"Ancient gate?"

Sword peerless looks at the ancient gate.

According to this information, although the ancient gate is only a top sect, it has a high prestige in the sky, not even under the three giants.

"Is the ancient sect leader recognized as the strongest in the sky?"

"Xuanyi, the strong one in the eternal realm of ancient gate, is recognized as the first person in the eternal realm of the sky?"

"The ancient gate has been inherited for tens of thousands of years. In addition to the ancient gate master, three Taoist dignitaries have been born?"

Looking at the ancient gate's information, the sword has no double-sided color, but it has become extremely strange.

There is no way, because the introduction of ancient gate in this material is very brilliant, and the degree of brilliance is even higher than that of the three giants.

According to the truth, since Yunhai fairy palace, immortal imperial court and Wuji demon sect are the three strongest giants in the sky domain, the top giants in the sky domain should all gather in these three giants.

But the result

The recognized No. 1 power in the sky domain is ancient gate's.

The first person in the eternal realm of the sky realm is also from the ancient gate.

In addition to the ancient sect leader, the ancient sect has also given birth to three Taoist dignitaries, but what about the three giants? According to the information, there is a Taoist priest in each of the three giants, but they are only one Taoist priest. The information does not say that other Taoist giants have been born in these three giants.

Only ancient gate was born, and three people were born.

Obviously, it is only the first top sect, but the limelight has completely surpassed the three giants.

"Ancient gate!" Sword peerless murmured.

If this information is not written by people of ancient gate and deliberately beautifies ancient gate, then this fully illustrates one point, that is, ancient gate... Extraordinary.

Next, Jian Wushuang continued to look at the information of other sects.

Among the nine top sects, ancient sects are special. As for the other eight top sects, it is normal. Compared with the three giants, the gap is very obvious.

Under the nine top sects, there are many middle sects. Although those middle sects also have a certain strength, compared with the three giants and the nine top sects, the gap is too big.

After that, there are countless weak sects, too many.

After reading all this information, jianwushuang also has a bottom in his heart.

"These sects have strong and weak strengths. I want to get sufficient cultivation resources and get greater benefits. Naturally, I want to join those stronger sects. Among them, the three giants and ancient sects are the best choice, followed by the other eight top sects. As for those medium-sized sects and those weak sects... After all, these sects have limited resources. I'd better go out alone to join those sects." Sword unparalleled secret way.

The bottom line of unparalleled sword is to become an inner disciple of a top sect.

Of course, it is not his the final say to join the sect, but the will of those sects.

On the school field, a thousand geniuses were waiting quietly.

Three days later, boom ~ a vast power suddenly came.

"What's the matter?"

Many geniuses on the school field immediately looked up. In their sight, a towering loft came directly.

This attic is huge and comparable to a mountain. It is so quietly suspended in the void above the school yard. There are three gilded characters in the center of the attic... Chaotian Pavilion!


"Suspended in the attic of the void?"

"This attic is so strong."

Many geniuses on the school field looked at the Chaotian pavilion with horror and even awe.

The Chaotian Pavilion indeed exudes a very grand and powerful atmosphere.

At the same time, they also noticed that the Chaotian pavilion was divided into four floors, and there were many rooms on each floor. There were only three rooms on the top floor. These three rooms were extremely huge, and there was a vague and awe inspiring atmosphere inside. These three rooms should represent the three giants.

On the second floor, there are nine rooms, representing the nine top sect doors.

As for the third and fourth floors, there are those medium-sized sects and weak sects.

At this moment, there are three rooms at the top of Chaotian Pavilion, the most central room, which represents one of the three giants, Yunhai fairy palace.

"Sir, this is the detailed information of the 1000 geniuses who passed the first round of the celestial event. There are two copies of the information, one is the geniuses from the eternal world, there are 900 people, and the other is the 100 geniuses from the eternal world." A white robed man respectfully handed over two documents.

Sitting on a nanmu seat, there was a dark haired old man who looked like a fairy. His eyes were cloudy. He glanced at the white robed man in front of him, took one of the materials and browsed there.

The black haired old man received the information of the 900 geniuses in the eternal world, but he ignored the information of the 100 geniuses in the eternal world.

In just a moment, the dark haired old man simply browsed through the information of the 900 geniuses.

"The level of genius in this session seems to be much better than that in previous sessions." The dark haired old man murmured, "originally, I only prepared three disciples in Yunhai fairy Palace this time, but now it seems that I have to add two more, five more, five is enough."

"This is the information of the one hundred geniuses in the eternal world. Don't you take a look?" The white robed man said cautiously.

"Eternal world?"

The white robed old man raised his eyebrows, but hissed, "how can the plane world be compared with the eternal world?"

"These little guys from the plane world are greatly restricted as soon as they are born. Their talent and savvy are not as good as those born in the eternal world. In addition, they don't know how to cultivate and forge their own foundation. As they grow and break through step by step to reach the Lingxiao state, their limitations are getting bigger and bigger, and their potential is getting smaller and smaller."

"What kind of genius can be born out of the process of being born with great disadvantages and being abandoned?"

"Among these 100 people, I'm afraid there won't be even five who can pass the second round of genius war. There's no need to waste time on them."

The dark haired old man obviously didn't pay much attention to their talents from the eternal world.

"Among the 900 geniuses born in the eternal world, some of them are really good and deserve attention." The dark haired old man smiled lightly.

"Then I wonder if adults need to send invitations to those geniuses in advance?" The man in White asked repeatedly.

"It's not urgent. The threshold of our cloud sea immortal sect is not so simple. If you don't have enough amazing talent, you are not qualified to become a disciple of our cloud sea immortal palace." When the old man with black hair said this, his eyebrows were also proud.

Yunhai fairy palace is one of the three giants, and ranks first among them. Such a sect, of course, has an innate pride.