"I heard that during this period of time, a strong man named swordsman has emerged in the domain. The means of domain can be called a masterpiece in the domain. Today, I finally saw it." The king of bones is quite kind.

"The king of bones is over praised." Jian Wushuang was not proud at all, and directly asked, "I don't know why you called me here?"

"Don't worry, there will be several other strong people coming later. I'll tell you about it when I'm ready." Bone king.

"OK." Jian Wushuang nodded, but he was not in a hurry at this moment.

The three immediately sat down in front of a round table.

"Swordsman, your domain means are very famous in the inner domain. I wonder if you can let me see it?" The king of bones seemed to say casually.

"I also want to see it." Indifferent blood Yang also opened his mouth.

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded. He knew that bone king's move should be to verify his strength.

With the identity and strength of bone king, since I found him, it is estimated that I valued his domain means.

"Be careful, both of you." Jian Wushuang said, and immediately an invisible field of sword intention spread out.

"Oh?" The bone king frowned slightly, "is that the only way?"

"Of course not." Jian Wushuang smiled, followed by a river of blood, which directly spread out, and instantly rolled over, with great momentum.

Huangquan road and the ten fold realm are superimposed together and directly oppressed.

And in the blood River, I felt the great pressure from all directions, and the king of bones' eyes suddenly lit up, "what a powerful field, with the assistance of such means, we can definitely have a better grasp of this trip!"

"Such means in this field are indeed strong." Xue Yang also nodded solemnly, and then looked at Jian Wushuang, "not long ago, I met Wu Ming of the hostile camp in the inner field. That Wu Ming was not as powerful as me, but he didn't know when he got a treasure, which can also release a heavy field."

"Treasure?" Jian Wushuang's heart moved.

It should be noted that he relies on sword tricks and secret arts in his field, and he has never been in touch with the treasures in his field

"That's a ring. There should be a special array and a drive in the ring. It can indeed display a heavy field. Only with the existence of that heavy field can he compete with me. However, the field displayed by the treasure alone is far worse than that of the swordsman." Blood Yang way.

Jian Wushuang was instantly dumbfounded, but his heart still kept an eye.

It can cast a ring of a heavy field, and the field of that ring can have a great impact on blood Yang, and the power is naturally not bad.

The sword is unparalleled, and its own field is terrible enough. If there is a chance to get the ring again, and the field of the ring is superimposed again, his field power may be upgraded again.

Jian Wushuang waited here for a short time, and the strong arrived one after another.

Finally, all the invited people gathered next to the round table. Considering the unparalleled sword and blood Yang, the king of bones invited a total of five strong people this time.

Among the five strong men, Jian Wushuang has just risen, and his fame is not too great, while the other four men are all strong men who have been famous for a long time and have great fame in the inner domain, and each of them has reached the top of the third level.

"Blood Yang!"

"Candle fire!"

"Are you a swordsman?"

The five strong men who were invited were greeting and talking to each other.

They all belong to the same camp, and they are all top players. It's good to have more friends.

"Everyone." The king of bones, who is at the top of the table, spoke.

As soon as he opened his mouth, all around him suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes focused on the king of bones.

Although they were all invited by the king of bones, the purpose of the king of bones' invitation to them is not known yet.

"I invite you to come this time because of a mission." Bone king's voice was magnificent, "this task was assigned by the high-level Prince of floating blood. The task is extraordinary and quite difficult, but there are many benefits that can be obtained from the completion of the task. Apart from other things, in terms of military achievements alone, as long as you complete the task, each of you can get at least 10000 military achievements."

"10000 meritorious deeds?"

The eyes of several people around were bright.

Ten thousand meritorious deeds, this is not a small number.

After all, killing a third-order strong man can only get a thousand meritorious deeds.

Who is not the third-order strong man who dares to wander in the inner domain with great confidence? Even those who are weak have many means to protect their lives, such as the amazing wind demon?

Therefore, even if all the people present are the top of the third level, it is difficult for them to really kill a third-level strong person when they wander in the inner domain.

It's difficult to kill one, and 10000 war achievements are equivalent to killing ten third-order strong men.

The benefits of completing the task are really exciting.

Of course, they all know that the task is definitely not simple if the rewards for war achievements are so rich.

"Bone king, just say what the mission is this time." A careless rough man said, this rough man is called beast.

Wandering in the red flame battlefield, many strong people use pseudonyms.

"Then let me be frank. This mission is to occupy a cave under the command of the enemy camp!" Bone king murmured.

"Occupy the cave?" Several people around were stunned.

In the red flame battlefield, there are 330 caves, many of which are still hidden in the red flame battlefield and have not been found, but more of them have fallen into the control of the two camps.

Like the blood floating prince, he controlled 99 caves under his command.

There must be a lot of caves under the command of the cangyue prince.

These caves have always been in the red flame battlefield, and on weekdays, the two camps will send strong people to guard there. The strong people in charge of guarding there are determined according to the value of the caves, but most of them are not too strong.

After all, those caves controlled by the two princes have been equipped with arrays. With arrays, even the strong ones at the level of Lord Xiao Yunjing can't attack and occupy them in person. Naturally, there is no need to be extravagant enough to send some top strong people to guard there.

"Capture the cave? Bone king, you're not kidding?" The careless wild man beast opened his mouth, and his voice was like a bear. "Those caves occupied by the Lord cangyue have some powerful arrays, which are indestructible. Even the strong at the Lord level can't do it by themselves. What can we take to occupy the caves alone?"

The people around also nodded secretly