After jianwushuang leaves.

"Lord, what's going on?" Ling Han asked in surprise.

The Lord of the great Luo emperor handed the letter to Ling Han, "see for yourself."

Ling Han took the letter, opened it and looked at it, while ye se, Junyi and the disciples of the great Luo Tianzong behind him also gathered together.

"Reward order?"

Seeing the content of this letter, Ling Han couldn't help looking at it, and then continued to read it.

This letter was originally a reward order from the holy palace. There were two people who were rewarded on the reward order.

The first person, jiannantian.

"Jian Nantian, from the Tianzong Dynasty, is a semi holy man. He once killed a strong man in the holy land who shaped the holy body in my holy palace with a sword."

"The sword is unparalleled. The son of Jiannan sky, who has a small accomplishment in Yang deficiency, understands the two origins of the world and killing at the same time. He once fought against the two powerful holy places with his own strength at the same time, and has not been defeated in a short time. He is the top super genius in Nanyang mainland."

"Both of these two people have endless hatred with our holy palace. Nanyang's various forces are sects, and all the strong ones act alone... If anyone can kill one of them, our holy palace promises to have one of the three grade high-level magic soldiers, and eight two grade high-level source scripts in the palace, let him choose one!"

Seeing the content of the reward order, Ling Han and others were surprised.

"It's terrible that the two people are still father and son. One half of the holy practice is to kill a strong person in the holy realm who has shaped the holy body with a sword, and the other is only a small accomplishment of Yang deficiency, but can compete with the two holy realms at the same time with one's own strength. It's incredible!" Ling Han exclaimed.

It's incredible.

Like Ye se, Junyi, and the geniuses of the great Luo Tianzong, they are also quite gifted, and they can definitely be called geniuses, but compared with the two people on the reward order, they are too far away.

And such two people are still father and son.

"There are portraits of the two of them under the reward order. Take a closer look." The Lord of the great Luo Tianzong said again.

Ling Han and others immediately looked at the bottom of the reward order. Sure enough, there were two portraits there. The first portrait was a white haired man with a somewhat vague expression. They all felt very strange.

But the second portrait is a portrait of a young man. Seeing this portrait, Ling Han and others were immediately stunned.

"This, this is..." Ling Han stared.

"Swordsman, it's him." Jun Yi and ye se both inhaled the cold air.

Although this portrait is a little crude, they have been in contact with Jian Wushuang for several days, so they recognized at a glance that this portrait was the swordsman who helped them kill Chen Feng and had just left.

Now they finally understand why the Lord of the great Luo Tianzong had no surprise in killing Chen Feng.

It turned out that he saw the content of this letter and knew that the swordsman was unparalleled, so he wouldn't be surprised.

Just ask, is it not easy for a super genius who can compete with the two strong saints at the same time with his own strength to kill a peak of Yang deficiency that has not even been understood?


Ling Han couldn't help admiring.

However, the sword he praised was unparalleled, and had already left the great Luo Tianzong.

In the void above the snow, the sword peerless accelerated and swept forward, thinking about the reward.

"The holy palace is really worthy of my father and son." Jian Wushuang chuckled.

He just saw the content of the reward order, even though he couldn't help but be surprised.

Third grade high-level magic soldiers!

Second grade high-level source script!

Either of these two is extremely precious and rare.

Take the magic weapon for example, there are not many magic weapons in the whole Nanyang continent. Under normal circumstances, a three-level low-level magic weapon is enough to make the general strong in the Holy Land jealous, and a three-level high-level magic weapon is enough to make those strong in the Holy Land crazy.

As for the second grade high-level source secret script... You know, even if it is the top sect in Nanyang, such as the great Luo Tianzong and the great wilderness sword sect, the strongest in the sect is only the second grade source secret script, and at most it is the second grade low-level and second grade medium level.

As for the second grade high-level source secret script, only giant sects such as the holy palace and danmen can have it.

The holy palace has a great family and a great cause, and there are only eight such secrets in the whole sect. You can imagine how rare these secrets are. A second-class high-level source secret can definitely cause many strong people in the holy land to compete frantically.

Combined with the two conditions, this reward order can completely stir the whole Nanyang continent.

"My Sansha sword is also a divine weapon, and now it has been restored to the level of a second-class divine weapon. I have two kinds of original scripts and three-class original scripts, which I got from my ancestral land. I'm afraid many of the strong in the Holy Land in Nanyang mainland don't have the chance like me, so... Once this reward order is issued, I'm afraid there will be no fewer strong in the holy land who will target me and my father." Sword unparalleled secret way.

He guessed right. When the holy palace spread the reward order, the whole Nanyang continent was a sensation.

The sects of all forces, including countless independent strong men, were shocked by this astronomical reward.

The third level high-level magic weapon has one handle, and the second level high-level source secret script can be selected. This is definitely a real sky high reward.

Many old guys have remembered the names and appearances of Jian Wushuang and Jian Nantian. Once they find the traces of them, a large number of strong men of the old undead level will come and directly kill them, and take their bodies to the holy palace in exchange for a reward.

To put it bluntly, as soon as the reward order was issued, his father and son had almost become enemies of many powerful people in the holy land of Nanyang mainland. I'm afraid they will be unable to walk on Nanyang mainland in the future.

"Although Nanyang continent is large, once this reward order is issued, there are not many areas where I can really move, and the Tang Dynasty is almost the only place for me today." Jian Wushuang thought secretly.

The Tang Dynasty, the craziest and most chaotic place in the whole Nanyang continent, where many powerful people are wanted and offered rewards by the sects of various forces. Moreover, the territory is vast and there are many powerful people. When he goes there, even if he occasionally shows good combat power, he is afraid that it is difficult to attract people's attention.

"After passing the northern region, the Tang Dynasty will arrive in ten days with my full speed."

Jian Wu's eyes burst with pure light, and then he began to leave for the Tang Dynasty with all his strength.

At the same time, in a large Dynasty, on the top of the towering peak, a white haired man looked gloomy, his white hair floating in the self-care drinking wine, and at his feet, there were these bodies. Among these bodies, one of them, even if he died, his breath was as thick as before, and he was a towering peak strong man.

Jiannan's eyes were misty, and there was a reward order in his hand. After reading the contents of the reward order, the corners of his mouth smiled, and he exerted himself in his hand, and the reward order instantly turned into ashes.

"If you want to kill me, come..."