A sword, straight out.

A sad and beautiful sword.

The beauty is intoxicating.

The third move of killing heart sword formula, intoxicated!

The sword lit up, and even Feng Xiao Shen Jun and the woman in red couldn't help being intoxicated by it.

"That sword..." Feng Xiao's eyes were a little stunned.

This sad and beautiful sword is not only intoxicated by its beauty, but also powerful and mysterious.

At the moment of seeing this sword, Feng Xiao Shenjun was like an electric shock.

He is also good at kendo. He asked himself that he has great attainments in kendo. Few people in the demon continent can match him.

But now, the sword displayed by Jian Wushuang made him feel a little touched.

Yes, it's touch.

Feng Xiao Shen Jun couldn't help but close his eyes, and he quickly deduced it in his mind. He had a sword move in his heart, which had been bothering him for years, but he couldn't understand it. But now when he saw the sword matchless, Feng Xiao Shen Jun turned over and touched it, and Mao saidun opened it.

This sword move, which had plagued him for years, was immediately mastered by him.

"It turned out to be so!"

"It turns out that I have always taken detours."

Feng Xiao God Jun murmured, opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with a thick color of surprise.

"Good boy, how dare you have such a strong sword formula." Feng Xiao Shen Jun looked at Jian Wushuang again.

He did not know that the unparalleled heart killing sword formula was created by the sword ancestor, but it was the most proud sword formula of the sword ancestor, which was naturally exquisite. Although he was highly accomplished in swordsmanship, it was still far from the sword ancestor. It was normal that the strongest sword formula of the sword ancestor could touch him.

"I have to thank him." Feng Xiao Shen Jun looked at Jian Wushuang solemnly.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled. By virtue of the third move of domain oppression and killing heart sword formula, he has impressively defeated the demon ape monster war puppet.

Pass the fourth level!

"Unexpectedly, I passed the fourth level!"

The woman in red widened her eyes and her face was full of surprise.

What she realized was not Kendo, and she didn't know how mysterious the sword that jianwushuang just had, but jianwushuang passed the fourth level, which shocked her.

It should be noted that those who can pass the fourth level, even among the second-class gods, are definitely the top.

The top second-class God general is second only to the God King.

In the arena, the monster and puppet of the fifth level soon appeared.

As soon as Jian Wushuang fought with this demon beast and puppet, he found that this demon beast and puppet was at least two levels stronger than the demon ape demon beast and puppet he had just defeated. Both speed and power almost crushed him.

"The monster and puppet in the fifth level are much stronger than those in the fourth level. Only by using the sword soul and using all means can I fight it, but I may not be able to win." Jian Wushuang thought secretly.

"After passing the first four levels, the God General's assessment should have passed, and there is no need to continue."

Jianwushuang's attention was fixed, and immediately his body shape retreated directly to the edge of the arena, looked up at the stands outside the prohibition, and then jianwushuang returned the same way and left the arena.

He didn't want to expose all his cards here and continue to rush, but he didn't know that the strength he showed now alone was already shocking.

"Red butterfly."

On the stand, Feng Xiao God glanced at the woman in red behind him.

"God King." The woman in red immediately gave a respectful voice.

"After you go down, give it to him." Feng Xiao Shenjun handed a jade slip to the woman in red.

After receiving it, the woman in red was stunned at first, but soon she recognized what the jade slip was and was immediately surprised.

"God, this, this is..." the woman in red's voice trembled. She knew how amazing the value of this jade slip was.

If this is taken out, it will be enough to make countless gods crazy. At the same time, this jade slip should also be very important to Feng Xiao Shen Jun himself.

Such an important thing, Feng Xiao Shenjun even gave it to Jian unparalleled?

"Don't worry so much, just follow my instructions." Feng Xiao Shen Jun's way.

"Yes." The woman in red took a deep breath, nodded heavily, and then left.

On the grandstand, Feng Xiao Shenjun sat at you, but a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"I understood that sword move, and my overall strength was higher than before. The harvest was extraordinary. By comparison, what was that jade slip?" Feng Xiao God Jun murmured, "but the jade slip is of unparalleled use to the sword. Giving him the jade slip is also my gratitude."

"Hehe, Yucheng and his party seemed to have come to the right place."

Feng Xiao Shenjun stood up and stretched. With his body shape, he disappeared in the stands.


In the open space, those strong people who participated in the examination gathered here and waited quietly.

When jianwushuang returned to the open space, these strong men immediately looked at jianwushuang.

"This man, unexpectedly used so long?"

These strong men have strange eyes.

They all went to fight with those monsters and puppets in the martial arts arena before, and the time they spent there was long and short, but Jian Wushuang must have spent the longest time in the martial arts arena. Even that Jinling, he didn't spend as long in the martial arts arena as Jian Wushuang.

Just a moment later, the woman in red came to the open space.

"Next, let me announce the results to you."

The woman in red took a list and immediately began to announce it.

"The first, he Cang, passed the examination and was awarded the first-class God general!"

"The second, Luo Yi, passed the examination and was awarded to the first-class God general!"

"The third... To the first-class general!"

"The fourth... Failed the examination."

The women in red read their names one by one and announced the results.

More than 30 people attended the assessment, and almost all of them had reached the level of seven or more, most of them were able to pass the assessment, and only oneortwo people played poorly and failed.

"Jinling, passed the examination, and was awarded the second level divine general!" The woman in red said.

Everyone at the scene immediately looked at the red haired man Jinling, but they were not surprised.

Among them, Jinling is the only one who has reached the level of baxiao realm, and it is also necessary to become a second-class God general.

And Jin Ling himself is also taken for granted about this result.

"Next moment..." the woman in red continued to read.

Finally, the woman in red read the unparalleled sword at the end of the row.

"The last one, unparalleled sword, passed the examination and was awarded to the second-class God general!" The woman in red said, and her eyes looked at Jian Wushuang.

The strong people who came to take part in the examination also looked at the sword with their eyes.

Even the golden spirit cast his eyes at Jian Wushuang at this moment.

The golden spirit itself is in the baxiao realm. It's normal to become a second-class God general, but the sword is unparalleled