Chapter 520: Did you not rest last night? You look so tired

Name:My Wife is A Sword God Author:
Chapter 520: Did you not rest last night? You look so tired

“The Western Region Commander, known to the world as the Wine God, I originally thought he was a rough and tough man who practised Divine Martial Arts, but I didn’t expect him to be a woman?” Qin Feng exclaimed in surprise.

The Western Region Wine God Commander is a figure of the same era as the Northern Ghost Head of the Southern Region, she’s at least forty years old.

But the heroic woman at this moment looked elegant, like a beautiful woman in her thirties.

After confirming the position of the Western Region Commander, Qin Feng put away the Star Observation Technique, and his divine consciousness returned to his body.

The breeze blew and lifted the heroic woman’s hair. She put down the wine jug in her hand and looked at the sky, muttering to herself, “Is this an illusion?”

Stepping down from the mountain demon’s back, the woman shook her shoulder and arm, making a cracking sound.

Occasionally, she could still hear the howling and roaring of demons and ghosts.

The news of Bai Wudi’s death had naturally reached her ears, but as someone who had fought the other side many times, she knew one thing for certain: Bai Wudi wasn’t that easy to kill.

As the Western Region Commander, she had long been accustomed to conspiracies and tricks, so she naturally saw the abnormality in this.

“Although I don’t know who covets the Western Region, you have chosen the wrong target.” The heroic woman leaned her palm against the mountain demon without any apparent movement.

But as a wave of energy swirled around, the Mountain Demon, as majestic as a mountain, instantly turned into powder and scattered into the wind!

Looking up, she saw that it was Cuize Mountain, the Dragon Vein territory that Bai Wudi used to manage, and which was also the purpose of her journey.

Along the way, she has destroyed countless powerful demons and ghosts.

However, the demons and ghosts that were rushing towards this place were still coming in endless waves.

Qin Feng opened his eyes and exhaled slowly.

Remembering the scenes he’d just seen with the Star Observation Technique, he muttered to himself, “If I’m not mistaken, Wine God should be destroying demons and ghosts along the way.”

“And judging from the gathering place of black qi I saw earlier, she is most likely going to Cuize Mountain, where the Dragon Vein is located. If that’s the case...”

Qin Feng already had an idea in his mind. His mission was to investigate the source of the convergence of Black Qi and inform the Commander of the catastrophe in the Western Region.

So, going to Cuize Mountain was the best answer.

The sky had already brightened, and it was time to leave.

Qin Feng looked around but couldn’t see any exits. Considering the Tushan Fox Clan’s mastery of illusion arts, he guessed that the exits here must have been hidden.

“Why hasn’t Clan Chief Tianyue appeared to take me away from this place?” Qin Feng wondered aloud.

As soon as he spoke, the emptiness trembled, and the slender figure of Su Tianyue with her nine swaying tails slowly stepped out.

However, at this moment, the other party looked quite exhausted, and her robe was covered with a lot of dust.

Qin Feng’s expression turned strange, and he couldn’t help but be curious about what the other party had done last night.

Su Tianyue suppressed her frustration and looked at the two beauties not far away, and pinched her eyebrows.

She used to like this courtyard very much, but because of those two people, it has become what it is now.

To restore it to its original state, who knows how much effort it will take.

Qin Feng saw the two women and ran up to them, only to find that the two women also seemed to be a bit out of sorts.

Their exhausted appearance was no less than Chief Tianyue’s, if not worse.

Their hair was dishevelled and the aura around them was in great disarray.

“Wife, what’s wrong with you? What happened last night?” Qin Feng asked worriedly.

“It’s none of your business,” Cang Feilan looked away and secretly clenched her right fist.

Liu Jianli remained silent.

With their stubborn pride, how could they admit that they had challenged Su Tianyue all night without a single victory?

Just as Qin Feng was confused, Bai Xiaomao, who had been left behind with Xiao Bai, said, “I know. Last night, when they saw that you hadn’t returned, they suddenly wanted to challenge the Fox Clan Chief over there, and the result...”

Before Bai Xiaomao could finish, he closed his mouth, instinctively sensing danger.

Trembling, he glanced over to see Cang Feilan’s grim face and Liu Jianli’s indifferent expression.

“I was just talking nonsense. I didn’t see anything,” Bai Xiaomao said, trembling.

Qin Feng’s expression stiffened. Thinking about Su Tianyue and the two women, he probably guessed what had happened.

Just like when Sister Mo had joked with him, the two women had demanded a duel.

The two women probably had a misunderstanding, so they challenged Su Tianyue all night long.

Of course, the result was predictable. Even if there was only a difference of one realm, winning would be too far-fetched.

Of course, the reasonable Qin Feng didn’t want to pursue it any further, he cleared his throat and said, “The Western Region is in a terrible situation. I already know the whereabouts of Commander Wine God. Let’s leave as soon as possible.”

“Okay,” Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan exchanged a glance and agreed.

After the preparations, the group was ready to leave.

Just as he was about to leave, Cang Feilan deliberately exchanged a few words with Su Tianyue: “Last night’s sparring was very beneficial for me. Next time I come here, I hope Chief Tianyue won’t hesitate to instruct me.”

“Of course, Sister Jian Lí feels the same way.”

Su Tianyue: “.”