"Five years?"

Jian Nantian looked at Jian Wushuang and noticed the latter's resolute eyes. He couldn't help nodding slightly, "then I'll wait and see."

While Wang Yuan nearby heard the dialogue between Jian Wushuang and Jian Nantian, but he couldn't help admiring.

In the whole Nanyang continent, I'm afraid that the only people who dare to say with such confidence that they will level the holy palace in five years are jianwushuang father and son.

Jiannantian flipped his hand and took out a secret script from the heaven and earth ring. "Here you are."

"Is this?" The sword unparalleled took the script, and his eyes showed doubts.

"This is some experience about the source perception left by a top strong man. I got it unintentionally when I wandered out a long time ago. It is of little use to me now, but it should be of great help to you." Jiannan Tiandao.

Jian Wushuang nodded slightly and accepted this script.

Jian Nantian took out another pot of wine, "come on, son, let's have a good drink."

"OK." Jian Wushuang nodded and immediately took over the wine pot.

After the two drank a pot, Jian Nantian smiled, "Shuang Er, everything in the future depends on yourself. In five years, I hope you can really level the holy palace. I'm waiting for you."

With that, his figure changed and he floated out.

Jiannantian is wild and unrestrained by nature.

What he wants to live is destined to be a stormy day wandering all over the world.

And Jian Wushuang still stood in the room, watching Jian Nantian's body disappear, but his eyes flickered with thick light.

"In five years, I will keep up with you." Jian Wushuang clenched his hands and thought secretly.

Half a ring, Jian Wushuang sat down with Wang Yuan at the same time.

"Third, what are your plans next?" Wang Yuan asked.

The sword has no double-sided color and is slightly heavy. "Originally, my best condition now is to find a powerful sect and try to improve my strength. However, it has completely opposed the relationship with the holy palace. I'm afraid there will not be several sects in the whole Nanyang continent willing to accept me."

Jian Wushuang is telling the truth.

The holy palace is a well deserved overlord in Nanyang mainland. Few sects in Nanyang mainland dare to protect the people the holy palace pursues with all its strength.

"Dan men is able to protect you, but after all, it's not my the final say, but my father. I mentioned your matter to him last time, but he just smiled and didn't say anything." Wang Yuan said with some dissatisfaction.

The sword is unparalleled and dumb.

"Third, I'm afraid you're going into those sects now, but I know a place where you may not be inferior to your training in those ancient sects." Wang Yuan suddenly said.

"Where?" Sword peerless immediately looked over.

"Nanyang first dynasty, Eastern Tang Dynasty!" Wang Yuan said solemnly.

"The first dynasty?" Sword peerless showed doubt.

"The Tang Dynasty is recognized as the first dynasty in the whole Nanyang continent. It has a vast territory, more than ten times that of many large dynasties in Nanyang continent, and the Tang Dynasty is as strong as clouds. In terms of overall strength, it is much more powerful than those ancient sects!"

"Although Nanyang continental forces branch is a palace, a gate, three valleys, four halls, eight major, thousands of dynasties, in fact, the overall strength of the Tang Dynasty is absolutely superior to the three valleys. Even our danmen and the holy palace are quite afraid of the Tang Dynasty." Wang Yuan said.

"So strong?" Sword peerless dark shock.

Even danmen and the holy palace are quite afraid of the dynasty.

Eastern Tang Dynasty?

"In addition, the Tang Dynasty has two other names, the killing dynasty! The kingdom of death!"

Wang Yuan's voice was low. "In other dynasties in Nanyang mainland, although the law of the jungle is also emphasized, no matter what, at least there are some bottom lines, and there are also some rules and systems formulated by the dynasty. But in the Tang Dynasty, there are no rules, no bottom lines, and some are strength!"

"As long as you are strong, no one cares about you, even if you are killing wantonly in the imperial palace of the Tang Dynasty."

"Strong strength, even if it is crazy to kill one city after another and thousands of warriors, as long as you are happy."

"There are no rules, no constraints, and purely rely on strength!"

"Therefore, it's not too much to say that the Tang Dynasty is a Shura field!"

"But the more crazy and chaotic the place is, the more attractive it is to some warlike warriors. Every day in Nanyang mainland, a large number of warlike warriors eager to kill go to the Tang Dynasty. Similarly, too many warriors die every day in the Tang Dynasty, so it has the name of the country of death!"

"There is the heaven of the slayer and the hell of the merciful!"

Sword peerless heard, but his eyes twinkled with a trace of light.

Killing dynasty?

The kingdom of death?

The heaven of the slayer, the hell of the merciful?

Nanyang continent, there is such a dynasty, but also the undisputed first dynasty?

"In the Tang Dynasty, there are too crazy and terrible, and there are countless strong people. Naturally, there is also the most suitable place for experience. Like the second child, he was brought to the Tang Dynasty by Jiuzun." Wang Yuan said.

"The second son also went?" Sword peerless look moved, but the bottom of my heart has been excited and crazy.

Notice that what he is good at is Kendo, which is the way of killing and cutting!

He also understood the origin of killing!

In his bones, he is extremely belligerent!

Places like the Tang Dynasty may be difficult for ordinary warriors to accept, but for him, he is very eager to go to the Tang Dynasty. Even if there is no other reason, he is also eager to go to the Tang Dynasty, not to mention that now he is completely targeted by the holy palace. The places suitable for his experience and growth are limited.

The Tang Dynasty is undoubtedly his best place to go.

"I've decided to go to Dongtu Datang!" Jian Wushuang said solemnly.

And Wang Yuan couldn't help shrugging when he heard the speech. He knew that jianwushuang would go, so he would say it.

"Third, if you want to go to Dongtu Datang, you will pass by Beiyu on the way. When you get there, my danmen just needs your help, and I'm sure you won't speculate about this." Wang Yuan said with a smile.

"Oh? Tell me?" Jian Wushuang looked at Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan immediately narrated.

"As you know, the situation between our danmen and the holy palace has always been very delicate. Although there has never been a real war, it is necessary to fight openly and secretly, and the Dahuang sword sect, one of the top sects..."

"Over the years, the disciples of the great wilderness sword sect have been frustrated and are declining. They are about to be removed from the eight top sects, but this time, the great wilderness sword sect has been close to the holy palace, and it seems that it is because of your relationship."

"Our danmen don't want to see the great wilderness sword sect become a subsidiary of the holy palace, so we can only use some means to remove it. We will do it in a month, and then we need your help."

"Don't you want to deal with the holy palace? For you, to destroy the great wilderness sword sect, you should only charge some interest."


PS: the second volume is the end of Jidong hunting.

The third volume, stirring the world, will unfold tomorrow.

Brother, the next volume of the plot will be more cool and brutal.

Passion has begun, so please don't stop here!