Chapter 139 A Variable

Name:My Wives Are Too Overpowered Author:
Chapter 139 A Variable

Beep. Beep. Beep.


The door of a secret vault opened up as the guy called Ley entered the needed passwords.

With seriousness on his face, Alex walked in this vault along with the dude. He ensured that this guy always stayed in front of him, lest he ran away and caused trouble.

Currently, Alex was in the basement of an expensive mansion. This place was gifted to the dancer guy by his rich parents and this was the first secret vault.

Alex quickly rummaged through this place along with Ley and after twenty minutes, found nothing but gold, money, and drugs.

He clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction and went to another secret vault with Ley.

He was using the sports car of these guys and was driving at quite a good speed, thereby saving time.

Meanwhile, as Alex went from one place to another, he didn't realize this, but he was secretly being watched.

A few men in a dark room were watching the things unfold on multiple surveillance monitors.

They were uniformed and also armed from head to toe.

A bald man with a burly physique walked up to a person watching the monitors and asked, "Possible threat?"

The man turned to the guy and lightly nodded. "Seems like it, sir. We haven't figured out what he's investigating yet, but it appears to be something related to that organization."

The bald man's calm eyebrows quivered. "If he's investigating them, then that's enough of a reason to eliminate him. Things are really delicate right now and we can't afford to have any irregularities. Send our men to him."

The man nodded and began typing a few things on his computer.


Outside a club, in a van, a few men with tattoos were smoking a cigar and staring at the club's entrance.

"This is the place?" A guy with face tattoos, sitting in the passenger seat, asked in his hoarse voice.

"That's right. Let's kill that shit and enjoy our night." The guy at the driver's seat stated.

The face tattoos guy nodded his head and turned to look back at the entrance of the club.

A few minutes passed and then a sports car arrived. Out of it, Alex walked out with the guy Ley.

"Now!" The tattooed men began praying immediately after saying so and soon, a bright light enveloped them, turning them invisible.

The door of the van seemed to have opened up on its own and then got closed as well.

The two men began following Alex and eventually went into the club.

As for Alex, he was oblivious to these guys as he didn't feel any sign of threat yet.n.(OvelbIn

Walking into the club, Ley guided Alex to the upper floors where the hidden vault was.

The guards didn't stop them as Ley was acquainted with these people.

Alex wasn't strong yet. He only had some powers after raiding one dungeon and that was a really low level one too.

But, it didn't matter. Just that was enough to take this piece of shit out.

Alex ran at the guy as the guy ran at him.

"AAAAAAAAA!" The guy screamed while moving at a high speed with his punch, putting out every bit of energy into this.

Alex didn't scream but his serious eyes were scary enough to have the common folks piss themselves.


Another explosion occurred as the two hit each other with their raw strength.

This time, it wasn't Alex, but the tattooed guy who was sent flying.

Alex's fingers and wrist were broken due to the powerful punch, but he didn't care and dashed at the flying guy.

As the guy hit the ground, Alex reached that place and began punching him in the face and chest repeatedly with his broken hand as well as normal hand.

The guy's nose, jaw, and ribs broke and blood oozed out, but Alex didn't stop and kept hitting him.

"YOU WANTED A FIGHT? YOU WANTED A FIGHT? YOU WANTED A FIGHT?" Alex screamed in his crazed state.


Alex hit the guy even more brutally while screaming at him. His hands broke and hurt like a bitch, but he didn't give a single shit and kept hitting this guy.

This was the first conflict he had gotten after the hallucination of the second regression turn was over. Alex was naturally really pissed off and was channeling his boundless rage into this guy.

The guy died on the spot after Alex smashed his ribcage and made his heart explode, but Alex didn't stop and began brutally beating him in a pulp.

It was at this point, spatial fluctuations occurred around Alex and alarm bells rang in his mind once again, warning that there was another army.

Alex immediately bit on the recovery pill he had stuck into his mouth and as his body healed, he turned around to attack whoever this was.

An armoured bald man in uniform was slowly making his way towards Alex, as if he had no care about Alex's strength at all.

Alex, despite being in a crazed state, stopped in his tracks as he noticed this man.

The aura this guy gave off was far too formidable than what Alex could handle right now and instead of fight, a flight mechanism was building up within Alex.

His legs wanted to turn around and start running, but the conviction in Alex's heart to never falter anymore made him stand on his ground and not move.

This vault was like a cage and even if Alex tried to run away, he had no place to flee to. He would only end up getting himself killed in a spectacular fashion if he did that.

By taking his ground, at least he could put up somewhat of a fight before going down.

The bald man, noticing Alex not run away and taking a defensive stance, said calmly, "It's no use defending. You're a variable and you'll die here."

With his killing intent exploding out once again, Alex said in a calm tone, "Then so be it."

"Very well then..."