier auxiliary general.

He was well aware of the marriage alliance between the Qin and Li families, as he was the chief steward of the imperial household.

However, most people, including himself, believed that this marriage was in name only.

After all, who could control Li Jianli under normal circumstances? But looking at it now, their speculations were completely wrong!

Liu Jianlis shy daughter-like attitude cannot be faked, and their marriage is far happier than outsiders had imagined.

QIn Feng, the eldest son of the Qin family, was indeed exceptional. Chief Eunuch Li noted this in his heart.

Master Li, lets go, Qin Feng said after convincing his wife.

Huh? Oh, right. Chief Steward Li came to his senses and the group made their way to the Imperial Palace.

Under Chief Steward Lis guidance, Qin Feng walked through the magnificent imperial palace and arrived at the study room where the emperor resided.

Master Qin, please wait outside for a moment. Let me report first. Chief Steward Li turned around and said with a somewhat respectful attitude.

After a brief acknowledgement, Qin Feng carefully surveyed his surroundings.

Meeting the ruler of a nation was undoubtedly nerve-wracking. After all, being with a ruler was like being with a tiger. If he accidentally said something wrong, the consequences would be unimaginable.

At that moment, he suddenly remembered a joke from his previous life: Im not very good at talking. If I offend Your Majesty in any way, please come and hit me.

Thinking that he would lose his head if he dared to say that, Qin Feng quickly dismissed such random thoughts and cautiously glanced at the guards outside the study room, adjusting his expression.

Meanwhile, inside the study, Chief Steward Li respectfully reported, Your Majesty, Master Qin has arrived and is waiting outside. Moreover, Master Qins medical skills are truly remarkable. He has already treated the people in Yongan Street who were suffering from infections.

The Emperors eyes brightened, Bring him in to see me!