The first battle of Bingming Valley, especially the record of jianwushuang killing the strong in the seven holy places alone, was like a storm, which soon swept away.

The whole Nanyang continent was shocked by it.

Sword unparalleled, an incredible monster level existence, has also been firmly remembered by the strong in Nanyang mainland.


In a city near Bingming Valley, there is a contact point of danmen. Jian Wushuang and others stayed at this contact point.

In the hall, Jian Wushuang and Yang zaixuan sat beside the table and waited quietly.

Before long, Wang Yuan came in with Jiuzun.

"How's the fourth?" Jian Wushuang immediately asked.

"Not bad." Jiuzun smiled, "that little girl's physique is very special. Even if I can't see the clue, although my mind is injured now, it can recover slowly. It's no big deal."

"That's good." Jian Wushuang nodded, relieved at the bottom of his heart.

"Third, in fact, what you should worry about now is not fourth, but yourself." Wang Yuan looked at Jian Wushuang and said in awe, "your current situation is much worse than the fourth one. You have to find a way quickly."

"Indeed, the holy palace is not easy to mess with." Jiuzun also spoke directly.

"Although Nanyang overlord holy palace has always been tied with danmen, it is actually a little better than danmen in terms of both inside information and overall strength. This time, swordsman little friend, although you killed the seven strong holy places in the holy palace in one breath and made the holy palace suffer a heavy loss, it is still not enough to make the holy palace hurt!"

"And now the holy palace has known your specific strength, so they won't give you another chance. They are sure to kill you with one shot. If I expected it right, the holy palace should let one of the four heavenly lords come forward!"

"Four Heavenly masters?" Sword peerless look moved.

Previously, in Bingming Valley, he also heard the second heaven God from the mouth of Mo Yun, and the second heaven God is one of the four heaven gods.

"How can we say these four heavenly masters... They are very strong and terrible!" Jiuzun said solemnly.

This made Jian Wushuang's eyes slightly shrink.

It should be noted that Jiuzun is a super strong person who has reached the "extreme" level. In terms of strength, it is definitely the top of Nanyang continent. Super forces such as Bingming Valley, their strongest elder, who is very popular, are only equal to Jiuzun.

When the strength reaches the level of Jiuzun, it is reasonable to walk sideways in Nanyang continent, but now the four gods even call Jiuzun terrible, which shows the strength of the four gods.

"The four gods of the holy palace are really strong." Wang Yuan also solemnly said.

He is the young master of danmen, and danmen has been fighting openly and secretly with the holy palace. Naturally, he knows more about the holy palace.

"I once heard my father say that each of the four heavenly lords in the holy palace is a super strong man who has stepped into the 'extreme', and each of them has lived for hundreds of years, and their cultivation is unfathomable. Sending any one is enough to easily destroy a top sect."

"And these four gods are ranked according to their strength from the first to the fourth!"

"The fourth Tianzun is weak, the third Tianzun is much stronger, and the second Tianzun is stronger. As for that Tianzun, it is a real old monster. It is said that this Tianzun is also considered by many people to be the strongest in Nanyang!"

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang was also secretly surprised.

The four heavenly masters are all the top powers who have stepped into the "pole" level.

It should be noted that even if it is one of the three valleys and the strongest Bingming Valley among the three valleys, there is only one super strong person who has reached the level of "pole".

"I have been in contact with their second and fourth deities in the holy palace, and I have also fought with that fourth deity. That war... Was my defeat." Jiuzun said.

"What?" Jian Wushuang, Wang Yuan and Yang zaixuan were all surprised.

Among the four gods, Jiuzun is only the weakest one, but it can't be defeated?

"Don't doubt that any of the four heavenly masters has lived as long as I have. In addition, there are many secret scripts and treasures in the holy palace, but they are better than me. That's normal, especially the strongest one among them, who is indeed an immortal. But it's too much to say that he is the strongest one in Nanyang mainland." Jiuzun laughed.

"Is there anyone better than that one day?" Wang Yuan looked at Jiuzun.

"Of course." Jiuzun smiled faintly, "Nanyang continent is not as simple as you think."

"On the surface, danmen and the holy palace are indeed two undisputed overlords. The most ultimate and top powers in Nanyang mainland are gathered in these two forces, but in fact, these ultimate beings themselves are very clear that in Nanyang mainland, the strength of a person is far superior to them." Jiuzun said.

"Who?" Jian Wushuang, Wang Yuan and Yang zaixuan all looked at Jiuzun immediately.

They all want to know who is the real top player in Nanyang.

"This man is the mysterious monarch of the Tang Dynasty!" Wine respect way.

"Is it him?" The sword was stunned.

"The emperor of the Tang Dynasty is stronger than yitianzun?" Wang Yuan was also surprised.

"Don't disbelieve." Jiuzun smiled, "you are all too young to know a lot of things. Even as Wang Yuan, the young master of the danmen sect, you are not your father after all, and you know only a limited amount of things, but I still know some."

"Many old monsters also know that the most terrible thing in Nanyang mainland is not the holy palace or the danmen, but the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. The reason why no sect forces in the Tang Dynasty dare to touch is because there is the existence of the emperor. He is much more terrible alone than the whole holy Palace."

"In our group of old monsters, there is a saying that the king of the Tang Dynasty is enough to single out the whole Nanyang continent!"

Hearing this, jianwushuang several people were stunned.

Is it enough to fight the whole Nanyang continent alone?

Although this sentence may be somewhat exaggerated, it is still enough to reflect the horror of the king of the Tang Dynasty.

"It seems that I underestimated Nanyang." Jian Wushuang smiled quietly and sighed at the bottom of his heart.

He always thought that the king of the Tang Dynasty was very mysterious, but he didn't expect his strength to be so terrible.

"Well, not to mention the Tang Dynasty, now you have to find a way to deal with the four gods. I don't know which one the holy palace will send to kill you this time." Jiu Zun looked at Jian Wushuang and said, "your strength is not much worse than that of me. It's ok if the holy palace sends four heavenly zuns. You still have room to deal with it."

"But if you send the three gods, you're afraid it's bad!"
