556 an eloquence

Li Fan was sent to Kyoto, where Longtang headquarters is located, in such a ridiculous way!

The headquarters of dragon hall, this is not a place where everyone can come. Even some people who have a good relationship with Longtang have never been to this place.

But now, as an enemy, Li Fan entered the gate of the Dragon hall in such a big way and was also served delicious!

"Dongye, is it appropriate for you to bring an enemy into the headquarters?"

There were a large number of Presbyterians in the Dragon hall. These people sat around in a lobby, criticizing Dong Ye and expressing their opinions.

Dragon hall adopts the British parliamentary system. There are a total of 50 Presbyterians in the whole Presbyterian Church, and there is also a big Presbyterian. He has the authority of nine votes alone and plays a decisive role.

"This is the only option."

Dong Ye stood in the center of the lobby, watched by the elders, his face unchanged.

Feng Xing stood not far behind him. Even in the Dragon hall, he still acted as Dong Ye's bodyguard.

"In city a, our strength has been uprooted. Even if the elite of the dragon people parachuted in, you can see the end. Now in city a, the red dragon club is strong, and Li Fan's extraordinary escort agency has too many Jianghu experts. It is basically impossible for us to recapture city A."

"Dong Ye, you are raising others' aspirations and destroying your prestige!"

An elder couldn't help scolding, "if it were in ancient times, you would be cut alive in front of the battle on the charge of disturbing the morale of the army!"

"Thanks to the rapid social progress."

Dong Ye folded his hands and thanked sincerely.

"Dong Ye, don't be slick here! Put away your tricks!"

Another elder scolded, "Our Dragon hall has a solid foundation in China and has a good reputation. How can a small red dragon ride on our head and shit! And it's your bad command in city a!"

Feng Xing frowned. The elder's words were a little too much.

"As the leader of the sub hall, you can't even make a small red dragon club, and you have also damaged a twelve saints!"

The elder vented his dissatisfaction, "it's ridiculous! I'm beginning to doubt your ability now!"

Dong Ye has a good temper and good cultivation. Standing there, he was not angry, but said slowly, "winning or losing is a routine matter for soldiers. Even if it is me, it is impossible to be perfect. However, even if I am given another group of people, I am not confident to win the a city. If you elders have candidates, just choose them to replace me."

"Dong Ye, don't be too arrogant! You are not the only one who can use in the Dragon hall!"

"I've never said that before. I'll let you choose one."

Dong Ye said with a smile, "if you need, I can leave this position."

"We... Didn't let you go either."

An elder nearby hurried out to speak softly. Dong Ye's position in the Dragon hall was too important. He was a descendant of Liu Jinchan. I don't know how many people in the Wulin admired him. The twelve saints of the Dragon hall also followed his horse. If he leaves, I'm afraid the twelve saints of the Dragon hall will also leave with him.

Without the twelve saints of the Dragon Hall... The Dragon hall will collapse in half! Without the help of the forces in the Jianghu, the underworld forces would not go far in places like China where there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

"What do you mean by leaving me here, elders?"

Dong Ye kept a smile on his face.

"This Li Fan must be executed!"

An elder couldn't help roaring out, "if we don't kill him, where are our faces! The honor of the Dragon hall can't be humiliated!"

"I'm afraid not."

Dong Ye shook his head, "I made an agreement with Li fan that he would be considerate if he came here."

"Dong Ye, is the Dragon hall where you have the final say?"

The elder glared at Dong Ye, "and you should protect an enemy. What's your heart?"

"Yes, what's your calculation?"

"Have you colluded with Li Fan?"

"I knew you had a different heart!"

These elders accused Dong Ye one after another, and Dong Ye was not in a hurry, waiting for them to finish with one word.

Just when it was normal to be noisy, the elder took out a small hammer and severely knocked on the table twice.

These elders were quiet, and the elder opened his mouth.

"Dong Ye, tell me, what are you going to do?"

"Li Fan, anyway, is a Jianghu man."

Dong Ye nodded and said what he thought in his heart, "I can make an agreement with him to decide the victory or defeat by competition. If he wins, the red dragon will be dissolved, they will unconditionally release Yang ruining, and Li Fan will be imprisoned for killing eight elders. And Liu Xinnan will be disposed of by us. All the equity of their Liu family will be handed over to our dragon hall."

This condition is indeed a little attractive.

"What if he wins?"

"Jianghu rules, unconditionally release him."

Dong Ye's words made the elders present discuss one after another.

Obviously, this condition on the other hand, they are a little unacceptable.

"Why don't you kill him directly?"

"Yes, why talk about terms with such a guy!"

"That's right, when do we need to look at others in the Dragon hall!"

Dong Ye shrugged his shoulders. "This is my only way. If you don't accept it, I can only escort Li Fan away from the Dragon hall."

"What did you say?"

"Dong Ye, are you crazy?"

"Unreasonable! Unreasonable! This man betrayed the Dragon hall! Betrayed our pledge!"


The elder knocked the small hammer again to make the whole audience quiet.

"Dong Ye, hold a referendum immediately. Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Well, I really want to say something."

Dong Ye stood in the hall and said loudly, "everyone, open your eyes and have a look at this society. The times have changed, and we are now legal businessmen! What do you want to do, continue to send people out every day to hang those unarmed people and lay down their territory with knives and guns? In this era, force belongs to the Jianghu. Only wealth belongs to us."

What he said made the elders present unable to refute.

"Li Fan is a Jianghu person, and they have the rules of the Jianghu! Do you think killing a Li Fan will solve the problem perfectly? No, this will only cause endless trouble to our dragon hall! Elders present, you are all old, do you still want to go out and fight with others? No, no, of course not, you never fight, you just sit at home and enjoy the happiness of your family while collecting money, don't you? ”

Everyone was speechless.

"If you want to make trouble, OK, you can fight with these Wulin people in person. If you want to make money, leave it to me. I'll let things end as soon as possible. If it's time to make money, continue to make money. Well, everyone, it's time for you to choose."