The origin is unfathomable!

For example, there are many strong people in the yin-yang deficiency, including many who stand at the top of the Yang deficiency.

But none of these people understood the source!

Now, only the level of innate golden elixir, the sword is unparalleled, but it understands the origin.

Everyone was extremely shocked and looked at the figure slowly plunging towards them below.

They all saw the sword walking in the air, but they were not surprised.

After all, the unparalleled sword can be understood at the golden elixir level. What is it to walk in the air?

Just for a moment, the sword peerless appeared in front of this group of peak strong men.

The sword had no double-sided color and was indifferent. It was suspended in the void. Looking at this group of strong men from the twelve dynasties and those ancient sects.

"Gentlemen of the twelve dynasties, I need an explanation!" The sword was unparalleled, extremely cold, and there was anger burning in his eyes.

Notice, this is heaven Valley!

What he is doing is the extreme eastern hunting held by the twelve dynasties.

The whole extreme East hunting was carried out under the eyes of the strong men of the twelve dynasties.

At this time, there was an assassin of blood feather building who directly broke into the extreme East hunting battlefield to assassinate him, but the strong men of the twelve dynasties did not see any movement.

How can the sword be unparalleled without anger?

Is this how the twelve dynasties held extreme eastern hunting?

Can't even protect the genius who participated in the extreme East hunting and let others assassinate?

Hearing the words of jianwushuang, the monarchs of the twelve dynasties all looked a little ugly, and even dared not look directly at jianwushuang at this moment, because they knew that it was their fault.

And they really need to explain to jianwushuang.

"The sword is unparalleled."

A domineering voice sounded, and it was the monarch of the miexian Dynasty, that is, the frivolous man. However, the frivolous man no longer had the arrogance he had before, but looked at the sword unparalleled with apology.

"Today's matter is that my twelve dynasties are sorry for you, but we have nothing to do."

"We can't give you what you want!"

"I can only say that the force that wants to kill you this time is far beyond the bearing range of my twelve dynasties. In front of that force, my twelve dynasties are like ants. As long as that force is willing, it can easily crush our twelve dynasties."

"We can't stop that force from killing you!"

With these words, the frivolous man breathed softly, but immediately closed his eyes directly.

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang's eyes couldn't help shrinking.

He also heard what the emperor of the immortal Dynasty said.

This time, it was not just Xueyu Lou who wanted to kill him, but another extremely terrifying force.

That force was so terrifying that the twelve dynasties were afraid or even extremely frightened, so even if blood plume apparently broke into Jidong hunting to assassinate him, the twelve dynasties did not dare to stop it.

"There is indeed a more terrible force behind the blood feather building." Sword unparalleled secret way.

He had guessed that blood plume building was not easy.

It seems so now.

Just what makes the sword unparalleled doesn't expect is that the force behind the blood feather building should be so strong?

I'm afraid even Dahuang sword sect, one of the eight top sects in Nanyang, can't make the twelve dynasties scared like this.

After thinking about these, Jian Wushuang's response to the twelve dynasties can also be understood. At the same time, he also looked at Na Dixi.

Emperor Xi still sat on the seat and looked at the sword, but his eyes were full of guilt.

Jian Wushuang nodded slightly to Emperor Xi.

He understood that Dixi was also involuntarily.

"It seems that there are not many people in the world who miss my unparalleled life." Jian Wushuang laughed coldly.

"Hum, did you know?" The cold voice came from the nearby void. It was the gray coat.

Jian Wushuang just looked at gray clothes, and his eyes slightly coagulated, "if I'm not wrong, are you the gray clothes adult in blood feather building?"

"Adults don't deserve it. The sword is unparalleled. I didn't expect that it was only a short time before your strength had been raised to this level. This time, my blood feather building was elite, but it was unbearable in your hand." The sound of gray clothes is cold.

"If I had known you would reach this level today, I shouldn't have underestimated you at the beginning. I should have come forward in person and killed you at all costs."

"Hum, it's too late to regret now." The sword is unparalleled.

"It's not too late. It's the same now." Gray clothes said, and there was a bloody blade in his hand. At the same time, a breath of Yang deficiency suddenly burst out from him.

The breath swept into the sky.

Yang deficiency is much stronger than Yin deficiency.

Aware of this breath, Jian Wushuang's eyes were cold, and immediately there was a sense of war rising in his eyes.

"Very good. I want to see how strong the strong in Yang deficiency can be?"

The voice fell, and the sword took a sudden step. The four sword meanings merged, and at the same time, he understood the origin of kendo. At this moment, he also had a surge of sword meanings, straight into the sky.

The terrible sword idea seemed to form a sword idea storm between heaven and earth, which lasted for a long time!


At the same time of the changes on the Jidong hunting battlefield, a dozen purple robed figures are rushing towards the heaven valley with all their strength on the void of the Jidong plain.

In the center of these purple robed figures, there is a huge purple cloud carving, on which sits Wang Yuan.

"Bastard, I should have thought that with the strength behind the blood plume, I would never let the third child go!"

"Sure enough, blood feather building started, and still chose to directly fight in Jidong hunting."

"However, fortunately, it was only the killer of the blood feather building who shot. The strong man of that force did not really participate in it, so there was still a chance!"

"I hope the third can hold on."

Wang Yuan looked worried.

He had stayed in the Dragon Palace well, but suddenly received the news that a large number of strong men from the blood feather building were sent out and headed for the Jidong plain. Wang Yuan immediately guessed that the blood feather building was going for the sword.

Therefore, he immediately rushed over with his strong men.

"I don't know why the holy palace is crazy and will deal with the third?"

"Anyway, the third is only a congenital golden elixir now, and all generations were born in the Jianhou mansion of the Tianzong Dynasty. How could it provoke the holy palace?"

Wang Yuan couldn't figure it out.

He was very clear that the terrorist force behind the blood plume building, the holy palace, was what a detached force.

Even he and his party are extremely afraid of the holy palace.

Such a terrible overlord level exists, will you even deal with a unique inborn golden elixir of Jian?

This is completely illogical.

But whether Wang Yuan wanted it or not, the holy palace did it like this.


PS: Hey hey, the holy palace has appeared. Brothers, please ask for a recommended ticket